lunes, 12 de mayo de 2014


Left to right: Cassio (blond), Othello, and Iago.

Othello in armour and Desdemona in pink

For a baroque production

Desdemona and Emilia.
Lieutenant Cassio
Des in two different outfits.
Desdemona in a nice frock (nightgown?)
Honest Iago
Roderigo, Iago's henchman
Othello, battle costume
The General showing some chest hair
Emilia, portrayed as either a spirited lady or the baroness of the evil organization.
A spirited/tomboyish Bianca, that looks like Arya Stark
J'ai vu les persos d'Othello de cette façon dans un rêve. De gauche à droite: Bianca, Cassio, Othello, Desdémone, Émilia, Yago et Rodrigue

Des in red
Iago in green

Othello in civilian attire
Des in her wedding gown

Othello dressed for battle

Victorian Othello: Des wearing two of her outfits.
Victorian Othello: the gentlemen

Victorian Othello: the spear carriers - and Roderigo in a bowler hat

A figurine for a German stage production. Flowers and the colours of Sweden.

Gorgeous Slavic costume designs for a stage production
Something more Rococo in the colours of Denmark
Prince Kai and Princess Kunigunde: a preppy, youthful, somewhat nerdy take on these characters that perfectly reflects their personality. Tennis and rimmed glasses and all! A review mentions them as "das sehr britische Prinzenpaar".

Here are costume designs for Frederica and Fred in a Charles Way production.

James Russell does well as the quirky Prince Fred. Claire Sundin as the endearing Princess Frederica, complete with temper tantrums and speech impediments.

PRINCESS FREDRICA A beautiful Princess - in love and about to get married to Prince Fredrick. Loves a giggle and having fun. Self-assured and bossy, thinks she can always have anything she wants.
FREDRICK A young Prince - “impossibly charming”. In love and about to get married to Princess Fredrica. Confident and successful with the ladies. Loves a good party. He assumes his Prince-like responsibilities.

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