sábado, 30 de mayo de 2020

as the luck would have it in the times of coronavirus

A young person with long golden hair, fed with the costliest delicacies and bedded on the downiest of mattresses, with countless dolls to play with and outfits to wear, is kept away in the topmost room of a tower, worlds above the ground; that person hasn't been outside in nearly two decades. Unaware that, in the fortress village at his feet, decent bourgeois and oppressed dangerous miscreants alike are forced to live in different districts and attend to the most severe of curfews for staying at home, one social group in the daytime and the other in the nighttime - everyone sure that their ill-defended provincial hometown is safe from enemy fire thanks to the "Luck" charm kept at the top of the local clocktower, yet unaware that the Luck of Toll is actually a human person...
Until an awkwardly airborne winged inventor with goggles on his face crashes through the roof, stunning himself and dislocating an arm, then having to hide in the wardrobe till he recovers; yet giving the prisoner his first look through a hole full of twilit evening sky.
From that moment on, everything changes, and not only for Paragon Enjolras, but for two of three nightling siblings and brave smugglers brave enough to go between Night and Day whose mother runs a pleasure-house, a drunken nightling artist and good-for-nothing fight club regular, a dayfolk-turned-nightling literary translator and hopeless romantic, the mayor's pampered stepdaughter among the dayfolk, the nightling-born self-made guildmaster of the Locksmiths, and of course the foreign fashion designer and his dayfolk inventor partner; not to mention, dayfolk and nightlings and strangers alike, the entire community at his feet...

Much of Twilight Robbery, and by proxy As The Luck Would Have It, takes place in a town called Toll, which is perched on the edge of a precipice with a raging river (the Langfeather) at the bottom. Toll's bridge has been worn and warped by time and weather, the rock of the ridge is crumbling and the little walled town has no army worth mentioning to defend it, and yet its townspeople are smugly confident. Why? Toll contains the mysterious 'Luck', and all the locals believe that no disaster can befall them while it lies within the walls of the town. As to what sort of thing the Luck really is, it is the person born under the most fortunate signs in the community.

Toll is two towns in one. Toll-by-Day appears a bright, safe and prosperous provincial town, where the streets are mysteriously clean each morning. As dusk approaches, the good people of Toll-by-Day slam shut their doors and tremble. New openings appear in the shadows, a black carriage rumbles through the streets and a wicked underworld emerges. It is time to discover Toll-by-Night – and it's a very different place.
The Committee of the Hours has the all-important task of deciding who has the right to live in Toll-by-Day, and who must be sent to Toll-by-Night.

The Frances Hardinge's Twilight Robbery AU As The Luck Would Have It may have crystallised Enj's first name as Paragon for all of StrixAlluka's crossovers, but it does more than so. It sews the Les Misérables characters perfectly into the niches of the people of Toll, be they dayfolk or nightlings (since they are a lot of them basically counterparts, or so Alluka has seen it!!); Éponine stands in perfectly for Laylow (with little brother Gavroche as a sometimes-accomplice), Théodule Gillenormand (by proxy for his family, here wealthy war profiters from an estate on Toll's outskirts) for Lord Feldroll of Millepoyse, Marius for Brand Appleton, Cosette for a reluctant Beamabeth Marlebourne who is actually manipulated by her fiancé (much like Anthy Himemiya, and she equally defrosts - being far more Anthy than Beamabeth), Valjean for Beamabeth's adoptive father Mayor Graywing Marlebourne, Javert for Locksmiths' GuildMaster Aramai Goshawk (an unusually corrupt Javert, with La Squadra di Esecuzioni plus Tiziano and Squalo as his Locksmith underlings)... and Enjolras for Luck of Toll Paragon Collymoddle, to the point that the character lacking a first name gets that of his counterpart, canonising the full name of Paragon Enjolras in the Allukaverse.
PS. The other Amis are also there - most notably Grantaire, cause you can't spell Enjoltaire without R, and he's a bohemian, drunken nightling who is a crazy artist (think something like Goya but younger, or Dalí but less cosmopolitan) He's partially based upon Clarín from La vida es sueño.
The Rapunzel elements also come into play at large, with a long-haired blond kept away from the outside and sheltered in a tower, until the outside knocks on his window-door (or rather crashes the roof of the tower using leather and clockwork wings) and flat out tells him what he's missing... that he realizes being the Luck is not an honour but a prison sentence. So basically mashing up Les Mis and the history of Toll also brought with it an Utena-esque deconstruction of Rapunzel (with some Happy Prince elements thrown in), echoing Calderón's dramatic play La vida es sueño; as he will finally set foot outside the walls of the tower, live between two drugged trances for a while in the outside world, and return to the outside of his own free will to start a revolution... Also, Courfeyrac, Grantaire, and Éponine sing Bellman songs. LOTS of Bellman songs!!
Now for the person who literally crashed into the clocktower rooftop and spent half a year, arm in a sling and fed in secret, in the Luck of Toll's wardrobe. Having left too-provincial Toll in order to see the wide world, Combeferre returns an accomplished scholar, able to fly over the walls of his birthplace, yet unsure of how his relatives will accept the marital partner he has chosen, the famous Ludist fashion designer and Baron de Courfeyrac, who introduced him to the revels of the Feast of Dolls (basically las Fallas) and the Ludist pastry specialty that 'Ferre at first, as well as many dayfolk of Toll, call "cracking bush" (croquembouche). The far more open-minded and cosmopolitan Quadaran quadrant of Ludia, from the Four Dead Queens universe, is the scene for a great many Courferre flashbacks in this series. And so is the Altavian mountainside village of Paleth, next to Bahaka, the Altavians' cavern entrance to the underworld (see Crankrats, Chapter 19); a lushly green rural village society where gender is no object - the powerful local chieftain Sayleen is a platinum-haired pregnant young woman, divorced from her raven-haired ex-wife - lady-of-war-courtier Lady Torren at the Garrison (the ruling council of Altavia) - and remarried to a redheaded young man; and her scar-faced brother Sigvald, who shares her hair colour (he got his scars when he stood for his sister in a blood match, an old Altavian tradition where you call your opponent's blood into question and fight till they submit; he fought for Sayleen because she was pregnant with her toddler daughter Alaana at the time and could not risk it), he has a raven-haired husband called Cyran (I guess it's pronounced KAI-ran, like "Kieran") and both are guards at the village gate --- there in Paleth, surrounded by greenery, Combeferre and Courfeyrac harvest yams and cabbage in the communal sowing plot, play kaeva - a popular Altavian strategy board game - for days on end, and, most importantly, get bonded, ie married Altavian style. Sometimes Altavian people find a kindred soul in another. So they split their pains and bond their blood. They become family, comrades-in-arms, or sometimes lovers or marital partners, such as Sigvald and Cyran. It's a very sacred pairing, blessed by the Great Mother, the only goddess in the Altavian religion. The bonding ritual is performed by both bonded slashing the palm of their hand and then shaking hands or high-fiving one another. In such a way, Combeferre has become Courfeyrac's bonded and vice versa. (PS. Ludist society is so into free love that there is no marriage; as a wise strategist/statesman would say; "Perhaps an abundant lifestyle permits more egalitarian views, ...")
Until nostalgia sets in and Combeferre decides to return home with his bonded in tow to tell his parents and siblings he's still alive... Then, Fish-out-of-water shenanigans ensue for Courfeyrac in Toll, both by day and night.
Soon everyone is embroiled, on one or the other side, dayfolk or nightlings, aware or unaware of the scheme, on a plan by the Locksmiths to abduct the Luck of Toll. And it all begins like Gurren Lagann, with two lads looking up at the twilit evening sky -- Enjolras, as he puts Combeferre's arm in an improvised sling of bedsheets, before concealing him from his keepers in the wardrobe (in a pretty Third-Reichy hiding-a-persecuted-person move).
Though, though at first this starts with Courferre (not to mention friendly Enjolferre) as the only pairing in Act the First, there is Enjoltaire in this story!! (as well as Mariusette, and Mariunine, and Montponine, and Éposette, and Valvert, and Tizialo -- each pairing gets as much screentime, showing a series of parallel vignettes of the happenings in Toll, by day and by night, that entwine gradually until flowing together as one)

The town of Toll in Twilight Robbery takes the prejudice Up to Eleven, as half the population not only have to wear badges proclaiming their status as nightlings to the world and live and work as second-class citizens, but are not permitted to exist during daylight hours, and must hide themselves indoors until night. The fact that it is totally nonsensical is, of course, the point.

Rousseau Was Right: The dayfolk of Toll live their lives thinking of the Night people as the local bugbears. However, when fire threatens Toll in the climax, the residents of Toll-by-Day smash through locked doors and false walls to save the nightlings.

