viernes, 14 de abril de 2023


 Given that the Manga Classics editions version of Othello is most likely to wind up No Export For You in Spain unless you book it from a foreign online shopping company (and I HATE online shopping for several reasons), since it was published Anglophone five or six years ago and has not been published since in Spain -NO EXPORT FOR YOU, MOST LIKELY- at least I Googled it to tried to get some news. Nearly nothing on my fave character Cassio, but oodles on the rest of the cast...

Iago tells Cassio to follow a clue that is "right" but actually is evil - look at Iago's evil genius looming over the rest of the page!!!

Page 1 - Othello won over Desdemona with yarns of far-flung adventures and tales of his childhood full of suffering.

Page 2 - Othello won over Desdemona with yarns of far-flung adventures and tales of his childhood full of suffering.

Iago uses reverse psychology on Othello about Cassio's drunken brawl

Othello, brokenhearted, discusses how to get rid of Desdemona with Iago.

Othello, brokenhearted, discusses how to get rid of Desdemona with Iago. Poisonings being one of the preferred methods.

PS. The drunken Cassio from Ryuta Osada's manga, which I saw in northern Norway, is coming up as your Shakespeare Day Surprise!!!

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