Erik Silverlärka hade själv inte varit mer än sjutton år när han blev utnämnd till löjtnant i Stockholm 1638. Erik hade skött sig bra och snart blivit adjutant åt guvernören.
Erik hade levt ett mindre enkelt liv på Stjärnö, släkten Silverlärkas stora gods strax utanför Stockholm.
Där fanns ett stort, vitt hus av sten med många rum och stora salar. Bredvid det stora huset fanns ett som var lite mindre. Där skulle Erik och Céline bo den första tiden.
-- När mina föräldrar dör ärver jag Stjärnö, sa Erik. Då blir det du och jag som flyttar in i det stora huset.
Människorna berättade Erik inte så mycket om. Hans far kallades gamle greve Adam och hans mor grevinnan Julie. Hon hette egentligen Julia. Men eftersom "Julie" var franska ville hon kallas så. Franska ansågs fint och förnämt, och sådant var Julie mycket svag för.
-- När vi kommer hem får mor finna sig i att kallas gamla grevinnan, för nu är du den unga, sa Erik och drog Céline lekfullt i håret. Jag undrar vad hon kommer att tycka om det.
Erik hade skurit loss knappen från sin uniform den gången han hade friat till henne. Knappen fick hon i stället för en förlovningsring.
Två frustande bruna hästar i blanka seldon skrapade otåligt med hovarna framför vagnen. Så vackra de var! Erik hade berättat att det fanns ett helt stall med hästar på Stjärnö.
-- Alla på Stjärnö är så glada att greve Erik äntligen kommer hem, sa kusken. Grevinnan Julie hälsar att hon och greve Adam har en glad överraskning som väntar.
Vad var det senaste om kriget? Hur lyckades den unga drottning Kristina styra landet? Hon skulle ju bli myndig det här året och ville väl regera själv. Levde hennes rådgivare, den gamle Oxenstierna?
När Erik lämnade Sverige var det Oxenstierna och de högsta adelsmännen som bestämde nästan allt i landet. De hade blivit tillsatta som råd när Gustav II Adolf dog tolv år tidigare. Kristina blev visserligen drottning men var då fortfarande ett litet barn.
-- Hur mår min lillasyster Ulrika? frågade Erik. Hon måste ha blivit riktigt stor. Det ska bli roligt att äntligen få träffa henne.
Kusken svarade på allt han kunde. Sin lillasyster skulle Erik inte få träffa. Hon hade blivit bortgift året innan och bodde på Läckö slott, långt från Stjärnö. Ulrika hade säkert velat vara hemma när Erik kom. Men eftersom hon väntade barn hade hon inte fått göra den långa resan i en skumpande kärra på de knaggliga vägarna.
Stjärnö låg inbäddat i en ekskog i utkanten av Stockholm på stranden av Mälaren. Redan vid middagstid skymtade Erik de runda höga tornen på husets gavlar. Han kände en våg av glädje över att äntligen vara hemma. Bara nu inte mor...
Den stora byggnaden som reste sig bakom en mur med svarta gallergrindar var så stilig.
Kusken gjorde en sväng runt en stjärnformad rosenrabatt framför trappan och stannade framför stora trappan.
En gråhårig man som en gång hade varit lång och ståtlig kom ut på trappan, stödd på en käpp. Han liknade Erik. De hade samma böjda näsa och samma haka.
Det måste vara min svärfar, gamle greven, tänkte Céline. Adam Silverlärka.
Han höll en lur för ena örat för att höra bättre.
Nu skyndade en liten dam ut genom porten. Hon hade guldgult hår konstrikt ordnat i en lockig frisyr. Erik stod redan framför henne och bugade medan han artigt kysste hennes hand.
Julie Silverlärka.
Fast greven snart skulle fylla femtio år var han den snabbaste ryttaren på Stjärnö. Inte ens Erik kunde besegra honom.
Redan när Erik fick kallelsen till slottet hade han blivit rädd. Han hade inte vågat berätta för Céline vad som kunde vänta dem. Nu darrade hans knän ovanför de gula stövlarna medan han försökte marschera lugnt och taktfast uppför trapporna.
Han var ju officer och Sverige var i krig. Hade de ont om officerare var risken stor att han behövdes på någon av fronterna. I så fall skulle Erik bli tvungen att lämna Céline på Stjärnö.
Det hade sina sidor att vara adelsman. Man slapp betala skatt men man var tvungen att ställa upp på allt som drottningen och landet krävde.
Ska jag bli tvungen att lämna dig? tänkte han och drog henne hastigt intill sig.
På Stjärnö fanns det gott om hästar. Förutom greve Adams mörkbruna ridhäst hade de Julies svarta häst Noir. Den tredje var Eriks silvergråa stol som hette Pirouette. Hon kunde dansa runt och göra piruetter.
Ätten Silverlärkas vapen på vagnens dörrar. Två lärkor i silver på en ljusblå vapensköld.
På godsets vind, ovanför en korg med ullfylda bollar av brokigt bomullstyg, på en rostig spik hängde den lilla värjan som Erik fick när han fyllde sju.
På slottet med Kristina:
Den dagen Gustav II Adolf dog blev Kristina visserligen drottning men hon var bara sex år gammal. Därför tillsatte riksdagen en förmyndarregering som Axel Oxenstierna hade lett ända sedan dess. Den skulle regera tills drottningen blev vuxen nog att själv leda landet.
Redan i december det här året, 1644, skulle hon bli myndig och få regera själv. Men ännu var det tre månader dit. Än var det Oxenstierna som bestämde.
Och när de äntligen stod inför den mäktige Axel Oxenstierna hade Céline svårt att tro att det var han.
En gammal herre med grått, tvärklippt skägg och fint snurrade mustascher. Istället för fjäderskrud hade han en mörk kalott på sitt kala huvud. Dräkten var enkel och av svart ylletyg.
De enda prydnaderna var två silverfärgade tofsar som tittade fram under en stor, vit krage. Han hade inte ens ett bälte! Kanske var det för att han mest använde kanoner.
Just då öppnades dörren till ett av det inre gemaken. På tröskeln stod en kvinna i mörkbrun ridklänning och hår som varken var kammat eller uppsatt under pärlor och guldtråd. Bara snabbt hopknutet i nacken med ett vanligt sidenband.
Kunde det vara Axel Oxenstiernas fru? Nej, hon verkade knappt äldre än Céline själv. Det måste vara hans dotter.
--Nig, andades Erik och bugade så djupt att pannan nästan nuddade vid golvet. Det är drottningen!
Drottningen var olik sina hovdamer på många sätt.
Hovdamerna längtade efter att få sova så länge som möjligt om morgnarna. Men drottningen sov högst fem timmar varje natt. Hon lade sig sent och steg upp långt innan de andra hade hunnit sova färdigt.
Hon klädde sig själv om klänningen inte hade för många hyskor och hakar. Eftersom hon inte tyckte om att be andra om hjälp valde hon kläder som var lätta att knäppa.
Det brukade ta mindre än en kvart för henne att bli klar. Då hade hon också hunnit dra en kam genom håret och knutit ihop det med ett enkelt band. Hon såg nästan lite slarvig ut och offrade ingen tid för att försöka bli vacker.
Något som drottningen istället kunde offra hur mycket tid som helst på var att läsa. För att få vara riktigt ifred drog hon sig ibland bort från slottet till ett litet lusthus. Det låg i den kungliga trädgården ett stycke från själva slottet.
När drottningen var där fick ingen störa henne. Den enda som fick följa med ibland var Céline. De kunde sitta tysta i flera timmar bredvid varandra, fördjupade i varsin bok.
I drottningens hyllor fanns böcker om vetenskap och om främmande länder. Drottningen slösade ingen tid på böcker hon inte kunde lära sig något av-
Det hände inte ofta att drottningen skrattade ett vänligt och hjärtligt skratt. Istället hånskrattade hon eller skrattade för att hon hade lyckats säga något kvickt. Hon kunde vara både retsam och elak mot sitt hovfolk.
Kvinnor såg hon ofta ner på. Till dem brukade hon bara säga några ord och sedan prata vidare med någon man. Det hände ofta att hon tröttnade på både människor och böcker. Då slängde hon en kappa över axlarna och gav sig ensam ut på promenad. Kanske ville hon vara ifred och tänka. Inte ens Céline fick följa med.
Andra gånger ville drottningen träffa massor av folk. Det var då hon ställde till stora kalas och maskerader. Om hon fick höra talas om lärda män ute i Europa ville hon genast utbyta tankar med dem. Därför bjöd hon dem till Stockholm.
Många tackade ja fast resan var lång och tröttsam. Med dem kunde hon sitta i dagar och veckor och diskutera vetenskapliga problem. De tyckte att det var en ära. Hon ansågs ju vara en av världens mest lärda kvinnor fast hon var så ung. Dessutom var hon stormakten Sveriges drottning!
En del av gästerna stannade långa tider på slottet. Andra reste snart hem igen. De tyckte att Sverige var snöigt, mörkt och kallt. En av de lärdaste, Renatus Cartesius, tålde inte vintern. Han blev så sjuk att han dog.
