My Review

In the room she shares with Kirara, Towa, dressed in her Regency-style night shift, is elegantly and gently sipping her tea.
TOWA (determined): I will do my very best today.
KIRARA (styling her own hair into pigtails): Hey, it's getting late. Hurry up and get ready.
TOWA: Time to change, then.
PUFF (bringing Towa her uniform): Preparing your clothes is the job of a maid!

KIRARA: What are you saying? Wear it yourself. Here. (She reaches the uniform out to Towa)
TOWA (insecure): By myself?
KIRARA: Yeah, gimme a high five (raises her own left hand)
(Towa raises both her hands, and Kirara takes Towa's shift off.)
Cut to Towa in Noble Academy uniform.
TOWA (in uniform): (no words, just gasping in surprise)
KIRARA (smiling): Okay, that's great. (Quickly shouldering her satchel, taking Towa by the hand and running as she pulls the princess out of the bedroom) Let's go!
TOWA (gasping): Oh!
(Kirara rushes, holding Towa's hand and dragging her in her wake, along the corridor.)
Cut to Towa's first day of school.
TEACHER: Let me introduce a new transfer student.
Miss Towa Akagi.
STUDENTS: (all of them gasp and smile, positively surprised)
TEACHER: Miss Akagi, please give us a self-introduction.
TOWA (curtsying): Greetings.
I am Towa Akagi from the Hope Kingdom.
I do not understand many things regarding this world.
but I will do my very best to protect everyone's firelight.
Please take good care of me.
Surprised by her old-fashioned curtsy?
She is actually a princess of the Hope Kingdom.
Kirara can't swallow her embarrassment any longer with Towa blowing her cover as a heroine from a magical land. So she decides to frame it as a joke.
KIRARA (laughing from her seat in the back row): Ha-ha-ha! Quelle blague!
I've never heard or seen such a unique self-intro!
MALE STUDENT: You're right.
FEMALE STUDENT: I was so surprised, since she looked so serious!
TOWA (seeing that they treat her words as a joke): I am serious...
KIRARA (loudly, pointing to the empty seat beside her in the back row, the other seat of her desk, as she hits the table): Teacher! There's an empty seat here!
TOWA (walking up to Kirara, before sitting down): Thank you very much.
KIRARA: Jeez, hold yourself back a bit, Towa-chi. (She winks an eye and smiles at Towa.)
TOWA (puzzled): Towa-chi?
TOWA: Yes, my self-introduction went without a hitch, but I do not understand why everyone burst out in laughter.
MINAMI: Where did the surname "Akagi" ("red castle") come from?
TOWA: The headmistress gave it to me, to make the transition easier.
I want to find my life goal here, in this school.
MINAMI: There's no need to hurry.
Haruharu encourages Towa to smile: Sourire, sourire!
TOWA (insecure): Sourire?

AROMA: Towa has got three Keys! Now we have all twelve here!
TOWA (sadly): That is not correct. My Keys were made by Dyspear. They cannot be included in the Keys required to save the Hope Kingdom.

Suddenly, Kirara goes missing. The other Cures wonder if she has gone to work.
TOWA (surprised): Gone to work?
MINAMI: She stood out in Lagerfeld's show, so her modeling jobs have increased.
(An issue of Seven teenage magazine with Kirara in a sky-blue summer dress, with a matching bandanna, can be seen on the table)
TOWA (wondering): Modeling?
HARUKA: Kirara's dream is to become a top model and a worldwide celebrity! (She reaches out the magazine to Towa, who looks curiously at the cover) She's working hard towards that dream!
(Towa shifts her gaze from the smiling photo of Kirara in blue to her own reflection on the windowpane.)
Not only royalty, but also a virtuosa and prodigy of the violin,
And a graceful prima ballerina.
Very good at integral and differential calculus.
MATHS TEACHER: Yes, that's perfect.
(Kirara, from her seat, claps her hands like the other students.)
KIRARA (to Towa, who is about to sit down again): You're pretty good.
TOWA: Minami taught me yesterday.
KIRARA (yawning, burned out): Oh, I see.
Considering that Class President Minami Kaido
is her personal tutor, it comes as no surprise.
