viernes, 31 de octubre de 2014

jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014



I came up with this one by doing paperwork (incredible!).
Imagine the hot guys in Westeros as Gold Saints in the Sanctuary of Saint Seiya!!
A venue for action and battles, and a lot of shipping (mostly queer shipping)!!

So far, there are two stories: "GAME OF CLOTHS: THE THIRTEENTH GOLD CLOTH"

Prepare for the plots!

Brienne of Tarth, Silver Saint of Ophiuchus, once heard of a thirteenth Gold Saint, Cenis, the only female one in her days: A Gold Saint of Ophiuchus! Arriving at the Sanctuary, she is immediately sentenced (?) to do the paperwork, surrounded by dashing heart-throbs, while trying to protect Margaery Tyrell, the Maiden incarnate... and, overhearing that High Priest Tywin Lannister will soon abdicate in favour of his spoiled grandson Joffrey!
Things get even worse when Brienne is rejected by the Gold Cloth of Sagittarius. Which means that only the fabled Gold Cloth of Ophiuchus, once worn by a female, becomes the object of her quest. When Brienne was armoured in Silver, Renly broke her mask in the presence of Jaime, and the Law of the Mask comes into play... she is condemned to either love or kill the ones who saw her demasked.

Theon Greyjoy, Gold Saint of Scorpio, goes missing in action.
His more than friend and fellow Gold Saint Robb Stark still believes that he may be alive.
Then, Theon returns... as the General of the Kraken. Condemned to fight Robb... What has ever happened in the meantime?
As a charismatic Dornishman replaces Theon as Scorpio Saint, Joffrey takes Margaery prisoner to use her in the Lannister master plan.
And Renly soon meets his fate, as Brienne is declared persona non grata...


Gold Saints:
Robb Stark: Aquarius Gold Saint
Theon Greyjoy: Scorpio Gold Saint (13GC)
Oberyn Nymeros Martell: Scorpio Gold Saint (RotK)
Loras Tyrell: Pisces Gold Saint
Renly Baratheon: Capricorn Gold Saint
Jaime Lannister: Leo Gold Saint
Brienne of Tarth: Sagittarius/Ophiuchus Gold Saint
Gendry Waters: Taurus Gold Saint

Silver Saints:
Brienne of Tarth: Ophiuchus Silver Saint (formerly)

Podrick Payne: Private Pod Payne

Sanctuary Others:
Tywin Lannister: High Priest/Vice High Priest
Joffrey Lannister: Next in Line/High Priest
Margaery Tyrell: the Maiden incarnate
Qyburn: Healer/Next High Priest?

Theon Greyjoy: Kraken General (RotK)


This year will witness the rebirth of the Countdown to Lützen, the event in which the mistress of this blog will count down, for a week, the days until the expected sixth of November, in which you'll be in for an autumnal surprise!
The themes of this countdown will be Westeros, nostalgia, creepy All Hallows scares (for those who dare to brave the darkest nights of their subconscious)...

Want to know which Westerosi leader(s) has (have?) got more of Gustavus Adolphus?

Want to see some sweet, sweet, Gustavus Adolphus cakes?

Want to keep up with the Wallensteins themselves? Interviews with Isabella von Wallenstein and her daughter Thekla, the latter about to marry Free Lord Rudolf von Kaunitz?

Want songs? Poetry? Haiku? Fanart? 30YW-inspired "Keep Calm" memes?

Eeeevil stories of doom, with glowing powers and wickedness punished? Struwwelpeter tales?

A translation of a Swedish-language story about a great warrior ready to die for a good cause?

31-10: The Story of Konrad the Thumbsucker
01-11 (or 02-11): Gustavus Adolphus Cakes
02-11: Gustavus Adolphus at Cailin Moat and in the Reach
03-11: KEEP CALM AND DO NOT DESPAIR / (The Days of Victories, by Werner von Heidenstam)
04-11: Poem by Carl Wilhelm Böttiger (The Days of Victories, by Werner von Heidenstam)
05-11: Keeping Up with the Wallensteins (The Days of Victories, by Werner von Heidenstam)
06-11: Lützen-themed surprise!! (The Days of Victories, by Werner von Heidenstam)

Here you have a Swedish-language snippet to break the ice:

