viernes, 23 de mayo de 2014


A Eureka AU. The Clever Princess is Allison Blake.
This character has 2 Ph. D.s !!
 Her "fiancé" is Allison's fatherless autistic and surpassingly clever (aspie?) son, Kevin Blake.

The queen sought the most intelligent man of the kingdom to become her companion, and rumor has it she found him just a year ago in the kingdom of science.

The next day they arrived at the palace but found the doors barred to their entrance. ...over the walls, once in the palace,  the beautiful woman sank to her knees...

 She was beautiful, but her skin was the warmest earthen color, her energy was golden.
“I am Lady Allison. It has been a long time since I have felt such devotion in my court.”
 “Then my little prince and I shall help you,” she decreed, gesturing to a small boy, skin as dark as midnight but with a smile as golden and bright as day at her side. “This is Kevin, who I love as my own son,” she introduced him. “And like many of our magical scholars, he has shunned the Snow Queen’s ways. 

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