The Scottish Trope: Pretty much Toll's policy. Don't talk about what goes on after dark, don't go into detail about the Luck of Toll, don't question the curfews, and really don't acknowledge the weird jingling noises that come at dusk and dawn. 
  • Toll is not an important town, but it is built on the ruins of a castle. There are giant walls enclosing it, tight security for the two gates, and the enormous Langfeather river as a moat on one side. What's more, the town owns the only bridge crossing the river, so everyone wanting to travel south has to go through Toll.
  • Crapsaccharine World: Toll-by-Day is peaceful, welcoming and remarkably sanitary. Too bad it's hiding Toll-by-Night, and both are effectively ruled by the Locksmiths.
  • Psycho for HireThis is what the mayor of Toll believes the Locksmiths to be. He learns why this is bad idea when they steal the Luck.
  • according to town traditions, the Luck must live locked away in the clock tower.
  • Master of Unlocking: The emphasis on "Master" is why the Locksmiths Guild is The Dreaded. As they build all the locks and strongboxes in the Realm, they always have the means to open every single one of them; Nothing is safe from the Locksmiths.
  • The Syndicate: After they realized a Master of Unlocking makes for the best thief, the Locksmith Guild became the synonymous with the criminal underworld. The Guild Master  is, for all intents and purposes, The Don.
  • Equal-Opportunity Evil: The Locksmiths seem to be an all-men gang at first, but then we learn that the Guild Master hires ladies, too.
  • Conspicuous Gloves: One sure way to identify a Locksmith is that they wear gloves at all times to hide the key-shaped brand burned into their hand.
  •  Counterpart Culture: The Fractured Realm is meant to resemble 17th century England. There are also mentions of travelling "gypsy" girls in the Realm and the Seissian islands, which sound like a representation of Iran/Turkey/Arab lands or some blend thereof.
  • Master of Unlocking: The emphasis on "Master" is why the Locksmiths Guild is The Dreaded. As they build all the locks and strongboxes in the Realm, they always have the means to open every single one of them; Nothing is safe from the Locksmiths.
  • He has famously small and tender white hands and wears a chatelaine, like the rest of the Locksmiths - chatelaines were normally an attribute of housewives.
  • the Locksmiths, who otherwise fulfill the position of The Dreaded in the Realm.
  • Fictional Holiday: The Night of Saint Yacobray, a Grim Reaper-esque figure who is patron to killers and rides a skeletal horse called the Clatterhorse. The traditions are vaguely similar to Halloween, with children going door to door, asking for treats, with hobbyhorses made to look like Yacobray's steed. In Toll, however, the night is used by the Locksmiths as a creative way to extort money, with the Night townspeople leaving vegetables with coins hidden inside on their doorsteps, symbolically feeding the Clatterhorse. If the nightlings don't pay up, more than a few cabbages and potatoes go missing.
  • Gilded Cage: The top room of the clock tower where the Luck of Toll is kept. Paragon Collymoddle/Paragon Enjolras, the current Luck, is given expensive food and clothes, sleeps in a downy bed, and plays with dolls all day, but hasn't been outside in twelve years. It's not until someone comes crashing down his chimney and flat out tells him what he's missing that he realizes being the Luck is not an honour but a prison sentence.
  • I Don't Like the Sound of That Place: As the name implies, the town of Toll has steep prices for whoever enters its walls.
  • Powered by a Forsaken Child: The truth about the "Luck" of Toll is a relatively mundane version of this. Whoever has the best, most majestic name in all of Toll is locked away in the top of the clock tower, so their innate good fortune will spread to the whole town. It just happens that the person with the best name is Paragon, a boy of much youth.
  • Then Let Me Be Evil: This philosophy is the reason Toll-by-Night is a moral cesspit as well as a poor slum. After the Committee of Hours decides you are a ticking time bomb unworthy of existing during the day, it's hard not to become the liar, thief, cutthroat, or anarchist your fate determines you to be.
  • Fortunately, the people of Toll are especially uneducated and superstitious people, so it works.
  • People being forced by their government to wear badges that publicly announce they were "born wrong." Like with the Nazi regime.
  • Locksmiths' Guild - once they only made locks and strongboxes, but now act as a mafia providing a wider range of security services. A Locksmith will always wears gloves as the outline of a key is branded on his right palm. The head of each cell wears chatelaine at his waist which match the brands of all the men that answer to him.
As said in the title, the corona pandemic crisis is causing a major repeak of interest in As The Luck Would Have It (and not only the Utena-esque Rapunzel deconstruction modelled on Calderón, and/or the fact that there is a hypocritical, corrupt Javert in this universe!). Dayfolk and nightlings alike --ie the non-infected and the infected, respectively-- forced to shun one another, live seggregated, attend to curfews depending on the time of day literally for their lives? Toll is literally Anytown during the corona crisis. In its exploration of prejudice, confinement, the consequences of warfare... is also where this story shines and becomes relevant in this uncertain present day.

why a light to their path shines as a ficseries

Ten little lantern-sticks,
marching in a straight line;
one of them was left behind,
and then there were...

Nine little lantern-sticks,
hastening not to be late;
the gates closed in on one of them,
and then there were...

Eight little lantern-sticks,
four their records given  (Every second lighter is issued a small book called a record to note down any lamps in need of repair for the seltzermen to attend to.);

and then there were...

Seven little lantern-sticks,
still but lantern-sticks;
and then there were...

Six little lantern-sticks
left so far alive;
and then there were...

Five little lantern-sticks
bolting the cothouse door;
and then there were...

Four little lantern-sticks,
struggling to break free;
and then there were...

Three little lantern-sticks,
few, yet hardy few;
and then there were...

Two little lantern-sticks
stood right before a gun;
one took a bullet to the chest,
and then there was...

One little lantern-stick
thought he would be a hero;
he looked his death straight in the eye,
and then there were zero.

Or (bowdlerised version, the one Aunt Gillenormand 'the Old Maid' used to tell)

One little lantern-stick
took his ladylove to wife;
they cared for one another
and soon brought forth new life.

With our Musain crew plus Éponine, Montparnasse, and later on Gavroche as lantern-sticks suddenly turned fully-fledged lamplighters in the Ichormeer, StrixAlluka actually created a shorter series than The Seed of the Hanged, yet one that delivers a powerful punch in its simple three-act structure:
  • I - the training at Winstermill (fodicar drilling, lighting of lamps along the Pettiwiggin... the basics), disappearance of Jehan Prouvaire in the woods, and sudden change of Lamplighter-Marshal after Pontmercy's demise (there is a short custody war for Marius against his maternal family), with suspicions that the new commander of all lamplighters might be a war criminal - Book the First: The Rise
  • II - the perilous eventful cross-Ichormeer journey of Q(uarto) Pontmercy from Winstermill to Cripplebolt, having suddenly received a promotion all of them (Captain Enjolras, Lieutenants Combeferre and de Courfeyrac, Sergeant Thénardier the Younger, and their lampsmen of various ranks), in order for the new Lamplighter-Marshal to get them out of the way since they know he's a war criminal (on the way, they encounter Cosette and her companions and chaptins -calendar senpai- as well as Jehanne Prouvaire, who is now in the Right of the Pacific Dove as well and has undergone sex-change surgery; this chara is always meant to be trans by Alluka) Book the Second: The Journey
  • III - settling down at Cripplebolt, reveal of a dark secret (R's identity) that makes the whole quarto defect from the ranks and seals their fate, and the subsequent wartime battles against their fellow lamplighters, including a siege of Cripplebolt, betrayed by Montparnasse, in which the party dwindles echoing the nursery rhyme about the ten little lantern-sticks, their wounds, referred to in the nursery tale, being the same as in canon, (Enjolras and Marius mirroring the two polarly-opposite versions of the final stanza). The person Enjolras gets killed for having killed is Franz d'Epinay, in single combat; he and Grantaire are killed off by a shocked Albert de Morcerf. Book the Third: the Fall