När drottningen hade utländska gäster ville hon att Céline skulle vara den hovdam som passade upp. Céline var den enda av hovdamerna som talade både franska och holländska lika bra som hon talade svenska.
Drottningen ville gärna skryta med vilka bildade människor hon hade omkring sig. Hon ville också visa att ryktet om hur lärd hon var verkligen var sant.
Det var inte bara i lusthuset Kristina hade sina böcker. Hon arbetade med att samla ihop till ett stort kungligt bibliotek på själva slottet. En utländsk bibliotekarie kom för att ordna böckerna åt henne.
Snart hade hon så många böcker att salen som skulle bli bibliotek inte räckte till. Hovdamerna måste flytta ur sina kammare som sedan byggdes ihop med biblioteket.
De flesta av böckerna var krigsbyten som hade skickats hem. De svenska tripperna hade order om att ta med sig så många böcker som möjligt.
En dag låste drottningen upp ett skåp och visade Céline en stor bok av rött skinn. Texten var skriven med bläck i både silver och guld. Bokstäverna glittrade och lyste mot det röda skinnet.
-- Det här är Silverbibeln, sa hon stolt. En av de dyrbaraste och märkvärdigaste böcker som finns. Och den är mycket, mycket gammal. Den är ett krigsbyte från Prag.
Lastvagn efter lastvagn skumpade över borggårdens kullerstenar. De var fyllda med krigsbyten.
Drottning Kristina ville själv vara med när lasten packades upp. Där fanns inte bara böcker utan också andra dyrbakra saker som låg gömda i hemlighetsfulla kistor och bylten. Statyer, smycken och silverpokaler. Gyllne skrin med ädelstenar på locket. Guldljusstakar. Kristallvaser och praktfulla sadlar.
Något som inte stoppades undan i skattkammaren var packar med siden och sammet. Drottningen nöp i de vackra, mjuka tygerna. Särskilt förtjust blev hon i ett svart sammetstyg.
Hon hade beställt hem små dockor från Paris och London. De hade klänningar, caper och kappor som var moderna där. En av modedockorna hade en klänning som var så vacker att drottningen tänkte låta sy en nästan likadan till sin kröningsfest. Klänningen var av svar, silkig sammet.
Men drottningens skulle bli mycket finare. Den skulle vara smyckad med silverband och ädelstenar. Under fållen och ur sprund i sidorna skulle en vit silkesunderkjol skymta fram. Kristina skulle bli den vackraste drottningen i världen.
Fast Kristina hade varit myndig och själv regerat i nästan ett år nu var dagen för kröningen ännu inte bestämd- Men det kunde vara bra at ha klänningen färdig.
Många förnäma gäster skulle bjudas in både från Sverige och andra länder. De skulle få vara med om baler och se teaterpjäser som var märkvärdigare än något de tidigare hade sett. Stora banketter med de underbaraste rätter skulle hållas i slottet.
Längst fram i processionen skulmme musikanter med pipor, pukor och silvertrumpeter spela smattrande musik. Vagnar med rikets förnämsta män skulle följa efter. I en av vagnarna skulle Axel Oxenstierna sitta med riksäpplet och guldspiran i knät.
Drottningen själv skulle åka i en gyllene kaross omgiven av ridande drabanter. Åtta generaler skulle bära en skimrande tronhimmel över henne. Det var ingen måtta på allt hon planerade!
Både drottningen och rådet visste att en sådan fest skulle kosta mer än vad skattkammaren tålde. Men istället för att nöja sig med en enklare fest sköt Kristina upp kröningen. Hon hoppades tydligen på att skattkammaren snart skulle vara fylld igen.
Det här var drottningens drömmar. De handlade om prakt och ståt.
Det var en tidig sommarmorgon och drottningen och hennes följe var på väg ut till landet. Hon hade känt sig instängd bakom de tjocka slottsmurarna och längtat ut till solskenet och friheten.
-- Du har väl hört att både folket och Oxenstierna vill gifta bort mig med Karl Gustav. Jag älskar honom inte. Därför har jag begärt att han ska bli min arvinge utan att vi behöver gifta oss. Men riksdagen och Oxenstierna säger nej. Den gamle träbocken har skött landet länge och han har gjort det bra. Men han vill inte erkänna att det är jag som bestämmer. Han tycker att jag är en galen flicksnärta som bara tänker på makt.
Hon reste sig och skrattade till. Det gälla skrattet.
-- Jag tänker inte ge mig! Jag har tänkt ut hur jag ska göra...
Den här gången avslöjade drottningen inte sin plan ens för Céline. Hon visste att hon hade fiender och att många gärna skulle vilja se henne genomborrad av en dolk eller förgiftad. Hon hade blivit tvungen att lära sig välja mellan att tala och att tiga.
Att vara kung eller drottning gav makt, men det var inget ofarligt äventyr. Hon visste vad som hände i många andra länder.
"Mad Queen Eleanor":
Kammarjungfrun Rosa på Stjärnö hade berättat om hur svårt drottningen hade haft det när hon var liten. Gustav II Adolf hade ju dött när drottningen bara var sex år gammal. Hennes mor hade blivit som galen när kungen dog. Hon hade helt struntat i sin lilla flicka.
Hon hade låtit skära ut kungens hjärta och lagt det i ett skrin inne i ett gemak med svarta sorgflor längs väggarna. Då blev Kristinas faster tvungen att flytta till slottet och ta hand om Kristina.
Drottningen var bara två år äldre än Céline. Då var det ju inte konstigt att hon var mörkrädd! Och fast hon egentligen bara var en flicka hade hon ansvar för ett helt land. Hon kanske kände sig rädd och osäker ibland fast hon hade både hovfolket och Axel Oxenstierna.
En Lützensägen:
Den dagen Gustav Adolf hade blivit skjuten nere i Tyskland hade två karlar kommit gående på en äng nära Uppsala. Då hade de hört oväsen som om de hade varit mitt i kriget. Folk skrek och sköt. Det klingade av svärd och värjor. Karlarna slängde sig ner bakom en gärdsgård för att ta skydd. Men efter en stund blev det tyst. Inte förrän långt senare fick de veta att kungen hade blivit skjuten just då.
Kristina berättar om Gustav Adolf:
Den dagen jag skulle födas rådde det stor spänning här i landet. Min far och mor hade fått två små prinsar före mig, men båda hade dött. Därför hoppades alla på en pojke som skulle kunna efterträda sin far på tronen.
Utanför slottet stod soldater. De skulle skjuta med kanoner så fort jag var född. Var det en prins skulle de skjuta dubbelt så många skott som när det var en prinsessa.
Jag var ful som en liten grobian, och barnmorskan som hjälpte till vid födseln fick för sig att jag var en pojke.
Hon skickade bud till kungen att han hade fått en son. Soldaterna fick genast order om att skjuta. Men efter en stund upptäckte barnmorskan att hon hade sett fel. Jag var ingen pojke utan en flicka! Ingen vågade gå till kungen och berätta sanningen.
Till sist tog barnmorskan mod till sig och bar mig in i hans gemak. Istället för att visa sin besvikelse tog han mig i famnen och sa att han älskade mig ändå. Snart blev jag hans bästa vän.
Min mor förlät mig aldrig för att jag inte var en pojke. Hon ville inte ha med mig att göra. Ibland hände det olyckor som inte gick att förklara. En bjälke ramlade ner och krossade min vagga. Så snart jag hade lärt mig gå lät de mig klättra precis hur högt jag ville. Naturligtvis ramlade jag ner men till min mors besvikelse klarade jag livet också då.
Min far drev igenom att jag skulle få ärva riket fast jag inte var en prins. Och för att klara av att vara kung skulle jag uppfostras som pojke fast jag var en flicka. Istället för att lära mig sy skulle jag studera. Jag lärde mig också skjuta och rida långa vägar genom skogarna i sporrsträck.
Ibland måste jag övernatta i skogen fast det var mörkt och dåligt väder. Inte ens när det åskade fick jag visa att jag var rädd.
Men en gång grät jag. Det var när far gav sig ut i kriget. Han var ju kung och skulle leda trupperna. Det var den sista gången jag såg honom i livet. När jag var sex år blev han ju skjuten. Jag hoppades länge att de hade ljugit för mig och att han skulle bli levande igen.
Det blev han förstås inte.
Det dröjde innan jag förstod vad det betydde att jag hade blivit drottning. Jag tyckte det var roligt när vuxna människor bugade och neg för mig. Men vad jag inte tyckte var lika roligt var att jag måste sitta minst fyra timmar varje dag hos gamle Oxenstierna. Han skulle redan från början lära mig hur man regerar ett land.
Henri Gautier kommer till hovet:
Visst hade drottning Kristina rätt när hon sa att hon var en av världens mest berömda drottningar. Annars skulle väl inte världens mest lovande konstnärer och vetenskapsmän bry sig om att resa så långt som till Sverige för att få tala med henne eller måla hennes porträtt.
