jueves, 7 de mayo de 2015


Turncoat Troubles

In literature, there are generally two kinds of traitors. The first kind betray their friends or kingdom because they want to. Maybe they will get riches in exchange for their services, maybe peace, or maybe they just get a kick out of seeing others suffer. Iago, we're looking at you here, buddy. The second type of traitor is the type who is blackmailed into betraying friends or kingdom. Yueh fits into this category of classical turncoat.
Yueh is supposed to be under Imperial Conditioning, meaning he's mentally modified against even the thought of taking human life. But the Baron Harkonnen has Piter kidnap and torture Yueh's wife, Wanna. The resulting agony breaks Yueh's Imperial Conditioning, and he agrees to betray Duke Leto in exchange for Wanna's life.
Since Yueh is a Type II traitor, he does not go entirely along for the ride. 

Type I traitors: Iago, Judas Iscariot, Cypher (The Matrix), Lando Calrissian, Peter Pettigrew, Petyr Baelish, Albrecht von Wallenstein...
Type II traitors (hostage in parenthesis): Wellington Yueh (wife, Wanna), Xenophilius Lovegood (daughter, Luna), Theon Greyjoy (whole estranged birth family, House Greyjoy)...
The Type II traitor trope is called The Commies Made Me Do It.

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