Crossover is of course also present in A Light To Their Path, mainly Les Mis/Monte Cristo (Albert and his parents move into Winstermill when Ferran [Fernand: Alluka uses the Catalan names for both him and his wife Mercè/Mercedes] becomes the next Lamplighter Marshal after Pontmercy's untimely death due to an ostensible "stroke"; Eugénie Danglars and Louise d'Armilly, with the same social ranks as in canon, fled their hometown of High Vesting and arranged marriage to join the Right of the Pacific Dove, and became Cosette's senpaitachi Ena and Wiske) ---- even though cameos from other series are added, for instance Ritsu Sohma gets a funny cameo at one point (at the expense of young Lt. Gillenormand when he thinks to have bedded a wench).
Of note is not only that Grantaire is a rossamünderling or humanoid monster (the R on his foundling's swaddling stood for that) who is in star-crossed love with Enjolras... and this reveal leads to the defection of the entire quarto to protect the innocent enemy in their midst. Also that the relationship between Lesgle/Bossuet (a dexter - ie a kind of super with both electric and psychic powers, with arrows like Aang's tattooed on his skin) and Jolllly (his factotum - ie healer manservant), alongside their calendar ladylove Musichetta, is even better developed in A Light To Their Path thanks to the constraints of the setting; one can tell the chemistry - no pun intended - and even feel the survivors' angst once one of them is killed off.
Also of note are Ermengarde Johannitz (St. John in canon), Wendy Darling, and Christine Daaé, as well as Musichetta and Jehanne Prouvaire, as Cosette's companions at Herbroulesse and later on as part of the Takarazuka-esque theatre troupe Eugénie and Louise wind up leading in the ending.
The Mariusette/Lougénie finale is heartwarming straight on, - even after the revelation that Ferran shot himself as per canon when facing the facts that he was a war criminal as a young lieutenant, and his career has been founded on corruption and betrayal. - 
At the end, it is revealed that the straight surviving couple, caladine (lone high-ranking calendar) Cosette and herbalist Marius in High Vesting, are singing the "ten little lantern-sticks" nursery rhyme as a lullaby to their daughter Éponine (Catherine in The Seed); they later on watch, for the evening after tucking her to bed, a performance by the queer couple, of a story eerily similar to Swan Lake or the Little Mermaid Disney film with Eugénie as the prince and Louise "Wiske" as the villain enchantress, introducing Christine Daaé in the title role; Wendy and Musichetta as scriptwriters. We then get the POV of Lougénie and Chrisraoul and it's as satisfactory as Mariusette's... (even a marriage between Éponine Pontmercy and Gustave de Chagny, both as toddlers, is discussed in the finale... and these two, as adults, wind up being the authors and compilators behind this epic!!).

The story employs a switching POV chapter by chapter just like Westeros, but generally using the records Combeferre, Feuilly, Marius, and Éponine, as well as Wendy, J. Prouvaire, Musichetta, and Cosette, keep as a framing device and a first-person (think of all these "Dear Diary" fiction and you get the idea).

There are also stories within the story, most of them told as fireside yarns throughout the trip across the Ichormeer; - one of them, told by Éponine, is how the Thénardiers got their inn and it's basically the Cat's Arm legend (the severed paw of a gigantic housecat turns out to be a human hand, and a female nearby has suffered a hand amputation-proving she's the werecat). Also, Courfeyrac, Grantaire, and Éponine sing Bellman songs. LOTS of Bellman songs!! And Carmina Burana!

The Twilight Robbery AU As The Luck Would Have It may have crystallised Enj's first name as Paragon, and Madame Defarge being Madame Thénardier's mother (ie the siblings' maternal grandmother), for all of StrixAlluka's crossovers, but the Half-Continent is a rococo world as enticing as the fortress village of Toll (by Day and by Night), aside from one more territorial and militaristic - and it shows, the leading cast cutting a figure in their military ranks and uniforms - linking A Light to Their Path to El semen de los ahorcados, with uniformed and ranked characters at an academy of adventure setting (well, only at the start of Light compared to Hogwarts AU Seed) as a way to find common ground.

An Ichormeer Scenario
  • lanternsticks amis - all + éponine in the same quarto (q pontmercy)
  • enjoltaire
  • courferre
  • mariusette
  • lougénie
  • franzbert
  • jolesgletta
  • montponine
  • éposette
  • enjonine friendly
  • courfeyrius friendly
  • courfsette friendly
  • cosettaire friendly?
  • calendar!cosette
  • calendar!musichetta
  • calendar!eugénie - calendar!louise
  • calendar!christine daaé
  • captain!enjolras
  • lieutenant!combeferre - lieutenant!courfeyrac
  • lamplighter sergeant!éponine
  • healer!combeferre - healer!jolllly
  • dexter!bossuet (with air nomad arrows)
  • factotum!joly (with joestar birthmark)
  • trans!lamplighter-turned-calendar!jehanne prouvaire
  • rossamünderling!lampsman!grantaire
  • lamplighter sergeant!sgt. thénardier
  • winstermill cook!mme. thénardier (formerly wayhouse landlady)
  • lamplighter marshal!pontmercy (dead "of stroke" actually poisoned) and his aide lieutenant théo gillenormand (the foxglove poisoner)
  • lamplighter marshal!ferrán mondiego (as successor) - mercè and lieutenant!albert (captain!franz senpai at winstermill)
  • lieutenant!raoul de chagny
  • foundling!gavroche (joins the quarto as servant from his mum's wayhouse)
  • cameos from oc:s
  • cameo from lady syntyche vey (as expected)
  • cameo from toddler threnody vey
  • cameo from hikaru sulu (lamplighter in same quarto as albert+franz)
  • cameo from count jean de satigny
  • cameo from lt. paul d'arnot (still a polyglot, still goes m.i.a. and returns)
  • cameo from lt. charpentier (still d'arnot's childhood friend)
  • cameo from alistair mccooley (from oscar pill book series; lamplighter in same quarto as albert+franz, ie q eastwood -- for charles eastwood, not clint!)
  • cameo from lloyd asplund + cécile croomy
  • cameo from ritsu sohma (as an okama in highvesting)
  • and these are only a few of the cameos
  • +over with other works
  • like hanged men's seed but in the ichormeer instead of hogwarts (and sans condesce or lady alistair or "chewblacka" bossuet)
  • like in gankutsuoh; except that enjolras (taking on edmond's role) is the one to duel and kill franz in lieu of albert, and albert kills enj (+r) for revenge
  • three acts - winstermill as prentices (academy of adventure) - en route to cripplebolt - cripplebolt

why the seed of the hanged is such a good ficseries

For starters, in El semen de los ahorcados, StrixAlluka puts all the barricade boys and some more characters studying at Hogwarts - but the group is SO DIVERSE as to include a romantic trans girl (Jehanne Prouvaire, Hufflepuff) - an Afro-Caribbean cancer patient then survivor (Lesgle "Bossuet" - secret identity Chewblacka after he drinks hair-growth potion) - a Korean boy whose education papa's pressure gave him Münchhausen syndrome (Jo-Lee AKA Jo-Lee-lee-lee-lee), aside from the usual suspects trio of the leader and his second and third in command (also Grantaire appears to be of Moorish descent, and not only a werewolf and an addict). Éponine is also part of the group, and she is more mature since she has younger siblings (Azelma and Gavril "Gavroche") to take care of and their parents are for lifetime in Azkaban (owooowoo) ---
There's also a large Enjonine-Montponine-Éposette subplot about whom she will come to terms with; 'Parnasse is the prefect of Slytherin and as Enj's evil counterpart a key player, here Éponine takes an Avada Kedavra aimed at Cosette, who does not return Éponine's love, and dies in Cosette's arms.
Cosette has two stepdads - Valvert is canon! Although it took a while for Javert to mellow up to Valjean and say I do.
Furthermore Count Jean de Satigny and Lady Cecily Alistair make appearances - and even become husband and wife during the climax! ---she was previously the fiancée of a Courf who is here team captain and head chaser and prefect for Hufflepuff and flirts with Cosette (much to Marius's chagrin) - also he has a pet puffskein called Petit-Chou (who is soooooooo kawaiiiii)

The premise of the whole series can be summed up as Utena at Hogwarts with the cast of Les Misérables and a few guest stars from other series. Interestingly, the title comes from an observation made by various characters, the 12th major arcana on Tarot, and the leitmotif of characters (mainly Grantaire and Marius) saying they are "as useless as the semen of hanged men" -- when Courfeyrac actually points out, and even experiments ejaculating and nearly hanging himself in the forbidden forest -- that that is how mandrakes are made (the original Spanish title outright quotes Sabina's "Así estoy yo sin ti": inútil como el semen de los ahorcados...)

There is much to take in for instance about the leading cast - the trio in charge are born under the three air signs, which just seemed to fit their personalities...

