lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2018


So I thought... Persona Les Mis AU much? With a boarding school setting and a Norse myth theme, to boot? Like, all the Friends of the ABC representing deities who are fated to die at Ragnarök, and Marius and Cosette as the survivors, Liv and Lifthrasir?
And then I thought... why not?

Líf ok Lifþrasir, 
en þau leynaz muno 
í holti Hoddmímis; 
þau sér at mat hafa; 
þaðan af aldir alaz.  

(Liv and Lifthrasir
will lie concealed
in the grove of Mimer;
the morning dew
will be their food,
from them generations will spring.)

Se så! nu begynder vi. Når vi er ved enden af historien, ved vi mere, end vi nu ved...

(Allons-y! Let us begin. And, when we have reached the end of the story, we shall know more than we already know...)

An overview of leading characters, their Arcana and Personae

Enjolras - Arcana: The Star, Personae: Frey-Freya (two personae, one offensive and one defensive)
Combeferre - Arcana: The Hierophant, Persona: Odin
Courfeyrac - Arcana: The Chariot, Persona: Thor
Jehan Prouvaire - Arcana: The Empress, Persona: Idun
Jolllly - Arcana: The High Priestess, Persona: Eira
"Lesgle" Bossuet - Arcana: The Magician, Persona: Kvasir
Bahorel - Arcana: Justice, Persona: Tyr
Feuilly - Arcana: Strength, Persona: Skadi
Grantaire - Arcana: Judgement, Persona: Heimdall
Gavroche Thénardier - Arcana: The Sun, Persona: Magni
Éponine Thénardier - Arcana: The Hanged One, Persona: Loki
Montparnasse - Arcana: The Tower, Persona: Surt
"Ultime Fauchelevent" Jean Valjean - Arcana: The Hermit, Persona: Mimer
Marius Pontmercy - Arcana: The Fool, Persona: Lifthrasir
Cosette Fauchelevent - Arcana: The World, Persona: Liv


Der sad de begge to voksne og dog børn, børn i hjertet, og det var sommer, den varme, velsignede sommer.

(There sat both of them as adults and yet children, children at heart; and it was summer, warm, blessed summer.)

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