Gustav II Adolf var en blond, vacker, något överviktig man, storartad fältherre och endast besjälad av kristliga och humana tankar. Det dröjde länge innan jag kunde släppa den bilden , och egentligen vill jag inte det nu heller, medan jag tronar på minnen från fornstora dar.
Ett litet hjältemodigt land kastar sig ut i världen, med värjor och läderkanoner för att värna en religion. Dagens unga fantasy-läsare skulle kanske uppskatta berättelsen, den finns i många variationer, men kanske inte med ett så brutalt slut – hjälten skjuten och genomstucken, slungad från hästen, trampad av hovar, avklädd och plundrad.
En av de skönaste män jag någonsin sett. Han var högväxt och höll sig mycket rak. Han hade ljungande blå ögon och ett hår så gult som vetet då det mognar. Varje hans rörelse talade om kraft, blicken ur hans ögon om myndighet men också om klokhet. - Kungen!
Skulle detta vara kättaren över alla kättare, ärkeluteranen från Norden?

miércoles, 29 de octubre de 2014


 "Exotic, yet familiar. Sensual, yet not savage. More childish, yet not completely foolish."
I once had a conversation about this divide in the Occident, and this conversation is now transcribed in this blog. It contains these words:
Una de las dos Europas te partirá el corazón.

There once was an Iron Curtain that split Europe in twain.
What most people don't know is that there has been an even older Iron Curtain before the World Wars.
One that ran along with the Alps and the Danube.
On one side, feudal kingdoms with wooden Great Halls and fair, tall, blue-eyed people. Runes, mead, and iron. And golden amber washed upon the shores.
On the other side, sophisticated empires with marble palaces and dark-haired, shorter, dark-eyed people. Letters, wine, and steel. And purple dye obtained from prickly shells.
The former called the latter "velsh" or "welsh" (meaning "foreign"), while the latter called the former "barbarians" (a slur for foreignness implying the language barrier, id est, the belief that the others can only say "bara bara bara"): in the same way. And both worlds saw the Other as Strange: the former as attractive. valuable partners for trade; the latter as wild things, closer to beasts, that couldn't be cultured.

In the wake of time, organized religion tied these two worlds so close, yet so far to each other.
Yet, centuries later, as religious authorities lapsed into decadence, the fair-haired Northerners decided to secede and create their own faith, worshipping the same deity, yet devoid of trappings. 
The mother religion, or sister religion, of the dark-haired ones tried, time after time, to try to convince those who had strayed from the flock to rejoin it, conveniently threatening them with fire.
Those who had seceded resisted, this struggle turned to war, and both groups were obliged by the want of post-war to reunite.

The divide between northern and southern Europe is older than the Reformation, in fact, but it was the Reformation that strengthened it, in creating identities of "loyalist" vs. "heretic", or "freedom fighter" vs. "oppressed vassal", depending on whose side you were.

The dark ones, the warm ones, were the most cultured ones from the start, also being the most decadent unto our days. They even coined the "carpe diem" that might as well be their motto.
While the fair ones, the cold ones, have always been the more pristine, those who said that the "child's sense" of innocence must be kept alive during adulthood.

Catholic and Protestant, Latin and Germanic, dark-haired and blond, sophisticated and pristine: there are two Occidents, two sister cultures, with as much in common as they have apart.

Una de las dos Europas te partirá el corazón.

Historically viewing each other as enemies and either of them to play big sister or guardian to the other.
Before the Reformation, the Germanic peoples were seen by the Romance peoples as  "Exotic, yet familiar. Sensual, yet not savage. More childish, yet not completely foolish." After the Reformation and Enlightenment, the latter saw the former with those very prejudices: the roles had been reversed.
The light comes from the north, the warmth comes from the south... yet both cold light and dark warmth have always been missing something to attain fulfilment. And expressed that yearning through the creative arts, longing for the other half of the worldview that both our peoples have in common.
Nowadays, at the end of the day of blood and sword, united into a single entity, yet still maintaining those slight differences:

Jules Verne (on a German industrialist's worldview and view of Latin people):
A struggle between the 
Saxon and Latin races, besides being always meritorious, 
would not fail, if set about properly, to turn to the advantage 
of the former. 
The enterprise appeared to him absurd, and, to his ideas, 
sure to fail, as it opposed the law of progress, which decreed 
the uprooting of the Latin race, its subjection to the Saxon, 
and eventually its disappearance from the surface of the 
This struggle, which will set the Latin and Saxon races by 
the ears.
Josep Feliu i Codina (deeming peace between both peoples possible?)
Es indispensable
que se mezcle en él, la sangre vigorosa del Norte con la ardiente
y arrebatada del Mediodía; la fuerza y valor del germano con
la fantasía bullidora del latino; la prudencia del uno con el arrojo
insensato del otro. Así, pues, el amor de Driva ha de ser
gozado por un hombre del Sur.