Name: Paragon Ganymede Enjolras
House: Slytherin
Hair Colour: golden blond
Eye Colour: Icy blue
Patronus: phoenix
Star Sign: Aquarius
Purity of Blood: almost pure-blood, one quarter veela (his maternal grandmother was a veela whom her husband captured, but who left her husband and children to be free once more)
Siblings: none
Extracurricular activities: Leader of revolutionary squad AS-SORTED, duelling club, prefect of Slytherin until drugged and discredited by Montparnasse (reclaims his prefect's badge in his final year).
Sexual orientation: aro-ace
Three Sizes:  (chest),  (waist),  (hips)
Amortentia Scent: Epsom salts
Pets: Artemis, female carrier eagle-owl
Dressed at the ball as: Apollo
Major Arcanum Codename (at the barricade in the final arc): Judgement

Name: Jules-François Combeferre
House: Ravenclaw
Hair Colour: nutbrown
Eye Colour: hazel
Patronus: wild ferret
Star Sign: Gemini
Purity of Blood: muggle-born
Siblings: many -he is a middle sibling, the fourth of seven
Extracurricular activities: right-hand man at AS-SORTED, Railway club, Hypnotism club (flexibilitas cerea as main fascination), muggle technology club, literary translation... lots of similar cliques. Quite the extracurricular enthusiast. 
Sexual orientation: gay
Three Sizes:  (chest),  (waist),  (hips)
Amortentia Scent: burning fireplace
Pets: Urania, azure tree frog (deceased of hypothermia one winter)
Dressed at the ball as: Hermes
Major Arcanum Codename (at the barricade in the final arc): Temperance

Name: Sejanus Cassio Hercule Baron de Courfeyrac
House: Hufflepuff
Hair Colour: raven
Eye Colour: dark chocolate
Patronus: house cat (Asian breed, like a Siamese or similar)
Star Sign: Libra
Purity of Blood: octoroon (a single muggle-industrialist ancestor, a railway baron great-grandfather)
Siblings: one older sister, Portia Illuminata Baroness de Courfeyrac
Extracurricular activities: left-hand man at AS-SORTED, Quidditch (captain and head chaser, Number 3 of the Hufflepuff Seven --the Quidditch team--), fashion club, Prefect of Hufflepuff (the Party Prefect!)
Sexual orientation: bi
Three Sizes:  (chest),  (waist),  (hips)
Amortentia Scent: triple chocolate
Pets: Petit-Chou, male neutered pygmy puffskein; Cleo (Cleopatra), seal point Siamese house cat (died and was replaced by Petit-Chou)
Dressed at the ball as: Puss in Boots 
Major Arcanum Codename (at the barricade in the final arc): The Sun

Name: René "Grand R - Grantaire"
House: Gryffindor
Hair Colour: raven
Eye Colour: hazel
Patronus: shapeless (like Neville Longbottom's) - then Enjolras with many wings full of eyes, as R's personality evolves
Star Sign: Scorpio (born on Halloween)
Purity of Blood: muggle-born (also, a werewolf)
Siblings: one younger brother, Rémi "Petit R" (deceased)
Extracurricular activities: AS-SORTED, getting drunk, socializing, trying to impress Enjolras, duelling (an ace at duelling), is part of the Duelling Club, singing at the Three Broomsticks and at Madam Puddifoot's to earn money
Sexual orientation: Enjolsexual
Three Sizes:  (chest),  (waist),  (hips)
Amortentia Scent: Enjolras' favourite perfume
Pets: Quaxo/Mr. Mistoffelees AKA "Poe", black odd-eyed house cat (nekomata); Merlot, male carrier scops owl (both pets at the same time).
Dressed at the ball as: Frida Kahlo (ENJ THOUGHT HE WAS A GIRL CALLED FRIDA!!)
Major Arcanum Codename (at the barricade in the final arc): The Hanged Man

Name: Éponine Thénardier
House: Slytherin
Hair Colour: raven with green tips
Eye Colour: hazel with green highlights
Patronus: weasel in autumn coat
Star Sign: Scorpio/Ophiuchus
Siblings: two younger ones, Azelma and Gavril "Gavroche," both in Slytherin and under her guardianship
Purity of Blood: pureblood (also a werewolf).
Extracurricular activities: AS-SORTED, betting on Quidditch matches, Quidditch - beater for Slytherin (left beater), astrology
Sexual orientation: bi
Three Sizes: (chest), (waist), (hips)
Amortentia Scent: petrichor (after it rains)
Dressed at the ball as: Catwoman
Major Arcanum Codename (at the barricade in the final arc): Death XIII

Name: Jehanne Prouvaire (née Jehan; trans girl who gave their male genitals to Alluka and became a real girl in order to save Enjolras)
House: Hufflepuff 
Hair Colour: Titian strawberry blond
Eye Colour: honey
Patronus: bowtruckle with a flower on top
Star Sign: Leo
Siblings: none
Purity of Blood: pure-blood
Extracurricular activities: AS-SORTED, herbology club, writing romantic poems, queer pride, astronomy and astrology, Law of Signatures, telling children fairytales through kamishibai and puppets, literary translation 
Sexual orientation: pan
Three Sizes: (chest), (waist), (hips)
Amortentia Scent: pompom roses
Pets: flowering plants
Dressed at the ball as: Jehanne of Arc
Major Arcanum Codename (at the barricade in the final arc): The Lovers

Name: Myung Jo-Lee "Jo-Lee-lee-lee-lee"
House: Gryffindor
Hair Colour: raven
Eye Colour: black (almond eyes)
Patronus: octopus
Star Sign: Virgo
Siblings: one living younger sister, the other deceased
Purity of Blood: muggle-born
Extracurricular activities: AS-SORTED, helping kappas at infirmary, fussing about his health and trying out new remedies at potions and herbology
Sexual orientation: bi
Three Sizes: (chest), (waist), (hips)
Amortentia Scent: lavender
Dressed at the ball as: Dr. Caligari's assistant
Major Arcanum Codename (at the barricade in the final arc): The Hermit
He also has the Joestar star on his neck: Jo-Lee Joestar?

Name: Wilbur Lesgle (AKA Bossuet, secret identity Chewblacka)
House: Slytherin
Hair Colour: none (is bald from chemo)
Eye Colour: black with golden highlights
Patronus: bald eagle
Star Sign: Cancer
Purity of Blood: pure-blood
Siblings: none
Extracurricular activities: AS-SORTED, duelling club
Sexual orientation: bi
Three Sizes: (chest), (waist), (hips)
Amortentia Scent: four-leaf clovers
Pets: do the kappas count? Also Chup, a stray chupacabras 
Dressed at the ball as: Mace Windu
Major Arcanum Codename (at the barricade in the final arc): The Magician

Name: Anne-Euphrasie Fauchelevent (aka Cosette)
House: Hufflepuff - Ravenclaw (changes in Book 3)
Hair Colour: golden blond
Eye Colour: greenish-blue
Patronus: skylark
Star Sign: Libra
Siblings: none
Purity of Blood: half-blood
Extracurricular activities: none (she focuses on her studies) until she is made Prefect of Ravenclaw
Three Sizes: (chest), (waist), (hips)
Amortentia Scent: her mother's lily of the valley and chestnut blossom perfume
Sexual orientation: straight
Dressed at the ball as: Psyche, in a tweaked ball gown that had been her late mother's
Major Arcanum Codename (at the barricade in the final arc): The Star (shared with Marius)

Name: Marius-Thomas Pontmercy
House: Gryffindor
Hair Colour: raven
Eye Colour: Sky blue
Patronus: blue-footed booby
Star Sign: Leo-Virgo cusp
Siblings: none
Purity of Blood: half-blood
Extracurricular activities: AS-SORTED, literary translation, rune translation
Sexual orientation: straight
Three Sizes: (chest), (waist), (hips)
Amortentia Scent: Pontmercyia flowers
Dressed at the ball as: the Nutcracker Prince
Major Arcanum Codename (at the barricade in the final arc): The Star (shared with Cosette)

Name: Caractacus Montparnasse
House: Slytherin
Hair Colour: raven
Eye Colour: emerald green
Patronus: basilisk
Star Sign: Scorpio/Sagittarius cusp, Ophiuchus
Purity of Blood: unknown
Siblings: none
Extracurricular activities: Prefect of Slytherin (after drugging and discrediting Enjolras), disciplinarian, head of duelling club, Quidditch - seeker for Slytherin, cupbearer and/or valet de chambre to Count Jean de Satigny, sadomasochism (inflicting Enj at the Satigny estate with unforgivable curses)
Sexual orientation: classified
Three Sizes:  (chest),  (waist),  (hips)
Amortentia Scent: blood
Dressed at the ball as: Loki (NOT Marvel's, but at least slightly influenced - the Loki of original Norse myths)

