martes, 15 de diciembre de 2020


 Before we deepen into Montparnasse's significance and role in both House Varich and the Patron-Minette, we should look more into sevartals in general.

Sevartals are the evil counterpart (thallain) of sidhe. Which means they (sevartals) embody the dark side of power and charisma. Just like their good counterparts, sevartal have all the grace and bearing of natural born leaders. They carry themselves elegantly, surrounded by the air of knowing more than everyone around them at all times. Their eyes see more than any mortal or changeling, but even the kindest of their smiles holds a hint of malice.

Sevartal possess an ethereal quality that draws people to them and eases the path from adoration to subjugation. Prolonged experience to a sevartal’s presence wears down the minds of those near them, and over time they become drones in the sevartal's service. The easiest way to tell a sidhe from a sevartal is the way they treat those near to them. Sidhe still think of their subjects as people. Sevartal view them merely as means to an end, and are nearly incapable of empathy.

Sevartal enjoy the company of other kiths, Thallain or changeling, and believe everyone can be made useful in some way. It may be as bait, a scapegoat, or a patsy, but everyone has a purpose. They are particularly fond of spriggans, and always try to have a few in their service (Thénardiers beware!!).

These pale, thin individuals are long of limbs and come most alive under moonlight. In their fae mien, their ears draw up into long points, their eyes are opalescent, and their skin seems almost to glow softly in the light of the moon. Their voices are musical and sweet, even when uttering the most awful words, and their motions are graceful even when lashing with a whip or fighting in battle. They share all of these characteristics with the sidhe (meaning that Enjolras and Montparnasse share as many features as those that contrast - hair colour, alignment when it comes to morality...).

Like Courfeyrac, Montparnasse uses a sword-cane in battle, though he also possesses a dominatrix's whip and other spoils from people he has killed.

Both Enjolras and Montparnasse were fostered and kept as catamites by sidhe Valerius Varichov (of The Arcana game - yeah, the crossing-over begins now). The consul favoured at first the blond boy, who was his cupbearer, leading to his valet Montparnasse's resentment, until Enjolras fled -knowing he was a Liam by blood and pressed into this predicament-

Crossing Montparnasse's character with a Slavic education brings out something inspired by A Clockwork Orange - he dresses just like the droogs in a dashing style and wearing a dapper hat and long lashes, speaking a half-Russian pidgin akin to nadsat (in fact, I had borrowed the words from nadsat).

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