However, Kirara Amanogawa, the fashion model, is her upperclasswoman and roomate:
Kirara occupies the higher bed and Towa the lower one.
(In the school cafeteria)
SCHOOLGIRL 1 (of Towa): Lookie, lookie! It's the famous transfer student!
SCHOOLGIRL 2: She's so pretty!
SCHOOLGIRL 3: She's sharing a table with Minami and Kirara.
(The other four members reach Towa at the table. Before her, there is no tray.)
HARUKA: Huh? Towa, where's your lunch?
TOWA: My attendants haven't brought it here yet.
KIRARA (sitting next to Towa, sarcastic): Jeez, Towa-chi.
THE OTHER CURES (surprised): Towa-chi?
KIRARA: We all get our own lunches.
TOWA (surprised): By ourselves?
SCHOOLGIRL 1 (placing a tray before Towa): Here, Lady Towa!
SCHOOLGIRL 2 (placing a can of Coke before Towa): Here's your drink!
TOWA: Thank you.
SCHOOLGIRL 1 (elated): I'm so happy to serve you, Lady Towa!
BOTH SCHOOLGIRLS (bowing before Towa) Excuse us! (They rush away from the table,
over-excited and squealing in elation): Squee!!!
YUI (surprised): She has fans already?
KIRARA (waving her fork, sternly): That's no good, Towa-chi.
Dorm rules state that you have to do your own things by yourself.
TOWA: Well, that sounds quite tough.
KIRARA: That's not tough at all. You're going to start tomorrow. You can't have Puff help you either.
TOWA: I understand. I'll do my own things by myself from now on.
MINAMI (chuckles, to Towa): You weren't used to many things in the beginning.
And besides, Towa, you'll be on duty in the dorm for the first time tomorrow.
(To Kirara): Kirara, please teach her well.
KIRARA: Uh... what's next in my schedule...
TALENT AGENT (patting Kirara on the right shoulder): Kirara, can I have a minute?
I am creating a new magazine. Would you like to be our main model? I would love it if you did it.
(Kirara's eyes widen and sparkle.)
Kirara shows her usual fighting spirit once more...
KIRARA (loudly, excited, determined): I'll do it!! For sure!!
TALENT AGENT: Really? Then I'll contact you later.
KIRARA (bowing before the talent agent): Thank you very much indeed.
We also got to see Kirara's cool-looking talent agent, a redhead in her twenties
(don't forget her, and remember Chekhov's law! If there is a loaded gun on stage, what shall be done?)
KIRARA (determined): "I must grab hold of this chance!"
Regardless of her state of health, our upcoming star spends nights awake
designing new looks for herself.
And this is the stunning, amazing, and even sexy result of her job before she received the buzz on the new magazine.
The poses she strikes are even slightly naughty... perky...
During classes, an exhausted Kirara begins to reel and lose concentration...
At class...
TOWA (upon seeing Kirara yawn and hearing the tone of her voice): You seem very tired.
(Clapping her hands, she gives an order): Puff! A cuppa tea!
(All the students look at Kirara and Towa.)
KIRARA (lying, to the rest of the class): Hey, stop joking around!
TOWA (serious): I am not joking around! Drinking tea will ease your fatigue!
MATHS TEACHER (to Kirara): Amanogawa, are you tired?
KIRARA (lying): No, uh... I'm right as rain!
MATHS TEACHER: Then, on to next problem. Open your textbooks to page 33.
(Kirara sinks her head on the desk)
KIRARA: (sighs)
In the cafeteria, Kirara is still weary and reeling.
(Walking towards the table.)
HARUKA: Is your work this tough now?
KIRARA (apathetic): Yeah, it's tough in the first place.
(Sitting at the table. After students have come to serve Towa.)
KIRARA (waving her fork, sternly): That's no good, Towa-chi.
Dorm rules state that you have to do your own things by yourself.
TOWA: Well, that sounds quite tough.
KIRARA: That's not tough at all. You're going to start tomorrow. You can't have Puff help you either.
TOWA: I understand. I'll do my own things by myself from now on.
MINAMI (chuckles, to Towa): You weren't used to many things in the beginning.
And besides, Towa, you'll be on duty in the dorm for the first time tomorrow.
(To Kirara): Kirara, please teach her well.