About the supporting cast -
  • Bahorel is beater for Gryffindor (redheaded, scar over his right eyebrow) and sweethearts with its prefect Henriette, who also contrived to become the other beater on the same team in spite of her diminutive size - the two of them look like Ryuuji and Taiga from Toradora! - their respective arcana at the barricade are Justice and Strength; their respective patroni are a Hungarian horntail dragon and an Indochinese tiger (also Henriette survives). Amortentia scents? His is soil, hers is quaffle leatherHe's also rivals/frenemies with Montparnasse. At the masquerade ball, he dressed up as Mr. Bear and Henriette as Rigoletta the Little Jester, characters from a Muggle toddlers' TV show. Both are Aries.
  • Feuilly is a Hufflepuff and in favour of the rights of house-elves, merfolk, centaurs, etc. as being equal to humans; his arcanum is the Hierophant. His Patronus is a Glow Cloud. His Amortentia scent: sandalwood. At the masquerade ball, he dressed up as a merman to campaign for merfolk's rights. He is an Aquarius.
  • Musichetta is a well-known singer/composer and Renaissance woman whom both Jo-Lee and Bossuet are in a ménage à trois with - she is a Gemini, Quidditch captain and seeker for Ravenclaw, and prefect of her house, as well as the tarot expert and the one who suggested tarot codenames for the AS-SORTED Resistance. Her patronus is a lyrebird; her arcanum the High Priestess. She has three pet male Edible Frogs in succession, adopting each after his predecessor's death, and names her pet frogs Verdi (Verdi/Verdi II/Verdi III) and trains them since egghood and they're part of the Hogwarts Frog Choir. She gives her prefecture over to Cosette in Book 5. She was a foundling raised by a circus/cabaret troupe, the same one that Javert had belonged to. Her Amortentia scent is caramel popcorn. At the masquerade ball, she dressed up like Audrey Hepburn in Breakfast at Tiffany's getup, with orange tabby Kürbis borrowed from a Ravenclaw friend. In the end she becomes Headmistress of Hogwarts as an adult, leaning on a sword-crutch, after an injury (pelvic fracture) put an end to her career as a Seeker for the Holyhead Harpies.
  • Irma Boissy is a Hufflepuff student and queen bee with nutbrown hair and a beauty mark - she is Courfeyrac's kouhai in the same year as Cosette. She was in a relationship with Grantaire for a while (in Book 2), having fed him a carrot cupcake laced with amortentia. Her family lives in Hogsmeade and she is the middle sibling of three. Her zodiac sign is Libra. Her hobbies include knitting and sewing. Her patronus is an arctic fox. At the Masked Ball, she dresses as Little Bo Peep, with a clutch shaped like a fluffy sheep. She becomes Minister of Magic as an adult. 
  • Charlie Millthorpe is a Ravenclaw from a cavalier aristocratic stock, who writes poems and fairytales and is very good friends with Combeferre. He is very kind and metaphysically inclined, and loves the philosophy of Kant.
  • James Norrington is a very serious and reserved Hufflepuff from a military family. He is the seeker, and later right chaser, on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team.
  • Hachirota Hoshino, AKA Hachimaki, is the keeper of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team. He is also known as "Stonewall Hachi" for being an excellent goalkeeper. His patronus is a flying squirrel. He plays keeper for the Wimbourne Wasps as an adult, having survived the war (he served as a lookout and had a punctured lung). He marries Ai Tanabe and they have a son, who is a squib and thus cannot attend Hogwarts. Hachimaki has a younger brother, Kyutaro, who is a squib and an inventor.
  • Ai Tanabe is seeker for Hufflepuff after Norrington changes position to chaser. She is good friends with Cosette, both sharing the same idealistic and altruistic personality and both being adopted. She survives the war and marries Hachi, becoming seeker for the Wasps by his side.
  • Azelma and Gavroche Thénardier, both in Slytherin, --- the former with middle-sibling syndrome writ large, the latter a perky young boy, a trickster who, after being entrusted to Madame Rosmerta and playing pranks around Hogsmeade, as a Hogwarts firstie hangs out with his senpaitachi at AS-SORTED (where he is the youngest member), especially Courfeyrac and Grantaire. Their patroni are a weasel in summer coat and a sparrow, respectively. She is a Gemini and he is an Aries. Gav's major arcanum at the barricade is the Fool. They dressed up as Hansel and Gretel in Bavarian outfits for the masquerade ball. Gavroche's ghost remains at Hogwarts, and crushes on the teenage Catherine Pontmercy, as revealed in the recent gaiden. Gavroche was given a spectral wand by the Bloody Baron on his deathday, so he can use magic whilst still being a ghost.
  • Finnegan Wake is a merman in the Great Lake and a member of AS-SORTED. He is an outcast in merfolk society due to his views on humans, and collects human objects.
  • The kindly and well-read Jean Valjean is mostly headmaster --except in season one when he was cashiered by the Ministry and replaced by Javert, who then seggregated the students by house until Enj and AS-SORTED came around and, some time later, Valjean was reinstated--. He is a Cancer; his patronus is a snowy owl. He also owns a messenger snowy owl called Heimdall.
  • Étienne-Émile Javert is also a werewolf with a VEUM (Varulv Efterlyst Utom Människogestalt) level danger brand, which has led to his existential insecurities. He is a Capricorn. Born unto a Tarot card reader single mother in Azkaban (she died in prison of her poor health and left him her deck, which he still keeps in his chest pocket) he was raised by a cabaret/circus troupe and used Tarot to get by until he was adopted by wealthy guardians. He and Valjean become partners, then exes, thoughout the second and third arc of the series, breaking up at the finale (and giving Cosette two dads!). He has no patronus: his werewolf form suffices in battle.
  • M. Mabeuf is the herbology professor, a crotchety old bachelor and a good friend of both Headmaster Valjean and the late Georges Pontmercy. Courfeyrac and other merry students call him the "Stegosaurus" on account of his old age and hunched back, and "Hemulen" after the Tove Jansson character. He is an expert in Herbology and lives over a century, surviving the war in this universe and supplying the pontmercya flowers for Cosette's bridal crown and bouquet.
  • Skimbleshanks is a nekomata and the disciplined conductor of the Express. He is also a telepath and living lie detector.
  • Hatori Sohma is the reserved, one-eyed head doctor or Healer at the infirmary/hospital wing and a cursed sea dragon seahorse (actually, baby tatsu) animagus. His Patronus is also a sea dragon seahorse (actually, baby tatsu). He turns into the same fish (actually, real sea dragon) if he gets really stressed.
  • Mayuko Sohma, née Shiraki, is Hatori's wife and childhood friend and Charms professor at Hogwarts. She and her husband take maternity/paternity leave for a year after having a baby (their daughter Kinu). Prior to that she was seen giving Charms lectures pregnant.
  • the kappas are an invasive species who at first ripped out shirikodama/rectal orbs from students, then turned nurses at the infirmary (much like healthcare centre Pokémon!).
  • the Count Jean de Satigny is an artistic, gay aristocrat in his autumn years, interested in fine arts and queer candid photography, erastes to his young attractive servants whom he treats in special ways (each servant turns out to be part of the promiscuous photography sessions that the count engages in), who employs Parnasse as a valet (later on, as his protégé) and Enj as a cupbearer for a while --in the rescue of Enjolras/Operation Birnam Woods arc--. Jean is handsome, fashionable, and presumably wealthy, and all the area landowners compete to go into business with him. The estate is located in a northern province, where Jean spends his fortune on fancy clothes and fine porcelain. There are naked pictures of the servants and strange sex toys in his private photography “laboratory.” Jean de Satigny is passionate about classic literature, fine art, Italian opera, ostentatious luxuries, and kinky photography using his young attractive servants. He also owns a fluffy, adorable right-hand chinchilla (think Blofeld's cat Solomon or General Flopsy, but also Choupette Lagerfeld or Tinker Bell Hilton) called Clochette (Tinker Bell in French). Lady Alistair, whom he marries to cover up his orientation in high society, leaves him after discovering this last passion while Parnasse disabled him with a slight foxglove poisoning, and he is not seen again until Enjolras must identify his body, having just killed him in the dark with Avada Kedavra - which leads in turn to Enj's own demise at the hands of the Condesce's followers -.  The Zeus to Enj's and Parnasse's Ganymedes
  • Mrs. Jarley runs a travelling waxwork and was once Feuilly's guardian. A lovable eccentric, her lifesize figure of Charles XII plays a key role as a decoy in Operation Birnam Woods
  • Noirtier de Villefort is a frenemy of Marius's maternal grandfather guardian; he had a stroke and communicates by morse-ing with his left eyelids, the only body parts he can move
  • Lady Cecily Alistair was Courf's fiancée for a while --- then, after the Condesce conquered everything, she became the Count's bride and wife - then at the end an Anne-of-Cleves style power figure, and Clochette de Satigny's and the Count's art collection's next owner - she gives two thirds of the collection away to charities. She came to the defense of Hogwarts after finding out her husband's dark secrets and was given the Empress arcanum. She is an Aquarius, left-handed, and enjoys pencil drawing. She is also a squib. Her Amortentia scent is charcoal.
  • Her Imperious Condescension conquered the Earth of this Dimension/Timeline (Earth of the 92nd Universe) on the eve of the finale, being opposed by AS-SORTED and assisted by Parnasse and the Thénardier sisters (Gav had already joined AS-SORTED)
  • Eloïse de Villefort is Noirtier's daughter-in-law, a social climber and poison expert, and Potions Master at Hogwarts. She favours Slytherins, having been in that house in her youth, and fosters competition between Gryffindor and Slytherin students. Before the final battle, she poisons herself with a cyanide pill kept in her emerald ring, when Grantaire confronts her in the Potions lab while he searches for ingredients for enough Draught of Living Death to drug a young adult male for 24 hours (which he uses on himself, due to the full moon, to wake up the next day as per canon to save Enjolras, leading to their executions). Her death is blamed on Grantaire even though she committed suicide (much like Enjolras killed the Count de Satigny and is executed for that).
  • Alluka is a powerful reality warper, with the appearance of a whimsical child, who can grant wishes, yet always at a price. She is a trans girl and also caused the pseudo-gender change of Jehanne Prouvaire (when he emasculated himself and gave up his manhood and a lot of blood to heal Enjolras at the start of the initial arc). She is also the author of the story, who can break the fourth wall and appear among her characters at will...
  • Charles XII was a king of Sweden who happened to look and act just like Enjolras. Mrs. Jarley keeps an effigy of him in her waxworks...
  • Navet is a Slytherin boy Gavroche's age and Gavroche's best friend. Like Gavroche, he makes friends with Grantaire. He survives the war and becomes a waiter at the Three Broomsticks.
  • Catherine Pontmercy is the daughter of  Cosette and Marius who is a first-year student on the Hogwarts Express in the finale, accompanying her professor parents. She also gets the Star arcanum as a bookmark. In the gaiden "The Springtime of Catherine Pontmercy," she is revealed to have been sorted into Ravenclaw and to dream of becoming a fashion designer. She also has a pet puffskein called Flan.
  • Kinu Sohma is the daughter of Hatori and Mayuko and prefect for Ravenclaw when Catherine Pontmercy enters Hogwarts. She makes fast friends with the younger girl, and recruits her as a personal assistant in the gaiden "The Springtime of Catherine Pontmercy," where the two of them are eager to step out of their parents' shadows. She has no desire to follow either parent's profession, but rather to concentrate on her studies. When famous aurors Juliet Butler and Jez Stukeley arrive at Hogwarts for an orientation weekend, she gets the ambition of becoming an auror.
ANON METHOUGHT THE LAWN JOCKEYS BEGAN TO MOVE - Marius, 'Ponine, and some others (including Feuilly) infiltrate the Satigny estate dressed as jockeys with Mrs. Jarley's effigy costumes, having also dressed the Charles XII effigy as a jockey in red - they intend to swap the clothes of the effigy for Enj's in order to free him from the mansion
the Count's guards think that the jockeys just moved ("must have started early")
Éponine came up with the idea from Macbeth's Birnam Woods - hence the name of the infiltration operation