There is a forgotten thirteenth sign in the Zodiac, in between Scorpio and Sagittarius. Its time takes up the last week in the fixed water sign and the first one in the mutable fire sign.

This lost thirteenth star sign, Ophiuchus, has recently been rediscovered.
In both German and Swedish, it's called Serpent-Bearer (Schlangenträger, Ormbärare).

Though the addition of a thirteenth item to any traditional dozen breaks its inner harmony and raises suspicions (Judas Iscariot, Mordred, Dionysus...)

Not to rub the triads of elements, Ophiuchus is the only akasha or aether sign in the zodiac so far. It combines the features of Scorpio and Sagittarius, and its guardian planet is the elusive wounded healer Chiron.
The classical old zodiac...
...and the new, with the forgotten sign.


Nowadays, I'm watching Game of Thrones (Spanish dub) online.
I've only seen Ep 1 so far (At least, Jaime and Sansa appeared!)

So I've also been posting things that I had saved for the blog, and I will soon post even more!! The next goal for me to reach is 700 posts!



From Happy Innocent Musume Senshi blog (excerpts):

One of the games that I really like is Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies for the Nintendo DS. 
Fygg Screenshot
A fygg (from fig + Yggdrasil), the in-universe counterpart of the Forbidden Fruit.

Among many interesting things in this game are subplots that form the basis for a large part of the beginning of the game.  As part of the main plot, fyggs or fruits from a Celestrial Tree fall down below to the terrestrial plane.  These fyggs purport to be able to grant the desires of people that eat the fygg,  Yet, the granting of the desires turns out to be quite problematic.  The fygg turns the person into a monster, that as the heroine, one must defeat.  After the monster is defeated, we find that the original person was usually quite ordinary, with ordinary faults and failings.  These made for quite interesting and often moving subplots to the game.
Those of us who have been watching DokiDoki Precure will likely recognize this theme.  The villains from the Selfish Kingdom “grant the wish” of their victims by turning their heart black, stealing their hearts, and using these dark hearts to create a monster that creates havoc until the Precures come to defeat the Selfishness and return the cleansed hearts to the victims.
So, what is wrong with one’s wishes being granted?  That is a good question, and I think that the answer is a bit complex.  I think that one of the points in both the game and in DokiDoki Precure is that victims wishes are not really being granted.  I think that maybe the best way to explain is that these are the wishes of their False Self, or the part that we all have inside that is not aligned with Good, like the popular Western motif of the little devil on our shoulder.  Our True Self is that which is aligned with the little angel on our shoulder.  As you recall, in DokiDoki, the victim often resists the urge that the villain eventually uses to steal their hearts.
I think that there is an assumption in both Dragon Quest IX and in DokiDoki Precure, that most of us truly wish to be good, and that this wish trumps any self centered desires that we may have.  As the Dragon Quest game proceeds into the larger story line, we find that the fyggs are actually…oh oops…spoilers.  Well, I can say that the fyggs themselves are not evil either, and the wishes of the victims are not evil wishes, they were just corrupted.  In fact, we find out later in the game that fyggs are actually fruits from the Divine in Her Daughter form.  In the Dragon Quest game, after the victim of the corruption is purified, the energy from her wishes are also purified.
As I am writing, I am having a really hard time being able to put into words the difference between the corrupt wishes and the purified wishes.  Even if I were to give spoilers and specifics, it would be hard.
In talking with Cure Dolly, who watches DokiDoki Precure with Japanese subtitles, she has mentioned that she  could imagine how difficult it would be for the translators.
One of the things that she explained was about the Selfish Kingdom and the monsters, “Selfishnesses.”  If I understand correctly, selfish is not really the precise term, but there is no equivalent in Japanese.  From what I have been told, in Japanese culture, there is an expectation that people will think of the group and community first, and to do otherwise is considered quite rude.  For example, it is my understanding that a statement that seems positive to a Western mind, “Do what you want to do,” is considered quite insulting in Japanese culture.  The closest translation to this concept is selfish, from what I have been told.
This takes me back to the premise of this article.  I think that in DokiDoki Precure and in DragonQuest IX, it is not the wishes themselves that are problematic. We should have dreams and wishes.  What is problematic is when these wishes only relate to one’s own personal well-being without considering the group or the society.