KIRARA (startled): Yes, ma'am! (to herself) Just my luck to be in charge of laundry now...
(She eats a piece of a green vegetable.)
TOWA: Wow, do you have to do laundry all by yourself?
KIRARA (waving her fork): Yes! You do everything by yourself! This place isn't a castle.
(To herself, sarcastic) Jeez, what a princess.
TOWA (determined): I can do the laundry or anything else all by myself!
KIRARA (sarcastic): Oh really? Then how about changing clothes, preparing tea, and making dinner?
TOWA: I can do everything!
(The school bell peals)
KIRARA (getting up in haste): I've got to go. I have a shoot for a magazine. I'll be going now. (She rushes away, with her tray in her hands.)
(Towa looks, concerned, at Kirara leaving in haste.)
KIRARA (quickly leaving her tray in its place): Thanks for the food! (She rushes out of the cafeteria.)
Before the photo shooting.
Backstage, Kirara is made to look older and more elegant with pale pink lipstick and violet eyeshadow.
Someone knocks on the door. As a stylist combs Kirara's long nutbrown hair, the talent agent enters...
AGENT: Kirara!
KIRARA (surprised): Is this about being the cover model?
AGENT: Yes! It's been approved officially! I look forward to working with you!
It'll get even busier!
(She leaves, waving Kirara goodbye.)
KIRARA: Thank you very much indeed! I'll do my best!
PHOTOGRAPHER WHO LOOKS LIKE JESUS (wondering): Huh? Kirara, are you a bit tired?
PHOTOGRAPHER: Your expression is a bit forced.
KIRARA: Oh, I'm sorry!
(She poses in a confident and slightly sexy way)
PHOTOGRAPHER: Why don't we take a break?
KIRARA(with a tired voice): Okay. I'm really sorry. (She is so distracted that she slips on a leaf on the floor and falls on her ass.)
To crown it all, Kirara falls flat on her ass.
A really embarr-ass-ing predicament, indeed.
KIRARA (getting up): I'm fine!
(When she has got up, Kirara realizes that, in falling, she tore the end of her red scarf by accident. She gasps.)
KIRARA (looking at the torn end of the scarf, sounding insecure): What should I do?
STYLIST WHO LOOKS LIKE ME (short strawberry-blond hair and honey eyes): It's all right. Don't worry about it.
KIRARA (embarrassed and afraid): I'm really sorry.
The same night in their bedroom. Towa is brushing her own scarlet hair as she looks at her own reflection in the mirror. She notices the door opening and a dejected Kirara entering with her head drooping down.
TOWA: Welcome back.
KIRARA (apathetic): I'm home.
TOWA (worried): You had to work until quite late.
KIRARA (sighing, apathetic): Yeah,
TOWA: Um, Kirara, your dream...
KIRARA (interrupting, still apathetic, coldly): Sorry, I'm going to bed. (She climbs up the ladder to her own bed,)
TOWA (as Kirara climbs up the ladder): Good night,
TOWA (coldly, burying herself under the covers, still coldly): Good night.
Lock is revealed to be either the reincarnation of Joffrey or his spiritual successor.
Shut is shocked by 20-Something!Lock's age-up.
SHUT: You... What is with that form!?
LOCK (chuckles): I guess you can call it puberty.
SHUT (surprised): That's quite a growth spurt.
LOCK: Forget about that.
Though Lock's body is now that of a young adult, his voice still sounds like a child's, like before.
LOCK: In order for Lady Dyspear to revive, we must gather lots of despair.
Lock on the throne, at the top of such a high ladder and sitting so smugly, reminds me of Joff more than just a little.
SHUT: That's true...
LOCK (playing with his horned padlock): And, in order to gather despair, all I have to do is make humans cry in agony, right? (Pause) That gets me all excited.
SHUT (shudders): Lock, you've changed.
LOCK (chuckles): I haven't. I just want to make things more interesting. (He chuckles once more.)
If Lock gets an upgrade, why not his beloved locks as well?
With ruby red horns to show whose these horns are...
The Lock Lock would be a tad redundant...
How about calling it the Horned Lock?
Towa and Kirara are hanging bedclothes from a line in the Noble Academy gardens.