Konstnären som var på väg hette Daniel Bierk. Fast det kom många gäster till slottet var hovdamerna i smyg alltid nyfikna på den som skulle komma. Särskilt om det var en konstnär.
Tavlan var uppställd på ett stort staffli. Ännu var den bara en vitmålad duk, spänd på en träram,
Men snart skulle den förvandlas till ett konstverk.
Nedanför staffliet väntade konstnärens målarskrin och hans palett, fläckig i regnbågens alla färger.
Åt drottningen hade tjänarna lyft fram en gyllne stol. Bredvid den fanns ett bord med söt konfekt och en vinkaraff av kristall. Både drottningen och konstnären kunde behöva läska sig.
Där kom han! Lång och stilig. Han bugade djupt för dem.
När han blev äldre skickade hans far honom att studera på ett fint universitet.
-- Jag ville inte fortsätta studera. Jag ville måla. Istället för att läsa målade jag dag och natt. Utan att berätta det för far blev jag elev hos en av de största mästarna. När far till sist fick veta att jag levde ett helt annat liv än han hade bestämt blev han rasande.Han ville att jag skulle bli politiker som han. Om jag blev konstnär ville han inte längre ha med mig att göra. Jag fick inte ens fortsätta att bära mitt släktnamn Gautier. Då kallade jag mig Daniel Bierk och fortsatte att måla.
Henri Gautier sårad i duellen (Eftersom han omfamnade barndomsvännen Céline utmanade Erik honom på duell med skjutvapen. Slutligen benådar drottningen paret Silverlärka, som blir deras ombud i kolonierna, medan Henri överlever och blir hovkonstnär):
Céline hann bara några steg innan ett skott brann av.
Ett rop av smärta skar genom natten. Facklorna släcktes och springande steg hördes. Så blev det tyst.
Nej, inte helt. Ett halvkvävt rosslande hördes från någon som låg vid udden. Var det Henri eller den andre? Céline hittade ingen stig. Hon trevade sig fram genom snåren och snubblade nästan över en kropp.
Henri? Medvetslös? Död? Då var det den andre som hade skjutit.
Död var han ännu inte, men djupt medvetslös. Han andades tungt och rosslande. Skottet hade missat hjärtat men träffat ena lungan.
Giselle hade redan sagt till pigan att göra i ordning en bädd där de kunde lägga Henri.
När fältskären hade lossat den blodiga skjortan och lyckats peta ut kulan ur det djupa såret skakade han på huvudet.
-- Klarar han sårfebern finns det en möjlighet att han överlever. Men såret är djupt. Ni får vara beredda på det värsta. Här är en påse örter att koka medicin av. Den måste han dricka två klunkar av varje timme.
Giselle la belle stod redan vid spisen böjd över sin finaste koppargryta. Hon visste mycket om hur man skulle sköta sjuka och tänkte göra allt hon kunde.
-- Rid hem till Stjärnö och sov, sa hon till Céline. Vi tar hand om honom och skickar genast bud om han blir sämre.
Levde Henri?
De hade bara hört ett skott och det var ju Henri som hade blivit skadad. Då måste det ha varit den andre som sköt.
Hela förmiddagen hade Céline väntat på bud, men eftersom det inte hade kommit något måste det väl betyda att Henri ännu levde? Hon visste att han fick den bästa vård han kunde få. Men hur skulle hon kunna vara lugn? Om Henri dog skulle Erik dö. Och om Henri överlevde skulle Erik ändå bli dömd. Inte till döden men till ett långt fängelsestraff.
Dagarna gick. Henri var fortfarande mycket sjuk.
Var fanns Henri? Han stod i drottningens gemak och målade hennes märkliga profil. Den här dagen satt drottningen själv modell. Hon hade upptäckt att han hade ett utsökt leende och att han till och med talade vackrare franska än Céline. Ännu en gång var hon djupt förälskad.
domingo, 30 de agosto de 2015
sábado, 29 de agosto de 2015
There is a week or two until the next arc of Go! Princess Precure begins, and the Dysdark government has prepared an unexpected resurrection and a pair of more expected new arrivals:
Close is back from the grave...
The March Hare and Dormouse (names still unknown), who appear to be female twins.
Close's Angels, anyone?
A closer look at the Dormouse
close resurrected,
dysdark march hare and dormouse,
go princess precure,
new dysdark generals,
new dysdark generals are female twins
viernes, 28 de agosto de 2015
The eldest in a set of orphan siblings takes care of all the others, as if she had been their mother.
Meanwhile, betrothed to prissy court lady Elsa, the local lordling, Erik, is unhappy.
The lives of both will change when their paths cross...
Meanwhile, betrothed to prissy court lady Elsa, the local lordling, Erik, is unhappy.
The lives of both will change when their paths cross...
jueves, 27 de agosto de 2015
A 30YW parody of "The Raven" by E.A. Poe
By Sandra Dermark
(OK, this is another bunny I have been developed for this summer. Christina of Sweden is the narrator, and this is their reunion between the Peace of Westphalia and her abdication)
Once upon a midnight dreary, there she sat so weak and weary,
looking at that golden casket then like every mournful night before,
while I lay down, tossing, turning, for bright light and freedom yearning,
for exciting, clever learning, learning things not known before...
Learning feats of past commanders I'd never heard of before...
Only learn a few things more...
Ah, distinctly I remember, it was in the bleak November,
and her face glowed like an ember. Tears she shed upon the floor.
She would weep from dusk to morrow: vainly she had sought to borrow
solace and surcease for sorrow for one slain in the great war...
Thus mourned Mary Eleanor...
For the hero slain at Lützen thus wept Mary Eleanor...
For one still for evermore.
And the silken, sad, uncertain rustling of the drawn bed-curtain
thrilled me - filled me with excitement I had never felt before.
So that now, to still the beating of my heart, I was repeating:
"There is sure someone intreating entrance at the chamber-door...
Surely some maid intreating entrance at this chamber's door...
This it is, and nothing more."
Presently, my soul grew stronger: hesitating then no longer,
I parted the dark bed-curtains and took a peek at the door.
But the maid was there a second, then two, then three, as I reckoned,
there was the sight that still beckoned and revolted me, like before.
That I felt both drawn to that sight and shied away from it more:
still waked Mary Eleanor.
Through the curtains still I was peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing,
doubting dreams of which I never, ever dared to dream before:
Now the silence was unbroken, and the light gave a faint token,
though no whisper was now spoken by a weary Eleanor...
There, clutching her golden casket, she lay on the velvet floor...
lying prostrate on the floor...
Back into my bed-sheets turning, all my soul within me burning,
I wondered at her strange yearning, now more painful than before.
"Surely", said I, "she's still waking, her bleeding heart e'en more breaking,
mourning Lützen's undertaking, thinking of the joys of yore,
that won't return anymore.
Now his heart is still forever, yet she remembers him more:
on his death-day even more."
There she lay, her casket clutching, and the heart within it touching,
feeling there was still so much in there. Her black silks still she wore.
Though she lay there, still was waking, shattering, tearing, and breaking
the ties that were once forsaken, once upon a foreign shore...
Reaching out, she felt, towards her, standing on the Stygian shore!
Thus, I whispered: "Nevermore."
Nothing more then I had uttered, as the curtains outside fluttered,
though now I will sit and mutter: "Other friends have flown before.
On the morrow comes the new day, though my hopes have flown before."
Then, I just said: "Nevermore."
Thus I stand, steeled and unbroken, since those words I'd rightly spoken.
Doubtless, I have found less pleasure in love than I find in lore.
Never some unhappy master will unmerciful disaster
bring upon me fast and faster, till my songs are one, no more:
Till the dirges of my hope one melancholy burden sure
turn to: Never, nevermore!
Thousand pleasures, still beguiling all my sad soul into smiling,
cannot retract me from striding and opening that locked door.
Now, upon soft velvet sinking, I betake myself to linking
all those recollections, thinking, all that death-in-life of yore:
of all that grim, ungainly, and ominous death-in-life of yore,
'neath my oath of "Nevermore."
This I thought, engaged in dressing, but no syllables expressing,
as I was myself undressing, plunged into my bosom's core:
This and more I sat divining, with my head at ease reclining,
with my steel-coloured eyes shining like they'd never shone before,
full of twinkles and of sparkles that conceal the unrest o'er:
"She'll find rest... ah... nevermore!"
Then, methought, I hear her calling, a veil from my thoughts is falling,
and I hear her soft steps falling with sweet tinkles on the floor.
There she is, before me standing, no longer silence commanding,
respite... respite there demanding, lively like never before!
"Quaff, oh, quaff life in your standing, and forget it, Eleanor!"
Thus she says, at last, quite sure.
"Prussia was once a bright Eden, and, broken, I shunned dire Sweden,
since the loss of his life and yours were tossed hither by reckless war!
Here I stand now, healed, undaunted, on this pristine land enchanted,
At this home by sorrow haunted... For forgiveness I implore!
Is there... is there mercy in you? Tell me, tell me, I implore!"
She embraces me once more.