Teasugarsalt writes:
Shugo Chara, the anime version, has a section in it where there is a false-wish-granting young jeweller who turns the eggs in people’s hearts, not into despair laden x-eggs, but into confused riddle-eggs that turn children into what they thought they wanted to be in a totally out of control fashion. Amu-chan’s task is to help these children get to the heart of *why* they had their original wish, and it’s usually a quite *unselfish* reason! When they see they aren’t helping people the way they wanted to by fulfilling only the form of their wishes, then she can clear their heart’s eggs.
I think people are really good, and when they wish for things, they can make mistakes about the best way to accomplish what they really, deep down, want. But usually, what they really want is good, I think, if they could only find a better way to get it.

My own opinion (Ice and Fire/Othello/Faust/Alexandra Romanova)
I am thinking of the Dragonstoners and how they relate to this. The Red Priestess has this black and white way of thinking (she tells Davos that there are no shades, everyone is either good or evil)... Her MO is corrupting Stannis (for goals still unknown). Meli fires Stannis up with the passions he has kept in check until he met her (jealousy of Renly, wishes for approval). And, once he is convinced, he finally has some pleasure: they make love on the Painted Table: the culmination of his surrender to her symbolized by this act: he literally yields to her, like Othello to Iago or Alexandra to Rasputin. Then come the regrets for having killed Renly (the old Cain and Abel story), but he has become WIRED on Meli and her "you're the messiah" rant. Davos doesn't trust Meli, like most innocent people disapprove of corruptors (Tiana of Facilier, the female cast of Othello disapprove of Iago), but his words can't reach Stannis's heart. As little as Desdemona's words can reach Othello's.
Comparing Melisandre to the Jikochuu cadres and Loulou de Morcel... "I'll make your wish come true!" "This is a Magical Jewel. It will make your heart's desire come true". Even if that wish means killing lovable loved ones in a fit of rage. Othello, Heinrich Faust, and Stannis Baratheon are all three textbook cases of this phenomenon. Neither of them has his heart literally taken out, but all of them cling to their tempters, believing that they're doing "the right things", and regret upon having taken the life of a precious person.


The Waterfire Saga, that merfolk epic by Jennifer Donnelly, has recently come up in Spain:

The story is about feuding kingdoms of merfolk coming together to face a common threat. There were a couple of places and characters that made me SQUEE, so here are the fact:


Tsarno, a fortress town in the western Mediterranean. 
So outpostly!! So Küstrin-like!! And with a Slavic name, in a Mediterranean kingdom... also spells C-R-O-A-T-I-A!
the fortress at Tsarno.
Also, there are villages in all the kingdoms, and rural areas called Barrens...
(The only con is that the Colleggio, the in-'verse university, is located in the capital of the realm, instead of in some more provincial community... at least so I thought in Book I, the second has revealed that there IS A UNIVERSITY IN TSARNO!!!)
Ondalina, the mer realm in the Arctic waters

Each of the heroines was from a different nation and had a different power. 
There were two girls... well... merls in the team of heroines that caught my attention: Astrid, the Nordic and the warrior (a healer)

Astrid has long, white-blonde hair, icy blue eyes... she wears a long sealskin vest embroidered with silver thread and scabbard made from sealskin hanging from her waist, her hair is in two ornate braids running along the sides of her head with the rest of it loose. Astrid is rather fond of dueling. In Deep Blue she is also shown to have skills with throwing a ball as well as having a good sense of humor, despite her tough exterior.
Astrid is shown to be very brave and tough. Also, she doesn't back down from a fight. Deep inside, Astrid was afraid of the dangers and admitted that she couldn't choose how to use her magic. Astrid, unlike the other mermaids, doesn't use much magic, she prefers fighting with her sword. She is demonstrated to have great sword skills, shown when she cut off one of Abbadon's hands.

and Ling, the clever omnivoxa or polyglot (an Asian)

Astrid comes from the North/Arctic/Scandinavia, and she's the tomboy/warrior/Rainbow Dash/Brienne of the team... 
There's also another character, Becca, who appears to be both a nerd, a bookworm tomboy... and the Applejack kind of career- and family-oriented character so rarely found in magical girl series. Becca is a firebender with nerd spectacles and a university student to whom her career is the most important thing...
Becca carries a pocketwatch around her neck. She wears a plaid dress with a high collar.When she is first introduced in the book, she wears gold-rimmed glasses, a pearl necklace, hair combs and carries a travelling case. She used to work after school at a pearl shop, where they put songspells in pearls and released them. Her full name is Rebecca Quickfin, she is an orphan, and left-handed.
She describes herself as 'nobody' and 'invisible', showing that she isn't very self-confident and is also very quiet. It is said that she often tries to please her mother. Becca is colourful and laughing, with a keen attitude for learning. 

