martes, 20 de junio de 2023


This was originally a Japanese reality show format. Entrepreneurs pitch their business ideas to a panel of venture capitalists in the hope of securing investment finance from them. These are the names by which the show is known in different countries, and the name of the show usually contains the sobriquet given to the venture capitalists, comparing them to fierce predators: "tigers" (tora 虎) in the original Japanese, "dragons" in the Commonwealth (excluding Australia) and Sweden, "lions" in most of Europe, "sharks" in Hungary, Portugal, the Ukraine, Australia and the United States. In some countries like Austria, France, Russia, or Trinidad and Tobago, the name of the show does not contain the sobriquet for the venture capitalists:

JP: Money no Tora マネーの虎 🐯

UK: Dragons' Den 🐲

IE: Dragons' Den 🐲

NZ: Dragons' Den 🐲

CAN (Anglophone): Dragons' Den 🐲

CAN (Québec): Dans l'Œil du Dragon 🐲

SE: Draknästet 🐲

DE: Die Höhle der Löwen 🦁

BE (Flanders): Leeuwenkuil 🦁

DK: Løvens Hule 🦁

FI: Leijonan Luola 🦁

RO: Arena Leilor 🦁 / Imperiul Leilor 🦁

HU: Cápák Között 🦈

PT: Shark Tank 🦈

US: Shark Tank 🦈

AUS: Shark Tank 🦈

UA: Акули бізнесу 🦈 (Акули: 🦈🦈🦈)

AT: 2 Minuten 2 Millionen

FR: Qui Veut Être mon Associé?

RU: Kапитал

Trinidad and Tobago: Planting Seeds

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