SHENANINGAN - taken from shenanigan and Sharingan - this is a power that at first Courf coined...
and which consists of

story points/Books 1-5:
  1. Secession of Houses --- Javert takes the helm and attempts apartheid at Hogwarts by seggregating Houses extremely; AS-SORTED is founded by Enjolras to set things right / Kappa Invasion/Shenaningan Awakening/Quidditch Season (Hogwarts winds up using the kappas in healthcare, much like the kitchen house-elves in canon and the healthcare centre Pokémon in the Pokémon universe --Chansey evolution line, Audino, Comfey--). Solar eclipse. Ravenclaw wins the Quidditch Cup (final against Slytherin, Musichetta catches the Snitch). The most popular male students in each house form the Four Horsemen (Shitennō in Japanese): Enjolras, Combeferre, Courfeyrac, and Grantaire.
  2. Awakening of the Basilisk of Slytherin by Montparnasse. Defeat of a Hydra hatched by 'Parnasse in the Forbidden Forest as a decoy (by Enjolras beheading and Combeferre cauterizing, Enjolras hospitalized due to Hydra venom, scar on his chest, he will never grow chest hair); the mandrakes "sown" by Courfeyrac in the forest key to healing everyone petrified, except Cleo the Siamese ('Parnasse had destroyed all the mandrakes in the greenhouse). Enjolras' knowledge of Parselmouth key to opening the Chamber, which Enjolras and Combeferre (while Jehanne Prouvaire and Courfeyrac harvest the wild mandrakes), enter crossdressing. With Enjolras' phoenix patronus, the basilisk is petrified using two silver salvers to return its gaze and tossed back into the bust of Salazar Slytherin, Enjolras attacked by basilisk, gets venom in his left arm, only healed through Jehanne Prouvaire's sacrifice in order to grant a wish through Alluka; Enjolras and Combeferre returned to the surface using a straw hay portkey. In the meantime Grantaire left in the Knight Bus for Godric's Hollow, where he ate supper at the KFC and won a stuffed panda at the festival roulette, them returned to Hogwarts to rejoin his friends and lover- (contains World Through the Mirror of Erised mini-arc -- Cosette comes to a steampunk townhouse where her parents Fantine and Felix are pretty much alive and married; but the family is dysfunctional and the Other Cosette, her counterpart, is a pampered sociopath with orphan Éponine as whipping girl; also Marius was raised by Col. Pontmercy, who wiped out the Gillenormands, and Marius now holds the rank of lieutenant... he's sensitive and artistic, much to his commanding officer father's consternation (the Colonel doesn't know Marius is gay and sweet on this world's Courf!)... A marriage between the Marius and Cosette in this timeline has been arranged, but Cosette of the Seed universe gets swapped with the bride of the mirror universe, who prefers an independent life, on account of the latter's coaxing (like in the Goose Girl fairytale), and the "evil" Cosette makes her way to Hogwarts in Hufflepuff uniform... The barricade lads across the mirror are here male prostitutes living in a pleasure house next to the Tholomyès residence and working their way through university.) Enjolras made a prefect. Mars retrograde. Slytherin wins the Quidditch Cup (final against Hufflepuff - Montparnasse catches the Snitch)
  3. Masquerade Ball, at New Year, and drugging and discrediting of Enjolras by Montparnasse, who then becomes prefect. Abduction of Ganymede ("Runnymede" as Grantaire misheard it - this becomes a running gag) - ie de Satigny making his move, spiriting Enjolras away to his estate via pink helicopter around Easter break and even one week more (when his parents wanted to send him to Durmstrang for the rest of his schooling to be more serious with his studies) /(one episode in this arc is for instance a nod to "The Seven Knots of Horus" with Courfeyrac projecting astrally and going inside Combeferre's airways to heal him from within of a severe poisoning) Operation Birnam Woods - ie freeing Enj from the Northern Provinces estate, while Parnasse has him poisoned with fugu shirako and casting unforgivable curses (except Avada Kedavra), to the point that Enjolras' sanity suffers and he is treated with rauha at Hogwarts. After recovering, Enjolras cuts his hair (until then long and kept in a ponytail) into a 20s-style bob. Music box portkey, with thestral figurine and "Pop Goes the Weasel," used as portkey to escape the mansion: Montparnasse uses to get to Hogwarts and back to the Satigny estate (still the Count's valet) spare portkey, a boater hat. Courfeyrac given a pygmy puffskein, Petit-Chou, in early autumn for his birthday. Venus transit. Hufflepuff wins the Quidditch Cup (final against Ravenclaw - Musichetta catches the Snitch, but Courfeyrac scores a lot of goals... and collapses due to exhaustion).
Diaspora Across Timelines/Universes, Book 4  --- including the following:
  • Courf winds up as a corrupt knight trapped in his own rusty armour in a Wizard of Oz-/Journey to the West-style universe; Enj is a naive girl here, Prouvaire a lion cub who wants to change into a lioness and lead a pack to claim her rightful throne, Bossuet is a kappa, Combeferre is the narrator, GrandR a guard/nutcracker doll, and the Condesce is the Wicked Witch of the West
  • The Aubreyiad/Battle Tendency universe: steampunk floating islands and skyships à la Dragon Hunters. Combeferre is the one who winds up here as the surgeon to Captain Enjolras, looking for the counterpoison for the rings a rival captain put on his aorta and trachea, a cure that can only be acquired by confronting said enemy (it was Parnasse of course) - everyone is jacked like a JoJo's character and Enjolferre is canon OTP à la Jack Aubrey/Stephen Maturin.
  • The Snow Queen Condesce universe; Enj winds up here and at first it appears like completely ordinary Hogwarts except that Enj and R are officially a couple and both at Slytherin-- the plot follows basically the Snow Queen fusion fic La Fée Verte, except that the Condesce replaces the Green Faery as "Snow Queen" and the mirror shards in eyes and hearts are present - 'Parnasse having shattered the Mirror of Erised and become its first victim
  • The Wishing-Tree (arbrasouhait) universe - the Thénardier siblings sans Zelma wind up here; people look like rag dolls, the Thénardier parents still are free and have raised them right... and, during a conjunction of twin suns, Éponine competes for the title of Sower against counterparts of others (Combeferre and Joly are alchemists who make the wishing-seeds, so they don't ride but dispense the seeds and act as judges) riding on flying big cats, to sow the seeds of wishing-trees whose root systems hold the planet together. There is also a strong element of Wacky Races here (like in the Piffle arc of Tsubasa)
  • The Queen-style Star Group universe - R (the one from the Seed timeline who incarnated here) is a Lefou-like fat groupy; short-haired Enj with moustache is counterpart Freddie / Courf, Ferre, Marius are counterpart Taylor, May, Deacon; the rest of the barricade lads are groupies of their group - called ROYAL, Montparnasse is this world's Jacko, in a Wonderland-themed mansion called Wonderland, with all the servants dressed as Carrollian characters--- and of course there is a lot of influence from aidoru anime, alongside Enj's terminal illness (cough of death already featured in the first appearance - he dies on the stage)
Final Conflict, Book 5 ----- corresponds to the "barricade subplot and nearly everyone dying" part of canon. Everyone returns to the Seed universe's Earth and a final course begins; an anti-war play is staged at Hogwarts, The Year of Great Medlars, written by Courfeyrac (his first and only tragedy) and starring him as Dauphin Francis of Valois, Combeferre as Count Sebastian de' Montecuccoli, James Norrington (Hufflepuff) as Prince Henri of Valois, and Musichetta as Caterina de' Medici. Lady Alistair marries Count de Satigny and his personal troupe puts on a separate production of The Year of Great Medlars at the Satigny estate. After the play, Enjolras loses his cool being provoked by Montparnasse, tearing off his prefect badge and claiming back the prefecture of Slytherin by force, leading to a declaration of war... Lunar eclipse.

