Mercury is going slightly mad this month...
MERCURY marches;–madcap rover,
Patron of pilf’rers. Pert quicksilver
His gaze begets, goblin mineral,
Merry multitude of meeting selves,
Same but sundered. From the soul’s darkness,
With wreathed wand, words he marshals,
Guides and gathers them–gay bellwether
Of flocking fancies. His flint has struck
The spark of speech from spirit’s tinder,
Lord of language! He leads forever
The spangle and splendour, sport that mingles
Sound with senses, in subtle pattern,
Words in wedlock, and wedding also
Of thing with thought.
As elusive as his chemical counterpart, that liquid goblin mineral called quicksilver across Germanic languages, the smallest planet and the one nearest the Sun is currently moonwalking, or should I say mercurywalking, across the night skies of November.
Until 20-21 and the cusp of Sagittarius, Mercury is currently retrograde. And in the deepest, darkest of water signs. This is the autumnal and fourth Mercury Retrograde in 2019; the issue occurs always four times in a year, once per season.
So what does this translate to on Earth? To cut a long story short: Communications issues. But there's so much more than that:
When Mercury Retrograde happens in Scorpio, we aren’t only experiencing technological hiccups and the occasional text from an ex—Scorpio’s energy asks us to review our relationships with trust, intimacy, repressed emotions, and the darker sides of our minds.
Ring the alarm—it’s finally here! If you’ve felt like your communication has been off, or you’ve been misunderstood lately, it’s all about to make sense. When Mercury is in Scorpio, we want to dive to the bottom of issues; all the way down to the midnight zone. Surface-level won’t suffice—we crave deep, soulful connections, and we’re also super eager to soak up others’ secrets. There’s an added intensity to our thought process and the way we choose to communicate with others.
Pro tip: Careful what you obsess over—Mercury in Scorpio can have us operating with a one-track mind. We’re more likely to overthink and obsess over a problem or issue to the point of exhaustion.
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