In this installment of the Twisted Tales/Un giro inesperado novel series, Anna and Elsa have been raised apart since ostensibly forever. And not only that; it's our favourite icebender who takes on the role of Gerda in questing for an estranged sister - flipping the premise of the animated musical on its head! We will also get to know more about this nineteenth-century Nordic world from both the film and the novel...
Como futura reina de Arendelle, la vida de la princesa Elsa está llena de expectativas y responsabilidades, pero sobre todo de preguntas. ¿Qué tipo de gobernante será? ¿Cuándo tendrá que elegir un pretendiente? ¿Y por qué siempre ha tenido la sensación de que le falta una parte vital de sí misma?
Tras la inesperada muerte de sus padres, Elsa se ve obligada a responder estas preguntas antes de lo esperado y se convierte en la reina de su pueblo, estando cada vez más sola. Cuando unos misteriosos poderes de hielo aparecen, Elsa comienza a recordar pequeñas partes de su infancia hasta entonces enterradas en la memoria; momentos que incluyen a una chica de aspecto muy familiar. Decidida a llenar el vacío que siempre ha sentido, Elsa debe afrontar un desgarrador viaje a través de su gélido reino para deshacer una terrible maldición... y encontrar a la princesa faltante. Su hermana menor, Anna... ¿pero cómo reaccionará ésta a la hora del reencuentro?

What if Anna and Elsa never knew each other?
As the future Queen of Arendelle, Princess Elsa's life is full of expectations and responsibility ---not to mention questions. What type of ruler will she be? When will she have to pick a suitor? And why has she always harboured the feeling that some critical piece of herself is missing? Following the unexpected death of her parents in that tempest-tossed shipwreck, Elsa is forced to answer those questions sooner than she'd hoped, becoming the sole ruler of her kingdom and growing lonelier than ever.
But when mysterious powers begin to reveal themselves, Elsa starts to remember fragments of her childhood that seem to have been erased --- pieces that include a very familiar-looking girl, Titian-haired and spangled with freckles. Determined to fill the void she has always felt, Elsa must take a harrowing journey across her icy kingdom to undo a terrible curse... and find the missing Princess -- but how will her sister react?
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