KIRARA: I'll go grab the sheets from the back. Are you okay, Towa-chi?
TOWA: Yes, of course. (Drying up the sweat from her brow): I can do it all by myself.
MRS. SHIROGANE: I'm the dorm manager, Mrs. Shirogane.
TOWA: (turning around, surprised)
MRS. SHIROGANE: If you don't stretch them out, the sheets will be all wrinkled.
TOWA: Huh? (She stretches out the sheets on the line.)
MRS. SHIROGANE (smiling): Today's a good day to hang out laundry. (To Towa) Are you able to see such clear blue skies in your homeland?
TOWA (turning around): My homeland... (She looks up. The sky is cyan blue, with fluffy cumulus clouds and a seagull flying overhead. The breeze plays with her locks and brings back childhood memories.)
*Flashback begins*
(The woods around the royal castle of the Hope Kingdom. Kanata and Towa as children.)
*End of flashback*
KIRARA: Towa-chi! Towa-chi!
(Towa, startled, returns to the present.)
KIRARA: The sheets!
(The wind carries off an unclipped sheet.)
KIRARA (scolding Towa): Why weren't they clipped?
(None of Towa's sheets are, in fact, clipped to the line.)
TOWA (wondering): Clipped?
(She runs after Kirara.)
After walking for a while, Towa and Kirara found the sheet on a branch of a tree in the woods.
KIRARA: We finally found it.
TOWA (looking down): I'm sorry.
KIRARA: Just ask me if there's anything you don't understand. How can I help you, then?
TOWA (worried, thinking of her decision of doing everything on her own): Yes...
While walking through the woods, they come across an idyllic little lake in the shade of the canopy.
KIRARA (surprised): There's a place like this? (She looks around. A pair of pink butterflies flutter over the lake, whose banks are covered in soft moss.)
TOWA: How nostalgic. I remembered a place I played at many times when I was little.
(A couple of songbirds fly chirping across the sky.)
(Kirara looks at Towa, surprised. Both of them sit on a stone on the shore of the lake.)
TOWA: On clear days I would go there and pick flowers. I loved chatting and playing with the fairies. This place is a bit similar.
*Flashback begins*
A woodland lake near the royal castle of the Hope Kingdom. Towa and Kanata as children,
She gives her older brother a daisy wreath, and both of them are smiling.
TOWA: To a time when my homeland was still pretty. The Hope Kingdom...
*End of flashback*
(A school of tadpoles swim across the lake.)
TOWA (worried): Um, can I ask you something?
TOWA: How am I supposed to smile? (trembles)
KIRARA: Eh? What's with that question?
TOWA: Ever since I was locked inside the forest of despair, I seemed to have forgotten how to smile.
(Louder, with tears in her eyes) So please teach me how to smile properly! If I smile, then I'm sure I can feel that warmth the headmistress was talking about!
KIRARA (with sparkling eyes): Oh... (She smiles.) Towa-chi, you already know how to smile.
(She remembers Towa smiling warmly)
TOWA (surprised): Huh? Really?
KIRARA (sounding like a stern teacher): Listen up, Towa-chi. This is how you smile!
(She wraps Towa up in the sheet, startling the red-haired princess.)
TOWA (startled): Huh? Kirara?
(Kirara tickles Towa as much as she can. Towa laughs as she sheds tears.)
TOWA (laughing): Kirara! Smiling isn't like this!
KIRARA (still tickling Towa): Just smile whenever you want! Don't think about anything else!
(Suddenly, Kirara stops tickling and lets go of Towa)
TOWA (gasping): Kirara?
KIRARA: You're right. I was the one who forgot how to smile.
I seemed to have finally realized something. (She stretches herself.) Sorry, Towa-chi. Thank you.
(Towa replies with a nod and a smile.)
KIRARA (pointing at Towa's face): Look, that's great! (Towa is surprised. Both look into one another's eyes as they smile.)
Then, Kirara begins to chuckle, to chortle, to laugh. And Towa soon follows.
In downtown Yumegahama, Kirara's talent agent had already booked the studio and assembled the staff for the cover shoot. As she walked into the park towards Noble Academy to fetch her starlet...
and stopped her.
LOCK: Hey, why don't you wait a bit?