In each arc there is also a celestial phenomenon which parallels the plot of the arc. Solar eclipse in the apartheid arc (Book 1), Mars retrograde in the basilisk arc (Book 2), Venus transit in the Satigny arc (Book 3), lunar eclipse in the final conflict arc (Book 5).

Recently there is a gaiden titled "The Springtime of Catherine Pontmercy," which reveals Catherine in Ravenclaw and follows her for a week in May. It deals with her developing self-confidence and assisting her best friend/mentor Kinu Sohma, who has no dreams for the future until some admirable aurors come to visit. The ghost of Gavroche frequents Ravenclaw Tower and courts Catherine, being in love with her, although him being already dead means this is a star-crossed, platonic romance. The Bloody Baron encourages Gavroche to woo his ladylove with grand romantic gestures, whilst the Thénardier lad prefers confessing his love through little pranks. Catherine and Kinu, along with Gavroche, also help the aurors Jez Stukeley and Juliet Butler (who are spending the week at Hogwarts) try to stop Azelma and Montparnasse. The miscreants were trying to steal the Spear of Lugh from the Hogwarts vaults. The spear is recovered, but Azelma gets away and Montparnasse is impaled to death on the Spear, once it returned to him with Expelliarmus and recognised him as an unworthy wielder.

The Spear of Lugh, like the most renowned weapons in Norse myth (Mjölnir, Gungnir), is semi-sentient and returns to the wielder's hand after being thrown, like a boomerang. It was used by the god-king Lugh (the Celtic Apollo) to slay the Fomorians (a tyrannical race of cyclopes), and most probably crafted by the same dwarven smiths who made Mjölnir and Gungnir. It has electric/lightning powers, like Mjölnir, and can only be wielded by worthy wielders and reacts against unworthy ones, like Mjölnir as well.

It is revealed that, three days after Gavroche's deathday, both the ghosts and the living of Hogwarts celebrate Remembrance Day to remember the sacrifice of Enjolras and his friends. 


Esta es la canción de Discordia de Mi Pequeño Poni. El episodio donde Discordia se pone azul y sufre de malestar general. La traducción es mía propia y está recién salida del horno.

Discord Draconequus by Sandra Dermark
30 de mayo, MMXX

Un vaso de agua, por favor,
y un pañuelito pa’ toser,
también una taza de té
con miel de las abejas…
¡Te lo traeré!

Y otro deseo bien formulao:
para mi pecho así atorao,
aceite de este bacalao
en frasco de Bohemia…
¿Cristal de Bohemia?

¡Pardiez, soy todo un papanatas!
Se me irrita la garganta…
Más sopa de calabaza
y ramos de gerberas.

¿Dije gerberas? Dije seda,
suave y reluciente queda…
Y luego una caliente crema
y pastas de canela.

Estoy de vientre algo indispuesto…
un plato nada indigesto
y relajante como esto:
¡soba a mansalva!

Añade un pan integral
con muchas lonchas de emmental,
¡servido todo con mince pies
y guarnición de albahaca!

Estoy por siempre agradecido
a vuestra caridad,
pues sé que con ternura es
como se trata a una amistad…
Ternura… ¿no es verdad, amistades?

¿Estáis todos listos para el GRAN ENCORE?

Un vaso de agua, por favor,
con un hechizo sanador,
dejar de estornudar así
y coloridas rosas…

Con algún caramelo herbal
mejor podría respirar…
¡Una peluca no iría mal,
ni zapas esponjosas!

Que me traigan aquí las pinzas
y un masaje relajante,
unos guisantes al gratén,
acariciar a un pekinés,
un arpa que pueda cantar,
un cabritillo y acrobacias,
más y más y más y más
y máááááás…

Y porque uno se hidrata
aún cuando no tenga sed,
de día y noche así ha de ser,
cuánto deseo, que gran placer,
esa cosita así sería…
Oh, por favor, escanciadme

martes, 12 de mayo de 2020


Here's a little playlist where I tell favourite stories in Spanish, using my own words and the illustrations from storybooks. I began with Lily White and Rose Red, followed by The Snow Queen... and wound up telling three tragedies by Shakespeare, the first half of Les Misérables (until Cosette goes to school in the nunnery where her guardian Valjean becomes gardener), and some Slavic tales. Some of the stories --like Othello, Les Mis, Cats...-- contain my own translations of songs from their musical adaptations.

domingo, 3 de mayo de 2020


PS. The following are my own esoteric interpretations. Nothing more and nothing less.
and more chakra symbolism http://philosopherswheel.com/toccata.htm

THE JELLICLE CODE - my own personal interpretation of the musical Cats

I. Jellicles as Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious
II. The Triform Naming of Jellicle Cats
III. Jenny Anydots - the Caregiver
IV. The Rum Tum Tugger - Adolescent Subversion
Grizabella Interlude I - the Plight of the Traitor/Outsider
V. Bustopher Jones - the Authority Figure
VI. Mungojerry and Rumpleteazer - Young Adult Subversion
VII. Old Deuteronomy - the Hierophant
Grizabella Interlude II: Mournful Memory
VIII. Asparagus - the Piscean Paradigm
Interlude on the Fiend of the Fell and Growltiger/Griddlebone
IX. Skimbleshanks - the Aquarian Paradigm
The Mystery of Life, Death, and Rebirth I: MacCavity, the Dark Lord
The Mystery of Life, Death, and Rebirth II: Mr. Mistoffeles, the Lightbringer
The Mystery of Life, Death, and Rebirth III: Hopeful Memory
The Mystery of Life, Death, and Rebirth IV: The Jellicle Choice
X. The Ad-Dressing of Cats

I. Jellicles as Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious
"jellicle": dear little + jewel (hara/3rd chakra - precious gemstone - navel jewels in Steven Universe and Trollz) + miracle
allegorical, metaphorical, mystical, magical -- the jellicles are fey cats/cait sith: extended lifespan, sapiency, supernatural powers (revealed later on as the story unfurls)
unity in diversity (of ages, ranks, genders, personalities/philosophies)
supermoon - lunacy - as the time of their rendezvous; later on we'll talk about Arcanus XVIII but for now let's focus on the supermoon as a lunar phase
the jellicle choice - arcanus XXI - judgement as resurrection/catharsis

the heaviside layer is enlightenment, of course


II. The Triform Naming of Jellicle Cats
3 as a magic number - trinities

  • name bestowed by human people (there are namesakes)
  • name bestowed by other jellicle cats (unique special snowflake; the same name can't be used by more than one individual)
  • secret name (completely confidential; compare the power of names in straw-into-gold fairytales and egyptian myth)

analogy of the tripartite psyche: gut/heart/head or id/ego/superego --

id/gut: secret name (the part of the iceberg that is underwater - the unconscious, individual and collective)
ego/heart: jellicle name
superego/head: human name (bestowed by established society)


III. Jenny Anydots - the Caregiver
third musical number, analogous to arcanus III and the caregiver/mother nature archetype

jenny: spinning wheel, used to make one's own clothes - she teaches her pupils music, crochet, and tatting
dots/spots on her back and name echo seeds (it. / fr. Jenny Touteàpois)
raising small animals considered disturbances (vermin/pests), like beetles or rodents, to teach them life skills
young children as disturbances/vermin/pests need someone to raise them right
from disorderly louts to disciplined helpful bug scouts
epilogue: the beetle tattoo - "tatau" in pacific cultures