Thus, I offer her my pardon, respite, solace, warmth and guerdon,
for soon I'll be sadly leaving this land and those I adore.
Soothe a soul with sorrow laden, a mother healed by a maiden,
at last clasping the crowned maiden who was lost to Eleanor!
Clasping the lost, precious maiden, her child, won by Eleanor!
Though she'll leave for evermore...
Warm will be our sign of parting, when my own path I'll be starting!
You will embrace your Gustavus soon upon the Stygian shore!
Leave me and I'll leave you a token of all that our souls have spoken!
Then, my loneliness unbroken will start at this open door!
I'll stride forth, then take a stand through this by peace now opened door!
I will return nevermore!
Stay in this keep by the water, and, though you'll soon lose a daughter,
you'll win for your feelings quarter, and Charles for ward at your door.
And your eyes now have the seeming of those that once more are dreaming,
and the fire-light o'er you streaming casts your shadow on the floor...
And your soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor
shall be lifted -- for e'ermore.
A 30YW parody of "The Raven" by E.A. Poe
By Sandra Dermark
(OK, this is another bunny I have been developed for this summer. Christina of Sweden is the narrator, and this is their reunion between the Peace of Westphalia and her abdication)
Once upon a midnight dreary, there she sat so weak and weary,
looking at that golden casket then like every mournful night before,
while I lay down, tossing, turning, for bright light and freedom yearning,
for exciting, clever learning, learning things not known before...
Learning feats of past commanders I'd never heard of before...
Only learn a few things more...
Ah, distinctly I remember, it was in the bleak November,
and her face glowed like an ember. Tears she shed upon the floor.
She would weep from dusk to morrow: vainly she had sought to borrow
solace and surcease for sorrow for one slain in the great war...
Thus mourned Mary Eleanor...
For the hero slain at Lützen thus wept Mary Eleanor...
For one still for evermore.
And the silken, sad, uncertain rustling of the drawn bed-curtain
thrilled me - filled me with excitement I had never felt before.
So that now, to still the beating of my heart, I was repeating:
"There is sure someone intreating entrance at the chamber-door...
Surely some maid intreating entrance at this chamber's door...
This it is, and nothing more."
Presently, my soul grew stronger: hesitating then no longer,
I parted the dark bed-curtains and took a peek at the door.
But the maid was there a second, then two, then three, as I reckoned,
there was the sight that still beckoned and revolted me, like before.
That I felt both drawn to that sight and shied away from it more:
still waked Mary Eleanor.
Through the curtains still I was peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing,
doubting dreams of which I never, ever dared to dream before:
Now the silence was unbroken, and the light gave a faint token,
though no whisper was now spoken by a weary Eleanor...
There, clutching her golden casket, she lay on the velvet floor...
lying prostrate on the floor...
Back into my bed-sheets turning, all my soul within me burning,
I wondered at her strange yearning, now more painful than before.
"Surely", said I, "she's still waking, her bleeding heart e'en more breaking,
mourning Lützen's undertaking, thinking of the joys of yore,
that won't return anymore.
Now his heart is still forever, yet she remembers him more:
on his death-day even more."
There she lay, her casket clutching, and the heart within it touching,
feeling there was still so much in there. Her black silks still she wore.
Though she lay there, still was waking, shattering, tearing, and breaking
the ties that were once forsaken, once upon a foreign shore...
Reaching out, she felt, towards her, standing on the Stygian shore!
Thus, I whispered: "Nevermore."
Nothing more then I had uttered, as the curtains outside fluttered,
though now I will sit and mutter: "Other friends have flown before.
On the morrow comes the new day, though my hopes have flown before."
Then, I just said: "Nevermore."
Thus I stand, steeled and unbroken, since those words I'd rightly spoken.
Doubtless, I have found less pleasure in love than I find in lore.
Never some unhappy master will unmerciful disaster
bring upon me fast and faster, till my songs are one, no more:
Till the dirges of my hope one melancholy burden sure
turn to: Never, nevermore!
Thousand pleasures, still beguiling all my sad soul into smiling,
cannot retract me from striding and opening that locked door.
Now, upon soft velvet sinking, I betake myself to linking
all those recollections, thinking, all that death-in-life of yore:
of all that grim, ungainly, and ominous death-in-life of yore,
'neath my oath of "Nevermore."
This I thought, engaged in dressing, but no syllables expressing,
as I was myself undressing, plunged into my bosom's core:
This and more I sat divining, with my head at ease reclining,
with my steel-coloured eyes shining like they'd never shone before,
full of twinkles and of sparkles that conceal the unrest o'er:
"She'll find rest... ah... nevermore!"
Then, methought, I hear her calling, a veil from my thoughts is falling,
and I hear her soft steps falling with sweet tinkles on the floor.
There she is, before me standing, no longer silence commanding,
respite... respite there demanding, lively like never before!
"Quaff, oh, quaff life in your standing, and forget it, Eleanor!"
Thus she says, at last, quite sure.
"Prussia was once a bright Eden, and, broken, I shunned dire Sweden,
since the loss of his life and yours were tossed hither by reckless war!
Here I stand now, healed, undaunted, on this pristine land enchanted,
At this home by sorrow haunted... For forgiveness I implore!
Is there... is there mercy in you? Tell me, tell me, I implore!"
She embraces me once more.
Thus, I offer her my pardon, respite, solace, warmth and guerdon,
for soon I'll be sadly leaving this land and those I adore.
Soothe a soul with sorrow laden, a mother healed by a maiden,
at last clasping the crowned maiden who was lost to Eleanor!
Clasping the lost, precious maiden, her child, won by Eleanor!
Though she'll leave for evermore...
Warm will be our sign of parting, when my own path I'll be starting!
You will embrace your Gustavus soon upon the Stygian shore!
Leave me and I'll leave you a token of all that our souls have spoken!
Then, my loneliness unbroken will start at this open door!
I'll stride forth, then take a stand through this by peace now opened door!
I will return nevermore!
Stay in this keep by the water, and, though you'll soon lose a daughter,
you'll win for your feelings quarter, and Charles for ward at your door.
And your eyes now have the seeming of those that once more are dreaming,
and the fire-light o'er you streaming casts your shadow on the floor...
And your soul from out that shadow that lies floating on the floor
shall be lifted -- for e'ermore.
30 years war,
christina of sweden,
e.a. poe,
gustavus adolphus,
mary eleanor,
mothers and daughters,
Sveriges tidiga modern historia - på vers
Gustav Vasa, stram och sträng,
styrde strikt med kyrkans peng,
Vrede stor.
Ingen lejd!
Slutet gott med folklig frejd.
Erik, tyst och allvarsam,
dräpte Sturar utan skam.
Liten Karin blev hans fru
Johan ville leva flott,
byggde därför flera slott.
Knöt med Polen vänskapsband
genom polsk prinsessas hand.
Karl i strid med Sigismund
kämpar mot katolskt förbund.
Fast besluten i sin tro
segrar Karl vid Stångebro.
ANNO 1629
Sveriges kronprins tidigt lärde
allt om krig som var av värde.
Fred i Knäred och Stolbova
kunde han sen folket lova.
Många skickliga valloner
lockats hit av brukspatroner.
För sitt järn med kvalité
fick de snabbt gott renommé.
Stångjärnshammarn slog och skrällde,
blåsbälgslädret kved och gnällde.
Sotig, svettig arbetsdag
gav ändå ett visst behag.
Gustav Adolf, stormaktskung,
satt i sadeln trygg ock tung.
Krigade mot Tillys män.
Segrar vann han om igen.
Men en dimmig, gråkall dag
stupar han i bloddränkt slag.
Lützens dimma blev hans fall.
Hem han fraktas, livlöst kall.
Kloke Axel Oxenstierna
styrde Sverige mer än gärna.
Pojkaktigt busig liten flicka
ville ej dansa, sy och sticka.
Inte vacker, men ej ful.
Vilda ritter, det var kul!
Samlade böcker med stort värde.
Älskade samtal med de lärde.
Vackra språk och religion
blev Kristinas livs passion.
Djärv och listig militär
går på isen med sin här.
17000 man i fält
för han över Stora Bält.
Häst och släde, tung kanon,
forslas fram av rask dragon.
Kung Karl Gustav, mer än nöjd,
intar Danmark med stor fröjd.
Karl XII, vild och ung,
kröner stolt sig själv till kung.
Ryssland, Polen, Danmarks land
trotsar han med skicklig hand.
Så en dag tar segrar slut.
Karls armé har bränt sitt krut.
Envis köld och hungersnöd
blir soldaters bråda död.
Samlar så på nytt armén.
Stupar sen vid Fredriksten.
Polhem -- klurig gotländsk kille,
var ett riktigt tekniskt snille.
Prima pumpar, lås och ur
blev snart Polhems signatur.
Fredrik var en snobbig karl.
Pudrat hår han alltid bar.
Spetsprytt krås med broderi,
sammetsrock med knappar i.
Politik han ej begrep.
Frillor tog han utan svep.
Stackars drottning, less och led,
blev på kungen trött och vred.