AGENT (looking into her personal organizer notebook): I can't. This is a great chance to fulfill the dream I had for years!
LOCK: Show me your dreams!
"The number one fashion magazine in the world!"
And the victim du jour is...
No, don't tell me! SHE? Is the Pope a Catholic?
Now you know why I mentioned Chekhov and the loaded gun...
(Lock looks into his Despair Gauge. The keyhole is now one-eighth full of red liquid.)
LOCK: I must absorb even more despair.
(Despair from muggles fleeing the desporg turns into purple energy that enters the Gauge, where the level of the red liquid rises.)
When the Cures have arrived, and before they transform...
(My comment: What's this? Has he been shooting steroids?)
LOCK (sarcastic): Hey, you're late.
HARUKA (surprised): Huh? Is that Lock?
AROMA: He grew-roma!
HARUKA: Huh? Why?
KIRARA (determined): Who cares! Let's go, everyone!
ALL CURES: Okay! (They transform.)
A no-nonsense Cure Scarlet...
When Cure Scarlet and Cure Twinkle strike a combined attack (shooting stars on fire) on Desporg!Agent together:
LOCK: What?
Lock, Shocked...
Wasn't that from a Tim Burton film?
Post-defeat, Lock checks the Gauge out and sees he's got an eighth full of liquid despair.
LOCK: Hmph, not bad. (He disappears into a keyhole portal.)
CURE TWINKLE (smiling, to the unconscious agent): Let's do our best together.
Back in her bedroom, Kirara is her usual self once more.
KIRARA (excited): Ribbon? Okay! Hairstyle? Okay! Today's Kirara is 1000 times cuter than yesterday's! (To Towa) Towa-chi, how about you?
TOWA (smiling): I am already done preparing. Let us go, Kirara.
KIRARA (impatient, running): Hey, wait! Towa-chi!
TOWA (smiling sincerely): I'm not waiting.
*Pastel-chalked freeze frame*
Kirara (taking Towa by the left shoulder): I caught you!
TOWA (chuckles): Oh my, I guess it cannot be helped.
What a lovely pastel-chalked freeze frame! This one definitely signals StarFire (Kirara/Towa) as my queer OTP for this series.
Another Kirara-centric episode with the classic ingredients on the menu:
badassery, perseverance, and lovely attire both designed and worn by the heroine,
Plus a few new additions such as Towa and lesbian innuendo, which add a new
aftertaste, a hotter one, to the already explosive mix.
To begin with, Towa, now surnamed Akagi ("red castle", hinting at her theme colour and royal descent), is the young model's roomie, occupying the lower bed of their bunk beds, Kirara sleeping above her.
The princess of the Hope Kingdom, who was supposed to fit in at Noble Academy, actually towers above all of the average students in academic and artistic prowess. Thank 50% Minami and 50% her own royal education for such achievements. By the way, the Noble Academy uniform fits her like a glove (just like it fits her roomie).
Given her innocence, hair colour, and accomplishment, Towa comes to me as an animated Sansa. I see in her traces of Sansa at Winterfell, at court, and at the Eyrie: both the naiveté and the scars, the insecurity and the growing strength, the silk and the steel, very skilfully united in one single person.
And, obviously, she needed a savvier and more mature Margaery figure for a best friend/mentor. And there is not only one, but two Margaerys to Towa's Sansa: Minami Kaido (see next episode) and Kirara Amanogawa: the former for academic and the latter for social skills.
A new queer ship, StarFire, has formed out of this episode. Towa definitely needs someone like Kirara, and vice versa, to carry on.
Already when Kirara undressed the princess and changed her clothing at the start of the episode, I felt something growing in between these two. You can't undress a person of the same gender if you two are not really close to one another. Definitely, in the cut between Kirara raising Towa's shift and Towa in uniform, the fashionista's look at the royal underwear was completely censored but can be imagined.
Not only are they roomies, but also share a desk at class. And Kirara, faithful to her nicknaming tradition, calls her roomie Towa-chi.
This episode is mainly about how Towa and Kirara get along. The former is accustomed to have others always do her bidding, the latter to do everything all by herself. This contrast, and finding a balance, are the themes of the episode. While Towa is learning to be more self-reliant and less dependent on others, Kirara is put under so much pressure that her state of health and her performance begin to decline. This is the first time Kirara's fear of failure comes true and we see her more as a real-life person by examining her flaws, which coincidentally are the same as Towa's (and mine own, by the way).
