My Own Review - Series Finale
We’ve more or less come to the end of our time with Star ☆ Twinkle, as we have only two episodes left – and I’ll be writing a review for the show after the last one. Things tend to get pretty spectacular during the final few episodes of any season of PrettyCure, so lets see if Star ☆ Twinkle continues that trend.
Hikaru and company check on the KNotraiders
After taking Fuwa captive in the previous episode, the Ophiuchus Princess starts a ritual with the intent of destroying the universe. PreCures and the Starscape Alliance join forces with the KNotraiders in order to bring a halt to the thirteenth princess’ plans.
When they confront her, our sheroes discover that protecting the universe comes at a cost.
When they confront her, our sheroes discover that protecting the universe comes at a cost.
The Ophiuchus Princess
This episode is effectively made up of two parts. The first has the others interacting with the hospitalised KNotraiders, whereas the second is the confrontation against the Ophiuchus Princess.
Ayewan & Yuni
I heard you stopped all of us 'raiders from going berserk...
There's no need to thank you, Jo.
Aún así, gracias, Nena. De todo corazón.
(¿Qué? ¿Por qué?)
On the front, Tenjou decides to help Soleil
We get some nice little moments between the KNotraiders and members of PreCure ensemble; each good counterpart with their respective evil counterpart. Elena’s chat with Tenjou is one moment that carries over nicely from their prior interactions, and we get even more Yuni & Ayewan (or Eye-wan, whatever you prefer) interactions. Lots of chemistry between good counterparts and their respective evil counterparts -- also Ayuni is the new Valvert, isn't it?
Trying to get something to open
Yuni judges Ayewan's taste in designing
Yuni tells Ayewan there's a trick to opening that
Ayewan blushes and looks away
Ayewan tells Cosmos that she won't lose this time
The newfound alliance with the KNotraiders is not something that people readily accept, but there isn’t really any other options due to the circumstances.
Meow! (*wink*)
Ayewan blushes and looks away
Ayewan tells Cosmos that she won't lose this time
The newfound alliance with the KNotraiders is not something that people readily accept, but there isn’t really any other options due to the circumstances.
PreCures and allies heading straight towards the final battle
This episode of Star ☆ Twinkle is also one that is most certainly playing up its sci-fi aspect, and I can appreciate that. I’d say I something about expecting someone to pull out a lightsaber, but Kappard has that covered.
We get a few still frames of shots that perhaps could have been animated…
Don’t expect too much from the KNotraiders, by the way. All they’re doing is simply clearing a path to allow PreCures to get to the Ophiuchus Princess. Kind of a shame, but I guess someone has to take a hit with what part of this episode is providing.
PreCures ready to confront the Ophiuchus Princess
So yeah, quite a bit of this episode is actually just exposition delivered by the Ophiuchus Princess. She goes into the origin of Star Twinkle Imagination, and how the universe came to exist. Basically, the creation of the Star*Twinkleverse by its thirteen physical goddesses is delved upon in detail. Of course, her ultimate goal is also revealed as well. SO THERE IS MORE TO HER AGENDA???
Gemini and Cancer giving up their some of their power to create imagination in the universe
Gemini and Cancer giving up their some of their power to create imagination in the universe
Apparently the 12 official Star Princesses, as they created this universe, they granted imagination as a gift to all its sapient species, hoping to see their creativity used in wonderful and prosperous ways. And, much like Zeus hated Prometheus for giving fire to us puny naked apes, Ophiuchus was against giving imagination, let alone cognitive thought, to living creations of her kin, expecting the worst outcomes instead of hoping for the best; in Ophiuchus' own words, believing that it could be misused and disturb the proper order that all thirteen had worked so hard/given their all (ganbare) to maintain; not to mention catastrophes as a consequence of free will.
And, to be fair, she wasn't wrong, as the KNotraider cadres would later approve (viz, Kappard's species dying of thirst due to extravagant water expenditure - Ayewan living in squalour or want as a streetrat - Tenjou suffering discrimination due to not fitting into the beauty canon of her species).