Hattar och mössor i frihetstider
träter om makten och envist strider.
Krig eller fred blir ett skäl för debatt.
Frågan är kluven för mössa och hatt.
Adolf Fredrik, pigg och glad,
tar en liten promenad.
Fru Lovisa
vill han visa
dammens vackra näckrosblad.
Många hundra tusen varv
satt han vid sin kära svarv.
Snus i dosor,
park med rosor.
Det blev Adolf Fredriks arv.
Celsius, välkänd astronom,
erhöll ordnar och diplom.
Mätte stjärnljus och planeter,
uppfann sen vår termometer.
Alströmer -- en driftig man.
Många uppslag hade han,
För att kunna väva tyg
tog han ritningar i smyg.
Hemlagat brännvin ur anspråkslös knöl,
stärkelse, puder och finaste mjöl
framställs finurligt av fru Ekeblad,
alltid naturlig och glittrande glad.
Tjusarkonung, så charmant,
levde flott och elegant.
Lockperuk och franskt manér --
operafest han gärna ger.
Anckarström i svart brokad
bjuden blir på maskerad.
Mördar kungen med ett skott
i en officerskomplott.
Aderton herrar med snille och smak
arbetar flitigt i Börsens gemak.
Ordlista, ordbok, korrekt grammatik...
språket står där under ständig kritik.
Gustav (IV) Adolf kunde ej
föra krig mot Ryssland. Nej!
Finland helt förlorat var.
Kungen ensam skulden bar.
Snabbt han ut ur Sverige flyr.
Han ej längre landet styr.
Sveriges konung sparken fått.
Kronan går till Bernadotte.
Karl XIII ses i trans
vid en hemlighetsfull seans.
Talar med sin döda släkt
genom andar som han väckt.
Prins Karl August, vänligt snäll,
dör på hästens rygg en kväll.
Karl XIII blir en dag
skröplig, gammal och mycket svag.
Utan några egna barn,
dör den gamle, arme karln.
From Ovid's Metamorphoses
139 Niobe's sons were out there
140 Astride gaudy saddle-cloths,
141 Their gold-studded reins bunched in their fingers,
142 Managing muscular horses.
143 Ismenus, Niobe's eldest,
144 Was reining his horse hard,
145 Bringing it round in a tight circle
146 When his spine snapped
147 And a bellow forced his mouth open
148 As a broad-headed bright-red arrow
149 Came clean through him.
150 The reins fell loose. For a moment
151 He embraced the horse's neck, limply,
152 Then slid from its right shoulder.
153 Sipylus looked wildly upward.
154 He heard a quiver rattle high in the air
155 And urged his horse to a full gallop---
160 But it was no good.
161 The god's arrow was already there,
162 The feathers squatting in the nape of his neck,
163 The long shaft sticking from his Adam's apple.
164 He bowed
165 Over the horse's mane and simpl
166 Rolled on forward and down
167 Under the hooves
168 That churned his limbs briefly, scattering the blood.
169 Phaedimus was no luckier.
170 With his brother---, Tantalus---
173 He had left the horses. These two
174 Were doing what they loved best---
175 Wrestling together, with oiled bodies,
176 And were locked chest to chest,
177 Each straining to fold the other backwards
178 When the arrow
179 From the unerring bow of Apollo
180 Slammed through both, and nailed them together.
181 Each thought his backbone broken by the other.
182 With a single groan they collapsed,
183 Crumpling sideways
184 A monster with eight limbs, clawing for life,
185 Dying a single death from the one wound.
186 Alphenor could not understand
187 What was happening.
188 He hammered his chest with his fists and tore at it
189 With his fingers. He tried
190 To lift his two brothers back on their feet---
191 But as he struggled there, with all his strength
192 Braced under their dead weights,
193 A forked barb of Apollo
194 Touched him beneath his left shoulder-blade.
195 It came out under his ribs, on the right,
196 With a rag of his liver.
197 He felt his heart kicking against the shaft
198 As he dropped into darkness
199 Beneath his brothers.
200 Long-haired Damasichthon was n
ot so lucky
201 To escape so smoothly.
202 The arrow that brought him down
203 Had gone in behind the knee.
204 He flung back his head,
205 Showing heaven a mask of agony
206 As he made one huge effort to wrench
207 The barbs from their anchorage
208 Behind his tendons.
209 The second arrow found him in that posture.
210 It went in
211 At the base of his throat, in the fork
212 Of his clavicle---
213 And drove straight down through the aorta.
214 A column of blood
215 Ejected it and he fell
216 Like a broken fountain---
217 The blood jetting in twisting and showering arcs
218 From his flailing body.
219 Ilioneus was last.
220 He dropped to his knees and lifted his arms---
221 'You gods,' he cried, 'all of you, hear me,
222 Spare me, protect me.'
223 But ignorant of his mother's folly
224 He was ignorant
225 Which gods to appeal to.
226 Apollo the Archer, touched with pity,
227 Regretted the arrow
228 That his eye was following.
229 But the wound was instantly fatal,
230 Surgical, precise, minimal---
231 It stopped his heart before he felt the impact.
From Ovid's Metamorphoses
139 Niobe's sons were out there
140 Astride gaudy saddle-cloths,
141 Their gold-studded reins bunched in their fingers,
142 Managing muscular horses.
143 Ismenus, Niobe's eldest,
144 Was reining his horse hard,
145 Bringing it round in a tight circle
146 When his spine snapped
147 And a bellow forced his mouth open
148 As a broad-headed bright-red arrow
149 Came clean through him.
150 The reins fell loose. For a moment
151 He embraced the horse's neck, limply,
152 Then slid from its right shoulder.
153 Sipylus looked wildly upward.
154 He heard a quiver rattle high in the air
155 And urged his horse to a full gallop---
160 But it was no good.
161 The god's arrow was already there,
162 The feathers squatting in the nape of his neck,
163 The long shaft sticking from his Adam's apple.
164 He bowed
165 Over the horse's mane and simpl
166 Rolled on forward and down
167 Under the hooves
168 That churned his limbs briefly, scattering the blood.
169 Phaedimus was no luckier.
170 With his brother---, Tantalus---
173 He had left the horses. These two
174 Were doing what they loved best---
175 Wrestling together, with oiled bodies,
176 And were locked chest to chest,
177 Each straining to fold the other backwards
178 When the arrow
179 From the unerring bow of Apollo
180 Slammed through both, and nailed them together.
181 Each thought his backbone broken by the other.
182 With a single groan they collapsed,
183 Crumpling sideways
184 A monster with eight limbs, clawing for life,
185 Dying a single death from the one wound.
186 Alphenor could not understand
187 What was happening.
188 He hammered his chest with his fists and tore at it
189 With his fingers. He tried
190 To lift his two brothers back on their feet---
191 But as he struggled there, with all his strength
192 Braced under their dead weights,
193 A forked barb of Apollo
194 Touched him beneath his left shoulder-blade.
195 It came out under his ribs, on the right,
196 With a rag of his liver.
197 He felt his heart kicking against the shaft
198 As he dropped into darkness
199 Beneath his brothers.
200 Long-haired Damasichthon was n
ot so lucky
201 To escape so smoothly.
202 The arrow that brought him down
203 Had gone in behind the knee.
204 He flung back his head,
205 Showing heaven a mask of agony
206 As he made one huge effort to wrench
207 The barbs from their anchorage
208 Behind his tendons.
209 The second arrow found him in that posture.
210 It went in
211 At the base of his throat, in the fork
212 Of his clavicle---
213 And drove straight down through the aorta.
214 A column of blood
215 Ejected it and he fell
216 Like a broken fountain---
217 The blood jetting in twisting and showering arcs
218 From his flailing body.
219 Ilioneus was last.
220 He dropped to his knees and lifted his arms---
221 'You gods,' he cried, 'all of you, hear me,
222 Spare me, protect me.'
223 But ignorant of his mother's folly
224 He was ignorant
225 Which gods to appeal to.
226 Apollo the Archer, touched with pity,
227 Regretted the arrow
228 That his eye was following.
229 But the wound was instantly fatal,
230 Surgical, precise, minimal---
231 It stopped his heart before he felt the impact.
miércoles, 26 de agosto de 2015
Go! Princess Precure - Episode 29
My Own Review:
Star Princess Sei, Flower Princess Chieri, and Ocean Princess Yura,
the precursors of three of the Princess Cures.
At the end of last episode, Lock quickly and stealthily stole the keys of three Princess Cures, Towa Akagi being the sole exception.
Now the three targeted Cures are as helpless as Thor without his hammer or Katniss without her bow.
So all three are dejected, while Towa and token muggle Yui try to raise their spirits.
But this episode begins with my favourite non-empowered character, Seira Azuma, storming into a room full of gloomy Cures as she holds a paper bag full of knickknacks:
SEIRA: Minami, I have brought souvenirs for you... (She is startled to see all three robbed Cures depressed)
SEIRA: Wh-What's up with the long faces?
(No reply)
TOWA: Everyone... Raise your spirits. There's no use in being all down.
