martes, 20 de junio de 2023



  • Long noses are associated with lies, hence why Pinocchio's nose grows when he does so. Conte Volpe's (Count Fox's, the Ringmaster's) nose is very long, signifying that he's a major liar throughout.
  • While Pleasure Island is adapted out in favor of a Fascist Ghostapo/cadet camp, when Allied war planes arrives to bomb the camp, the child soldiers and cadets including Candlewick (Lampwick) are forced to wear gas-masks, that give them a donkey-like face.
  • The Podestà's (Candlewick's father's, village Fascist leader's) Karmic Death sees him tangled in a net during the bombing of his camp, which causes him to resemble a marionette tangled in its strings - a demonstration that the iron-fisted control he tried to exert over Pinocchio and the child soldiers and cadets has come back to bite him.
  • At the beginning of the film, Geppetto's Jesus Christ sculpture/crucifix in the village church is unfinished, missing its left arm. When Pinocchio comes back to life at the end, he's missing his left arm as well.
  • The Blue Fairy that brings Pinocchio to life is replaced with a Biblically-accurate angel with six wings full of eyeballs, but it is still heavenly blue.
  • Death is portrayed as a black winged sphinx, with countless eyeballs on its wings like a Biblically-accurate angel and a forked tail like some depictions of Cerberus, voiced by the same actress as the Blue Angel (Tilda Swinton).
  • Death is assisted in the afterlife by four (number of death in Asian cultures) psychopomps, portrayed as skeletal pallbearer anthropomorphic black rabbits with exposed ribcages.
En la película de Guillermo del Toro de Pinocho, Cate Blanchett le pone la voz al mono. 🐒 Ya que el mono es macho y tan feo y sólo hace sonidos de mono, quién lo diría?
Ewan McGregor es Sebastián Grillo 🦗
Christoph Waltz es el Conte Volpe (conde Zorro 🦊, el dueño del circo)
Tilda Swinton es tanto el Ángel Azul como la Muerte, que aparece como una esfinge negra. Tilda Swinton interpreta ambos papeles.
Pinocho de Guillermo del Toro... La ambientación italiana fascista recuerda a que este cineasta suele ambientar sus mejores películas en dictaduras fascistas / totalitarismos e introducir elementos mágicos. Como la España franquista del Laberinto del Fauno o (sustituyendo fascismo por maccarthyismo) la Florida de La Forma del Agua - es realismo mágico

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