Ophiuchus tells the Cures that the Star Princesses granted everyone imagination
And, to be fair, she wasn't wrong, as the KNotraider cadres would later approve (viz, Kappard's species dying of thirst due to extravagant water expenditure - Ayewan living in squalour or want as a streetrat - Tenjou suffering discrimination due to not fitting into the beauty canon of her species).
Ophiuchus tells the Cures that the Star Princesses granted everyone imagination
Understandably, Ophiuchus wasn't convinced by what the other twelve were trying to sell, ie that those with pure imagination will purify those who are twisted - and, to right things out, they all decided to just seal her away.
Ophiuchus forced out of the Star Palace
Ophiuchus forced out of the Star Palace
So even if she did bring up some good arguments, Ophiuchus's twelve fellow deities didn't hear her out. Thus, the Star Princesses pretty much created their worst enemy in the process. Thus she has a body count of at least trillions if not much more. Like Nietzsche said, those who fight monsters become monsters themselves.
Fuwa makes a move when PreCures can’t
This exposition culminates in the Ophiuchus Princess revealing that a sacrifice will have to be made to put a halt to her plans. This shakes the others into inaction, so Fuwa takes it upon herself to actually get something done.
Our Little Pony, you see, contains the 50% of imagination the Star Princesses had left within themselves after they sent the other half to sapient species across the Star*Twinkle universe. And Ophiuchus needed all of that power within Fuwa to hard-reset the universe. Meanwhile, the dozen Princesses wanted to use Fuwa and the Twinkle Imagination to permanently defeat Ophiuchus next time - the Star Princesses are trying to erase her for the good of the universe. Doing so would get rid not only of the villainess, but of Fuwa as well in a mutual kill. No strange that the Cures waver in the face of sending their sacrificial unicorn to the slaughter; even though the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
Fuwa’s decision results in… well, that’s something for the next episode. While everyone else is wavering, she uses the power of the Princesses to annihilate Darknest/Ophiuchus, but perishing herself in the process.
I feel that perhaps this episode could have been a little lighter on the exposition, perhaps give more chances for the KNotraiders to shine in battle.
Overall, though, I would say this was a good episode. PreCures, Starscape law enforcement, Star Princesses, and their former enemies charge into battle against a great evil to save Fuwa – it definitely sounds good when it is summed up. Gondor calls for aid, and Rohan replies. Even though Fuwa, like the One Ring, has to be reduced to nothing at the end of the day...
I believe the next episode is the final one, so I’ll have a review out for Star ☆ Twinkle, and I’ll have to think about where this season fits into my ranking of every season/continuity of Pretty Cure franchise.
At last we got to see what the thirteenth Star Princess's real game was, and I have to agree that all well-intentioned extremists who preach about the evils of free will are somehow right. Though, even if the WIE in question is lawful good, it calls to mind that, like Nietzsche said, those who fight monsters become monsters themselves.
The highlight of this episode was definitely the tale of the Star Princesses, told in flashback. I really adored the moral quandary that results from it - I like how, through the villains of this show, we've seen how free will can be used in the best and worst of ways, giving credence to their side. I wished I was a little more invested in said villains (the backstory I identified the most with was Tenjou's, having suffered from bullying in the flesh - but Kappard's or Ayewan's were a tad removed from personal experience).
A Clockwork Orange - the titular metaphor explained by Alistair Murden:
If a person is able only to do good, like Alex de Large post-brainwashing, they become like a clockwork orange: ostensibly a living fruit but inside full of cold metal, lifeless, unable to slake anyone's thirst - and a tin toy or timepiece that can only move upon being wound up by higher powers, be them gods or fates or the police state (the last being the case of Alex).
If a person is able only to do good, like Alex de Large post-brainwashing, they become like a clockwork orange: ostensibly a living fruit but inside full of cold metal, lifeless, unable to slake anyone's thirst - and a tin toy or timepiece that can only move upon being wound up by higher powers, be them gods or fates or the police state (the last being the case of Alex).
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