KIRARA (dejected): But... without the Keys... we can't turn into Precures.
MINAMI (concerned): If the Dysdarks attack now...
TOWA (determined): I WILL FIGHT! (WATAKUSHI GA TATAKAIMASU!) I'll take back all of your Keys too.
(A great harangue, Towa, but everyone else is still blue.)
That night, a huge full moon (like the one I saw behind the Poseidon Fountain and Fine Art Museum of Gothenburg three days ago) shines over Noble Academy.
Of course, the full moon has always been something relevant, since our satellite becomes a perfect circle once in every month...
The perfect omen, in spite of its frequent occurrence.
This night, Puff has a dream of waking up in the mist (false awakening) and getting as lost as Gustavus Adolphus at Lützen, only that she thankfully happens to be in a peaceful lea.
Though the sky is cyan/light blue, a full moon and countless stars shine in it. The spaniel immediately recognizes the place in her dream as...
The Hope Kingdom!!!
Apparently, since it's a Magical Land, its physics are different from those of Earth and the moon and stars shine there in the day sky.
Puff is drawn to the scent of a scarlet gerbera-like flower growing on its own and taller than any other flower-plant in the meadow.
From the calyx of this gerbera rises a little sphere of pink light.
From the waters of a crystal-clear lake nearby rises a little sphere of blue light.
A star in the sky becomes a little sphere of golden light.
All three keys soar towards the spaniel and become Dress-Up Keys before her astonished eyes.
Then, the three Keys soar away quickly and Puff darts off in their pursuit.
When Puff awakens, she is glowing with a white light...
...and then given her empowered maid uniform!!!
Then, she notices the scent of the Keys from her dream.
As Puff herself explains, her sense of smell is enhanced by the power-up.
So off go all five girls in the team, following the trail out of the campus and into the woods...
Though it's fearful,
Though it's deep, though it's dark
And though you may lose the path,
Though you may encounter wolves,
You can't just act,
You have to listen.
you can't just act,
You have to think.
Though it's deep, though it's dark
And though you may lose the path,
Though you may encounter wolves,
You can't just act,
You have to listen.
you can't just act,
You have to think.
There are always wolves,
There are always spells,
There are always spells,
So into the woods you go again,
You have to every now and then.
Into the woods, no telling when,
Be ready for the journey.
Into the woods, but not too fast
or what you wish, you lose at last.
Into the woods, but mind the past.
Into the woods, but mind the future.
The way is dark,
The light is dim,
But now there's you, me, her, and him.
The chances look small,
The choices look grim,
But everything you learn there
Will help when you return there.
The light is getting dimmer...
I think I see a glimmer--
Into the woods--you have to grope,
But that's the way you learn to cope.
Into the woods to find there's hope
Of getting through the journey.
Into the woods, each time you go,
There's more to learn of what you know.
Into the woods, but not too slow...
Into the woods, it's nearing midnight...
The light is dim,
But now there's you, me, her, and him.
The chances look small,
The choices look grim,
But everything you learn there
Will help when you return there.
The light is getting dimmer...
I think I see a glimmer--
Into the woods--you have to grope,
But that's the way you learn to cope.
Into the woods to find there's hope
Of getting through the journey.
Into the woods, each time you go,
There's more to learn of what you know.
Into the woods, but not too slow...
Into the woods, it's nearing midnight...
To mind, to heed, to find, to think, to teach, to join, to go to the festival!
Into the woods,
Into the woods,
Into the woods,
Then out of the woods...
And happy ever after!
Into the woods,
Into the woods,
Into the woods,
Then out of the woods...
And happy ever after!
Suddenly, the group unwittingly splits up.
Yui, Towa, and the servants are standing before the ocean.
Puff has lost the scent of the Keys.
TOWA: Calm down. Search for the scent one more time.
YUI (turning around): Huh? The others are gone.
YUI (turning around): Huh? The others are gone.
Towa and the servants are surprised.
Meanwhile, deep in the woods, the other three Cures are looking for the rest of the group.
KIRARA: Yuiyui? Towachi?
Suddenly, Haruka spots a maiden with Rapunzel hair and a ballgown the colour of cotton candy (It's her precursor Chieri) walking through the woodlands.
Then, Haruka sees a maiden with turquoise hair and an empire waist gown the same colour. Thinking that Yura is Towa, she darts off in her pursuit.
HARUKA: Towa? (Storms off ahead of the other two.)
OK, Haruharu, you displease me for your lack of culture, but I didn't know you were colour-blind. Or was there a branch in between, covering her hair from your eyes?
All three Cures dart off as a golden-haired and golden-skinned maiden in yellow (that was Sei) walks her own way through the woods at a more relaxed hair.
The main three follow Sei and get lost in a Lützen-thick fog. When it lifts, they're standing on the upper floor of a Neoclassical palace, on a balcony above the patio.
Cue their surprise.
KIRARA: This place is...
All three Cures dart off as a golden-haired and golden-skinned maiden in yellow (that was Sei) walks her own way through the woods at a more relaxed hair.
The main three follow Sei and get lost in a Lützen-thick fog. When it lifts, they're standing on the upper floor of a Neoclassical palace, on a balcony above the patio.
Cue their surprise.
KIRARA: This place is...
MINAMI (afraid): Is this place a part of the Academy?
Suddenly, Haruka spots a set table full of delicious cakes, scones, tea, and jam. An unbirthday party of sorts, whose hosts are unseen. Forgetting what she has seen about the the Mines of Moria, she is at first overexcited.
HARUHARU (thus elated): A garden party!!!
The cotton-candy-haired girl appears in the patio and addresses all three Cures.
CHIERI (smiling): Are you customers? Have a nice day. (Gokigenyó.)
Did Chieri just say the Noble Academy salute?
She did.
So I suspect a connection between this school and the Hope Kingdom. Like many other boarding schools, Noble Academy hails from the turn of last century (Belle Époque, Taishó era in Japan), so it must have been a century-old affair.
21ST C CURES (surprised): G-Gokigenyó...
MINAMI: Uh, where is this place?
YURA: This place is our garden.
SEI (from persimmon treetop): Would you like to have some tea with us?
SEI (picking persimmons): Today's scones came out pretty well.
I mean, she's my second fave Cure so far, after Scarlet. Just notice Sei's boyish manners, contralto voice, and extroverted personality. Golden hair and honey eyes make her resemble me even more!!!
Sei's persimmons are as iconic as Renly's peaches.
As a result, I will give a series of GPPC awards at the end of the series,
presented by Sei and shapled like golden and ruby persimmons.
There will be Best Dysdark, Best Male Muggle, Best Female Muggle, Largest Male Ham, Largest Female Ham, Greatest Badass, Best Hope Kingdom Person, Hottest Male, Hottest Female...
The former Cures invite the present-day ones to join them at the table.
MINAMI (reserved, doubtful): Thank you very much indeed.
And thus it is agreed.
Let us return to the court of the Hope Kingdom to see which plans Joff... Lock has got for the Dress-Up Keys. And also what will become of Shut...
SHUT (frightened, looking around): Wh-What's going on? Three Locks... nine Keys... What happened when I was gone!? (He is in a cold sweat.)
LOCK (playing with Haruka's Keys at throw and catch): I didn't get to take Twilight's Keys. But these are enough.
Lock then takes up a Horned Padlock, as Shut, aghast, looks on.
SHUT (shudders): That's...
LOCK (looking at the Padlock): This is custom made. With this... (Throwing Haruka's Keys away)
BLUE LOCK: ...I'm sure we can... (Thowing Minami's Keys away)
GREEN LOCK: ...do this!! (Throwing Kirara's Keys away)
All nine Keys soar up to the sky.
LOCK: Take the power of those dreams!
The Keys are trapped in a Despair Prison that hangs, suspended by crimson tendrils, above the throne.
Shut is shocked.
SHUT (surprised and afraid): What are you doing?
LOCK: (snickers)
Deep purple despair surges through the bars of the Despair Prison, tainting the Keys within, as the ducts on top of the Prison absorb the pure dream energy of the Keys.
SHUT (shocked): The power of the dreams is turning into despair...
The energy within the Keys is absorbed by the Gauge, which instantly fills with glowing red despair in Lock's right hand. Shut is flabberghasted.
SHUT (surprised): Wow, all of a sudden!
The Gauge absorbs the little despair energy Shut has gathered as well.
LOCK (confidently showing the full Gauge, but with a sociopath voice): Just as expected.
LOCK: Now... Preparations are complete.
All three Locks snicker to themselves (or among themselves?)
Mmm... scones...
I have never eaten them in my life, so this episode is awakening a craving within me...
CHIERI (holding up the teapot): We've got lots more!
KIRARA (taking a big bite of her scone, to Sei): Oh wow, this scone is as delicious as Marbled Doughnuts!!!
SEI (chortles, winks an eye at Kirara): Seems like our tastes are similar.
These two are kindred spirits. If Sei and Kirara had lived in the same time period and dimension, they would surely be besties, and thus I ship them so hard!!!