The whole lake scene was lovely, the true crowner of the episode. Towa talking, full of nostalgia, about her past and kingdom. Kirara tickling Towa. This is definitely the most heartwarming scene in the series so far.
Kirara initiates Friendly Tickle Torture on Towa to make her smile. This is followed by Towa and Kirara smiling and gazing into each others eyes for a long moment, which only ends when Aroma interrupts them to warn them of the desporg attack. The two of them are also roommates as of this episode.
Anyway, tickling until the laughter hurts is not mentioned in the Geneva Accords (Unless it happens to be courtesy of the Tickler, but that is a horse of a different colour).
The pastel-chalked freeze frame in the end was, indeed, the crowner of the episode and what made me ship my current queer OTP, StarFire (Kirara/Towa), for this series.
Definitely: Towa Akagi, Kirara Amanogawa: you two get along like sodium and chlorine.
Towa is now quicky becoming my favourite character, both in muggle form and as Cure Scarlet. Socially awkward and ignorant of many everyday/basic things, yet of great academic prowess and popular among her classmates. And a badass once transformed. I do identify with her, suffering from Asperger's as I do. I also love how she is developing, especially now that Kirara has made her laugh and smile after nearly a decade of looking always cold, then always sad and/or afraid.
To change theme for a while: Kirara's autumn look (with the odangos and the red scarf), which now appears a little out of season, is meant to be the September Girl for the cover of next month's issue of that fashion magazine. This is Kirara's most tomboyish look so far, yet it looks as good on her as anythig she wears.
If you did not understand the meaning of the review title: The Blue Lagoon is a period piece about two Victorian castaways, both of them children (the boy was orphaned by the shipwreck, the girl was already an orphan and lost her guardian to the shipwreck), stranded on a Pacific island. The plot of the film follows these orphans, a boy and a girl, as they grow into young adults. Puberty changes their hormonal make-up, and both of them wonder why their bodies and their feelings are changing so dramatically. After a few misadventures, they realize that they're in love with one another, they have intercourse, and even a baby. Their existence is idyllic, comparable to that of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden.
And yes, a blue lagoon plays a key role in this steamy coming-of-age film, which had a sequel with the son of the original couple and a new girl stranded on the same island and going through the same chemistry.
The whole climactic scene with Towa and Kirara reminded me of the kids in The Blue Lagoon (only that this one is more chaste, just with embracing and both young people dressed.) A lesbian version of the events that occur on the shore of an equally idyllic blue lagoon.
To change theme: in this episode, we discovered both the Cures' and Shut's reactions to Lock's new form as a twenty-something. The chemistry between Shut and new Umbridge-like Lock was worthy of any cast herd in Westeros.
It appears as if Lock will push Shut, now no longer his equal but his inferior in rank, away from him.
The olden days' Boy!Lock was a spoiled child. The new YA!Lock is a sociopath. Being given the rule of the Hope Kingdom, and saying he will make things more interesting, he makes me both wonder and shudder. Smiling so smugly on the throne at the top of a high ladder in a vast hall, he reminds me more than slightly of Joffrey.
I have the suspicion that he is planning to usurp the throne of the Hope Kingdom. When Dyspear finally returns, he will surely kill her... or, what's even better, absorb her. To keep her in check, get rid of her, and acquire her powers at the same time. Think of Dragon Ball or of the finale for Dokidoki! Precure.
Anyway, only time will tell if the intrigues of the Dysdarks (worth as quality ersatz for those of Westeros) reach this goal or not. And whose agenda will come true in the Dysdark game of thrones.
This is getting like the Marx Brothers' room on the ship.
Towa and Yume are now in the credits, while Ranko still occupies her unworthy place
furthest to the left.
Because "go" can mean "five" in Japanese, and they love this kind of puns. Since there are apparently three Keys to each Cure, and Towa's don't count among the twelve (being purified Black Keys). Furthermore, the episode of Week 33 has a title that mentions a "mystery girl"... Can she be the fifth Cure, who will use the remaining three Dress-Up Keys?
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