IV. The Rum Tum Tugger - Adolescent Subversion
the knights on tarot
a "curious beast", stubborn, whom the likes of Jenny Anydots cannot tame since he refuses
rhum - pirate poison (compare quaffing draft cream scene) - tum tugger echoes "tsuntsun" (compare es. "rontón terco", stubborn) doesn't care for a cuddle (ie sees affection/endearment as too "kiddie" or "sissy" like most bad boys and some bad girls do)
nothing he enjoys more than a horrible muddle
on the stage show - the Tugger's 4th wall breaks, taking up a girl from the audience to the stage to dance with her


Grizabella Interlude I - the Plight of the Traitor/Outsider
her coat is stained and the corners of her eyes are twitchy (tsurime)
loiters on the streets at night on her own, unwelcome by the jellicles since she went over to the enemy, who left her in turn
jellicles surprised that she's still alive - but the lonely life of sacrificed youth she leads is worse than death
arcanus XII, the Hanged One
characters who embody this arcanus in Persona - most importantly Chidori/Medea (persona named after archetypal fallen woman) - character arc if the choice in the game is having her survive her injuries/trauma
one needs to fall down to get back up again; no catharsis is possible without previous catastrophe


V. Bustopher Jones - the Authority Figure
young rebels like the Tugger need someone to show them the socially established way, for them to  look up to/protest against
analogous to arcanus IV and the authority/father state archetype

not skin and bones - physical and social weight (no pubs like the tugger: 8 or 9 gents' clubs; 9-Sagittarius-Jupiter, compare his spherical waistline)
eclectic food tastes - from curry (exotic, expensive) to cabbage and mutton (unexpected peasant fare) depending on his mood
putting on weight both for status and for a rainy day
fashion sense - tux, spats, gloves: fashion is not considered quite masculine, but closer to society than to nature, and meant to signify status

VI. Mungojerry and Rumpleteazer - Young Adult Subversion
Mercury, Gemini, and arcanus VI

knockabout artistes among the jellicle cats, but terrorists to wealthy human people (the establishment); those who protest against/question authority
twin resemblance as the key to their ruse + playful incestuous subtext
Rumpleteazer: Rumplestiltskin (spinning straw into gold thread - secret name as key to him not taking royal baby away: analogy to Jellicles' secret names) + teaser (both playfully/prankster and erotically/twincest innuendo) / Mungojerry: mongoose/mango jelly?
connection between arcanus VI and XV (the siblings' arrival is heralded by an alarm of MacCavity, the first mention in fact)

VII. Old Deuteronomy - the Hierophant
gender "they" explained - Dame Judi Dench proves this archetype can also be female
lifespan of centuries - this character has lived since the ancien régime, which like their name provides a clue
wise old mentor in spiritual retirement (lives in the countryside away from London and only comes to town for the jellicle choice)
name taken from a patriarchal sacred text that is in some places too conservative (no crossdressing, no mixing of animal and plant fibers in the same garment...), mirrors the conservatism of Arcanus V

wise old mentor/elder kind of leader as hierophant, ie initiating priest/spiritualist

Grizabella Interlude II: Mournful Memory
Mournful Memory - autumn leaves in the light of the Tarot Moon (Arcanus XVIII) - delusion and disenchantment unable to discern positivity -- baroque disenchantment in Andrew Marvell: the cramp of hope, joy's cheerful madness (mania), the pestilence of love does heat (febrile, septic infection) -- When you (psyche/kokoro) experience any hope, I (physical body/karada) am racked with cramp. If you experience love, I am fevered with the plague, or sepsis. If you experience joy, I feel madly elated, like in a manic episode. - even more painfully, Sir Edmund Arwaker compares eros love to a cancer affecting the heart, where kokoro and karada overlap in 4th chakra (Love's O'erspreading Cancer gnaws my Heart), a cancerous tumour which can reproduce through the system, and is chronic, unlike acute sepsis (heart cancer is a rarity, but it still can be a possibility scientifically and a powerful metaphor!) - and Cancer is ruled by the Moon - let's return to the Jellicle Moon but now in the light of the delusion of Arcanus XVIII

Deuteronomy's Experience - Moments of Happiness (Skimbleshanks tune, as foreshadowing, after "many generations")

The Innocent Child at Heart, Arcanus 0 - Send Her, Victoria, Happy and Glorious;
most powerful person in the 19th c, female (reclaiming the power of femininity) - also, name is an omen
white fur coat for purity
Victoria's innocence and lack of "beautiful ghosts", but her mixed yearning and fear thereof - the "riddle princess" stage with its fears/insecurities towards coming of age, social integration, commitment (compare Portia or the 4th Story of TSQ)


VIII. Asparagus - the Piscean Paradigm
Aspara-Gus (fr. End-Yves) named after nourishing yet underrated vegetable; thin as a rake - bohemian (compare Bustopher Jones); eats only what he needs to survive in the present
waning star ("once of the highest degree") - his star is waning - outdated paradigm

Interlude on the Fiend of the Fell and Growltiger/Griddlebone
epic villains (in Frye's mythos of summer) are also tragic heroes (in Frye's mythos of autumn) - two sides to every story
Fiend: demon/villain/enemy (se. fiende)
Fell: either fall/fell/fallen (in defeat) or mountains (se. fjäll; ie the higher the rise the harder the fall)
Growltiger the pirate captain: grow, glow, burning bright -- but missing an eye and an ear in fearful asymmetry
vendetta against Asians/Easterners
Griddlebone: no meat on that bone either (compare both Gus and Bustopher)
Is Grizabella Griddlebone? Identity Change Theory


IX. Skimbleshanks - the Aquarian Paradigm
last standalone musical number: jaunty, catchy, releases serotonin
Thespian Gus hands over the torch to Skimble, Nimble Nimbus - changing of the astrological age
Uranus and the Industrial Revolution
a quite Aquarian choice of name for the railway conductor in the English source text
trains in Discworld Raising Steam, embodying quintessence created artificially (harnessing all classical elements)
Telepathy and Glass-Green Eye Contact - first cat with more powers than physical prowess and extended lifespan to be mentioned; cold steel may have weakened his powers, but he supplements the telepathy he has left with people skills - "I know" as Aquarian motto
Guided by the North Star - arcanus XVII

supervises everyone of both the crew (from train driver to lowest guards) and passengers (first, second, and third class) without any regard for social rank, treating them equally, with those glass-green eyes (Aquarian correlation)
fresh and bright, with perhaps a drop of scotch / what he does at each station while passengers are unaware / help them to get out at the final station - character depth and more apt role model for this day and age


The Mystery of Life, Death, and Rebirth I: MacCavity, the Dark Lord
one of the two most powerful jellicles when it comes to magic

Arcanus XV as Horned One or Dark Lord - similar figure is the Dragon or Serpent
Mac=son, Cavity=abyss/chasm - incarnation of primordial chaos (ginnungagap)
very very tall and thin - compare the Slenderman
Panderers (pimp and madame) as corruptors of innocence
The Griddlebone/Grizabella and Arcanus VI/XV Connections Confirmed


The Mystery of Life, Death, and Rebirth II: Mr. Mistoffeles, the Lightbringer
the other of the two most powerful jellicles when it comes to magic
the mastery in Arcanus I and Mercury as Hermes Thrice-Blessed (recall the triple names of jellicles and three powers he seems to possess - sexual/gender fluidity, bilocation, and physical feats)

The Dignified Trickster - Loki (compare to Misto) as Positive Catalyst
stage illusionist as opposed to the more adult, corrupting pimp - conjuring and casting spells for entertaining and helping others
Mistoffeles - Mephisto - Lucifer - Lightbringer; compare the Huntsman (animal killer) freeing Red Riding Hood from the belly of the big bad wolf / or Set (usurper) freeing Ra from the belly of the Serpent


The Mystery of Life, Death, and Rebirth III: Hopeful Memory
Consequence of Deuteronomy's Liberation
Grizabella Warmed by Victoria and Deuteronomy Sees the Light; Maiden, Mother, Crone - three generations
Soon it will be dawning - impending catharsis


The Mystery of Life, Death, and Rebirth IV: The Jellicle Choice
Arcanus XIII - Death as Transfiguration/Metamorphosis - segue from the Hopeful Memory above
Arcanus XXI - judgement as resurrection/catharsis

Grizabella/Griddlebone deserved attaining Enlightenment, ie the Heaviside Layer
fate of MacCavity in the musical: chaos/darkness can be defeated, but not destroyed


X. The Ad-Dressing of Cats
cats are more or less like people, so treat them like that, with gifts, endearment, earning their trust... - Golden Rule "love/treat the others like you love/treat yourself"
sunrise - crowning the magnum opus