YURA (to Minami, who is sipping): Why did all of you come here?
MINAMI (taking the cup from her lips): Uh?
![]() |
HARUKA (sad): We lost something important...
CHIERI: What do you mean?
HARUKA (looking down) Some keys... (I put "keys" in lower case because Haruka says "kagi", in Japanese, and not the English loanword "Kii" as in "Doressu Appu Kii", i.e. Dress-Up Keys).
CHIERI (surprised): Some keys? What kind of keys?
HARUKA (teary-eyed): Important keys that are used to protect dreams...
CHIERI (wondering): Dreams?
YURA (smiling): Dreams...
SEI (smiling, sincerely): What kind of dreams?
CHIERI (smiling): Tell us. What kind of dreams have you got?
KIRARA: I want to become a world-famous top model.
MINAMI: I want to become someone who can help others, like my father and older brother.
HARUKA: I... I want to become an amazing princess.
CHIERI (smiling warmly): I see. All of you have got such wonderful dreams.
YURA (smiling warmly): I hope all of them can come true.
SEI (smiling warmly, more openly, winking her eye): You girls can do it.
Dark clouds cover the sky, and the present-day Cures are brooding and feeling blue once more.
CHIERI (smiling warmly): We have got dreams, too. They are very vast dreams. (She sighs and buries her head in her hands) But... (Pause.)
Silence at the table.
Suddenly, thunder and lightning.
Then, a desporg roars.
All six maidens leave the table and turn around, to see a colossal desporg towering over the patio.
KIRARA: A desporg? Why?
Then, suddenly, Sei notices a dozen black tendrils appearing from the marble-floor ground and shooting up and entwining at lightning speed, to form a familiar female face with a black raven mask and ruby eyes.
The Cures, all six, are obviously startled.
CHIERI: What do you mean?
HARUKA (looking down) Some keys... (I put "keys" in lower case because Haruka says "kagi", in Japanese, and not the English loanword "Kii" as in "Doressu Appu Kii", i.e. Dress-Up Keys).
CHIERI (surprised): Some keys? What kind of keys?
HARUKA (teary-eyed): Important keys that are used to protect dreams...
CHIERI (wondering): Dreams?
YURA (smiling): Dreams...
SEI (smiling, sincerely): What kind of dreams?
CHIERI (smiling): Tell us. What kind of dreams have you got?
KIRARA: I want to become a world-famous top model.
MINAMI: I want to become someone who can help others, like my father and older brother.
HARUKA: I... I want to become an amazing princess.
CHIERI (smiling warmly): I see. All of you have got such wonderful dreams.
YURA (smiling warmly): I hope all of them can come true.
SEI (smiling warmly, more openly, winking her eye): You girls can do it.
Dark clouds cover the sky, and the present-day Cures are brooding and feeling blue once more.
CHIERI (smiling warmly): We have got dreams, too. They are very vast dreams. (She sighs and buries her head in her hands) But... (Pause.)
Silence at the table.
Suddenly, thunder and lightning.
Then, a desporg roars.
All six maidens leave the table and turn around, to see a colossal desporg towering over the patio.
KIRARA: A desporg? Why?
Then, suddenly, Sei notices a dozen black tendrils appearing from the marble-floor ground and shooting up and entwining at lightning speed, to form a familiar female face with a black raven mask and ruby eyes.
The Cures, all six, are obviously startled.
KIRARA: No way! Dyspear!?
The desporg suddenly breaches the walls of the estate...
The Cures reach for their non-existant Keys by conditioned reflex. Alas! Right when they needed to transform the most...
MINAMI (to Yura): Let us get out of here first.
YURA: (nods in agreement)
KIRARA (to Sei): We're gonna run.
SEI: (nods in agreement)
All six Cures escape running through the breach in the wall, each 21st-century Precure holding her predecessor's hand.
KIRARA: Without our Keys, we can't fight.
The six maidens run as fast as they can, yet black thorns spring suddenly from the ground and seize Haruka's left wrist as the desporg closes in...
In the end, all six Cures are forced to hide from their opponent behind a ruined wall.
KIRARA: The desporg will find us soon.
MINAMI: But we just cannot keep on running away forever.
KIRARA (determined): Then, we have to fight!
MINAMI (sternly): That's impossible!
HARUKA: Somehow...
A tangle of black thorns springs quickly from the ground, becoming a pillar with Dyspear on top.
HARUKA: Somehow we have to do something.
(Minami and Kirara are surprised)
HARUKA (determined): In any way we can... even if we can't transform... even if we can't run away... We have to do something! Or else everything will come to an end! Our dreams... Their dreams... That won't do!! We have to save everyone!!
MINAMI (agreeing): Yes.
Kirara agrees without words.
The desporg now sees the girls behind the ruined wall.
All six Cures run away as fast as possible again...
...but the three present-day ones are trapped in black thorns, their wrists shackled.
CHIERI (frightened): Everyone!
HARUKA: We're all right.
MINAMI: Everyone's all right!
KIRARA: Take this chance!
HARUKA (determined): We're not done yet!
MINAMI (determined): We won't give up!
KIRARA (determined): We won't stop until our dreams come true!
MINAMI: We have dreams that we want to protect!
KIRARA: Dreams that we want to fulfill!
HARUKA: Our dreams won't get defeated by some desporg!
ALL THREE CURES (unison): That's our power!!!
Three lights in the theme colours of the Cures flash brightly, enveloping the maidens and dissolving their thorny shackles, much to their amazement.
CHIERI (giggles): Thank you. Cure Flora. Cure Mermaid. Cure Twinkle.
HARUKA (startled): W-why do you know our Precure names?
CHIERI (smiling, holding up a Dress-Up Key, which glows pink): Use this.
MINAMI (surprised): A D-Dress-Up Key?
KIRARA (even more surprised): Why?
SEI (smiling, holding up a Dress-Up Key, which glows golden): We'll tell you later.
YURA (smiling, holding up a Dress-Up Key, which glows blue): For now, do what you need to do.
CHIERI (tossing her Key to Haruka): Please. Protect everyone's dreams!
Yura and Sei give Minami and Kirara the same plea as they toss the Keys to their successors.
When the 21st-century Cures transform, the Keys turn out to be exactly alike their first ones and trigger their first transformations.
The desporg is soon curbstomped with a three-Cure joint attack.
Then, quite unexpectedly, Dyspear vanishes.
CURE MERMAID: Dyspear... disappeared?
All three Cures are separated from their Keys and return to their muggle forms.
CHIERI (smiling): Thank you, everyone.
All three Cures turn around, and they are astonished upon seeing their predesessors transform exactly into their same battle costumes.
MINAMI (surprised): Are you... perhaps...
HARUKA: ...the previous Princess Precures?
CHIERI: This is the world of our memories. The Hope Kingdom of the past, where we lived.
The world of your memories... Are we dreaming?
I'm sure all of you were called into our dreams.
YURA: In any case, your worries combined with our worries...
SEI:...The power of those worries together created the illusion of despair.
HARUKA: Worries?
CHIERI: The great power of darkness.
HARUKA: I'm sorry. We lost our important Dress-Up Keys.
CHIERI: But you defeated the desporg illusions. I'm sure after this battle you now understand what's truly important.
All three present-day Cures look at one another.
HARUKA: We will not despair.
MINAMI: We want to protect our own and everyone else's dreams.
KIRARA: That is the source of our power!
CHIERI (sighing): I guess your worries are no more. (Soaring up to the sky, surprising the three present-day Precures) The darkness will revive once again. It will be stronger than ever before.
YURA (soaring in the sky as well): But this is your battle now.
SEI (soaring in the sky as well): Please do not ever forget. Your feelings have the power to create dreams.
HARUKA: Um, what are your dreams?
CHIERI: We wish for the Hope Kingdom to be eternally filled with love.
Then, in the middle of the sky, the previous Cures dissolve into balls of coloured light, from which the Dress-Up Keys fall into the hands of their successors.
Haruka receives the Cherry Key.
MINAMI (receiving the Coral Key, surprised): This is...
KIRARA (receiving the Milky Way Key, surprised): Oh...
HARUKA (receiving the Cherry Key, surprised): Dress-Up Keys?
All three Cures wake up on the beach at sunset, with Venus already shining in the evening sky.
HARUKA: Their powerful dreams... are contained within these Keys.
Suddenly, Towa, Yui, and the pet-servants, as worried as can be, storm along the shore towards them.
And they are surprised by seeing the new Keys in their hands.
Milky Way...
KIRARA: They want the Hope Kingdom to be eternally filled with hope.
TOWA: We have to take back the Keys they took from us, too.
Back in the Hope Kingdom...
LOCK (chuckles): I can finally use these toys. (Looking at the full Gauge): LOCK YOUR DREAM!!
Lock throws the Gauge onto the façade of the royal castle, which rises from the waters of the lake and up to the sky.
Shut's reaction once more... Priceless.
SHUT (exceedingly surprised): The castle... became a desporg!!??
LOCK (standing on a window ledge): This is nice. We need to go buck wild.
The desporg castle teleports itself to Earth in a purple light.
An eerie ruby-eyed crow watches the scene from a branch:
Can this red-eyed crow be Close? Or Dyspear?
On the seashore, the Cures see the evening sky cracking and shattering, much to their surprise.
Their reaction is priceless when Lock's Moving Castle hovers towards them.
LOCK (sarcastic): Now, let the fun and games begin.
(Ominous instrumental music)
Milky Way, Cherry, Coral. Perfect complements for the Sun Key.
Lastly, it's finally Cure Scarlet's turn to sing the solo part of the ending!!!
Here's the translation:
Kanaetai mirai he no michi (The path to the future you want to make true)
Sore wo "yume" to yobu no nara (You may call that your "dream")
Nakama to hashiri daseba ī yo ne (Just take off with your friends)
Let's Go! (Go!) gokigen'yō (Let's go, go, have a nice day!)
Let's Go! (Go!) Sukāretto! (Let's go, go, Cure Scarlet!)
Doko kako mo ikiru chikara ni (No matter what happened in the past, the power to live on)
Watashi no honō dare mo kesenai (exists in my eternal flames.)
Tsunaida te towa ni shinjite (I believe in these hands held tight, forever)
Sore wo "yume" to yobu no nara (You may call that your "dream")
Nakama to hashiri daseba ī yo ne (Just take off with your friends)
Let's Go! (Go!) gokigen'yō (Let's go, go, have a nice day!)
Let's Go! (Go!) Sukāretto! (Let's go, go, Cure Scarlet!)
Doko kako mo ikiru chikara ni (No matter what happened in the past, the power to live on)
Watashi no honō dare mo kesenai (exists in my eternal flames.)
Tsunaida te towa ni shinjite (I believe in these hands held tight, forever)
Yūki tamesu kyō wa kitto (Because I have the courage today,)
Ashita kaeru tame ni aru kara (tomorrow I will definitely change!)
Goran purinsesu! Guran purinsesu! (Take a gander, princess! Grand Princess!)
"Yume" wa hate shinaku tsuzuite (Your dreams will continue on...)
Hora ne! Minna wo matte iru no yo (See! Everyone else is waiting for you!)
Goran purinsesu! Guran purinsesu! (Take a gander, princess! Grand Princess!)
Sharara sekai ni wa shiawase ga niau yo (Shalala, the world deserves more happiness, so...!)
Kibō no kagi de tokihanate! (Set it free with the key of hope!)
Let's Go! Purinsesu Purikyua (Let's go, Princess Precures!)
This episode, ending with the second cliffhanger in a row, is merely the prelude for the finale of this arc, and does it set some dramatic pace for next week's epic confrontation!
The idea of precursors for a hero team is always interesting. CHYKN for example. They inspired me to write many a thrilling slash fic.
To change theme, the Cures minus Towa got new Keys from their precursors: the Cherry, Coral, and Milky Way keys (fitting their plant/ocean/outer space motifs, respectively). Still, they can't transform without the first Keys they received, a hitch that I consider partly annoying, partly the catalyst for storming Lock's Moving Castle in next episode (impatiently waiting for it!)
Yet another mention of Minami's dad. Possibly he's still alive, a widower or divorcé given the fact that there is no Mrs. Kaido mentioned, but either too busy with his schedule or in a lamentable state of health (leaving his eldest son and heir the whole conglomerate), or, my headcanon so far is that he has retired from business: a gentleman with a twentyish/thirtyish eldest son is surely in his sixties, and thus, the old Kaido patriarch has "abdicated the throne" so to say. Or not. Only time will tell.
As for the current and former Star Princesses: Both use "atashi" for an I pronoun, both are dynamic, both are outspoken and unafraid, love the same flavour... These two are kindred spirits. If Sei and Kirara had lived in the same time period and dimension, they would surely be besties, and thus I ship them so hard!!!
Sei... I mean, she's my second fave Cure so far, after Scarlet. Just notice Sei's boyish manners, contralto voice, and extroverted personality. Golden hair and honey eyes make her resemble me even more!!!
What Lock has done with the power of the Dress-Up Keys is awesome. Believe me. Just what we needed for the arc finale.
Is Dyspear a plant-based lifeform or something more? Guess we'll find out this winter. And winter is coming.
We also got to see my fave muggle character, bifauxnen/otokoyaku (tomboy that looks and acts like a princely young man) Seira Azuma, once more. At least a little cameo and a little more info about her, but that is all...
Lock locked up the 9 Dress-Up Keys and gasp!!! He successfully filled the gauge with despair! But why is he turning the castle into a desporg? And why is he using the gauge for this rather than summon Lady Dyspear back? Why is there a little fellow observing what he has done with the Hope Kingdom's Castle? Is the three-eyed, I mean, ruby-eyed crow Dyspear in disguise or probably Close? So many questions.
This ruby-eyed crow... think we've got another case of Chekhov's gun in here...
This episode has a counterpart in Dokidoki! Precure, where, in a similar arc pre-finale with a Secret Test of Character, the precursor Cures put their present-day counterparts to the test with a mock fight to prove if they were worthy of the mid-season upgrade. Upon returning to their hometown of Oogai, they found their families, friends, and acquaintances all tainted in their hearts by selfcenter spores, and thus the episode ended with a cliffhanger, with the mid-season upgrade used to purify everyone in the very next episode.
The Cure Scarlet version of the ending? I expected to hear Towa's name (literally "forever"), and "flames" ("honoo"), and my wishes came true, aside from getting to hear a series of words that sound like her creed. Makes up for the lack of Towa/Cure Scarlet in the episode itself, doesn't it?
Lock's Moving Castle hones in on Earth and on the Cures for yet another riveting arc finale, as our heroines, bereft of their powers except Cure Scarlet, will give everything to storm the redoubtable fortress, and we will discover the powers of all four new Dress-Up Keys. Will Shut or Lock forfeit his life during the course of this battle?
And who or what is this frigging red-eyed crow?
What will the future have in store for the Princess Cures in next arc? We have leaked some upcoming recaps and an interview:
Director Tanaka also directed Suite episode 23, in which Siren/Ellen/Cure Beat joins the good side.
Tanaka: "The important part is how you carry your sins. If you don't depict that gradation, the viewers won't accept it. The important is whether you can say "sorry". Those "purifying episodes" are undoubtedly needed by Towa too. Therefore, I explicitly told Junko Komura (who's on the script) to insert a scene in which Towa apologize in episode 23, and I also noted to the storyboarder Narumi Kuroda that that part was Towa's highlight.
They literally said that, in English.
"Even when they had a strain in their relationship in episode 24, they naturally worked the solution out themselves."
Tanaka: They are more mature aren't they? Towa is earnest, and Kirara is the type of person who notices these kind of things after all. Also, this year heaving situations in which they fight each other doesn't really fit (laughs). It went as far as both of them, who share a bunk bed, going to sleep without saying anything to each other, just covering themselves with their sheets. I think it felt more real than forcibly having them fight.
Tanaka: They are more mature aren't they? Towa is earnest, and Kirara is the type of person who notices these kind of things after all. Also, this year heaving situations in which they fight each other doesn't really fit (laughs). It went as far as both of them, who share a bunk bed, going to sleep without saying anything to each other, just covering themselves with their sheets. I think it felt more real than forcibly having them fight.
Interviewer: We are at the turning point of the series, what should we look forward in the latter half?
Tanaka: From the September broadcast when Towa has completely become a friend of the others, there will be new developments. We have a lot set and prepared for you to see, so please look forward to it.
Tanaka: From the September broadcast when Towa has completely become a friend of the others, there will be new developments. We have a lot set and prepared for you to see, so please look forward to it.
I hope it includes the new generals. The ones with green as a theme colour and clone trooper helmets...
EPISODE 31 (9/6) New Semester! A New Dream and a New Threat Once More*!Heading to weed the flower beds, Haruka instead discovers her classmate Komori who has already weeded them.
EPISODE 32 (9/13) Minami's Fiance!? The Super Celeb Who Came Back!
Visiting the academy from his study abroad in England is the self-proclaimed "Minami's Fiancé" Kimimaro Ijuuin (伊集院キミマロ). He notices Minami's change during his time apart from her......
Ep 32: Minami's Fiancé!? The Comeback Super Celeb!: Minamin's childhood friend and super celeb Kimimaro Ijuuin, is back home from his study abroad for the time being. After reuniting with Minami, he notices how she has a different aura compared to before...
So Minami's got a superstar childhood friend/old flame, who studied in the UK, and who will marry her once they come of age... And that surname of his... I think we've got a descendant of a certain half-German lieutenant!!! And he's betrothed to Minami Kaido!!! Squeeeeeee!!!! (Please let it be a cultured and good-looking young fellow, a kindred spirit of hers!)
Ep 33: Teach Us, Shamour 🎵
Wish-Granting Happiness Lesson!
Madame Shamour and Kuroro participate in a cat conference. For some reason, the cats are in a contentious mood, so the Cures decide to settle things once and for all through a fashion showdown.
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