And Ava, the visually impaired Afro-Brazilian one endowed with a prophet's sight. Rapier wit due to outsider status (both race and disability), much à la Tyrion Lannister! Due to her powers (she is a seer and a clairvoyant in spite of being visually impaired) and her sarcasm, she reminds me of Toph Beifong...

while Lin, the clever and gentle bookworm, has the power to speak and understand all languages in existence (human, animal, or even vegetable!!)

Ling is from Qin and speaks and understands all language due to her descent from Sycorax; she’s an omnivoxa, One Who Sings All Creatures’ Songs with a responsibility to speak Truth. 

Kingdom of Ondalina
Based in the Arctic. Admiral Kolfinn seems to be the ruler. Astrid is his daughter, and a descendant of Orfeo (the healer god). She was supposed to be part of the hostage exchange.
Kolfinn's sister, Sigurlin (she has got an aunt as well) is also mentioned.

Astrid, Kolfinn's daughter... She appears to gbe a real badass. You know I love Brienne of Tarth and Rainbow Dash. Well I've got another character on my hit list:

Astrid yelled, defty ducking the missile.
"Where does this crazy little tour end, anyway?", Astrid called out from the back.
Astrid had gone back to bouncing her caballabong ball.
"Nevermind. Just forget it", Astrid said. "I can't be part of this nutsy little playdate any longer. The realms are on the verge of war, in case you haven't noticed".
But Astrid didn't listen. With a warrior's roar, she swung her sword at the monster...
But instead of talking, Astrid brusquely pushed back her.
Suddenly, a blur of black and white flashed past them. It was Astrid, moving with deadly speed. "Not If I can help it", she growled.
"This is totally insane", Astrid said.
"Nothing", Astrid said brusquely. "It's been real. Good luck with it all." She tried to swim out of the study, but two armed frogs blocked her.
"Astrid, you are totally out of line!", Ava said. But Astrid didn't listen.

On Ling and her omnivoxa powers:

"I can speak Dracdemara, his language. I'm an omnivoxa"
She was born an omnivoxa, and her magical powers strenghtened her gift.
She could speak not just many languages, but every language. Not only human tongues, but those of animals, trees, and flowers.
Ling had tears in her eyes.
Ling said "Uh-oh".
A hand closed on her arm. It was Ling.
"Great", Ling said.  looking over her shoulder. 

Astrid and Ling having good chemistry?

"Astrid, you're funny", Ling said when the laughter had subsided. "Who knew?" "Don't tell anyone", Astrid said, bouncing her ball again.
- Les Opafago dévorent leurs victimes vivants, tu sais ça ? lança Astrid. Pour que leur coeur continue de battre et de faire circuler le sang. Ca rend la chair plus juteuse. 
- Astrid, tu es mon rayon de soleil, dit Ling en sautant de la table où elle était assise.

Then we’ve got Ling, who can speak almost any language underneath the sea, which I think is awesome, she’s more of the quiet type.
Astrid, Admiral Kolfin’s daughter of the Ondalina.

Ling is soft, peaceful and smart. She uses her brains and gentle nature to communicate with plants and animals.
Astrid is the oddball of the bunch. She’s bold and headstrong, but deep-rooted issues keep her from trusting the girls at first.

I could as well be Ling, who’s so smart, but I’m probably Astrid, who’s obstinate, tactless, and quick-tempered.

Ling, forte e gentile allo stesso tempo, con un acuto intelletto, non ha paura di mostrare con orgoglio la spada che porta sulla schiena. Parla fluentemente le lingue di tutte le creature, persone, animali, fiori e alberi. Sempre pronta a mettere pace e abile negoziatrice.

Becca, impetuosa e veloce con i capelli rossi e ricci, gli occhi azzurri e le lentiggini.

Ava, spiritosa, sincera, capace di prevedere il futuro, con lunghissime trecce nere e squame marroni, indossa sempre occhiali da sole e ha per animale domestico un piranha che tiene al guinzaglio, sa predire il futuro.

Astrid, testarda, coraggiosa e in possesso di poteri magici potentissimi, con lunghe trecce bionde e gelidi occhi azzurri, ha striature bianche e nere simili a quelle di un’orca. Astrid è tagliata fuori dal gruppo ma saprà riconquistarsi la loro fiducia mettendosi in gioco in prima persona per il bene del popolo marino.

Tsarno is a fortress.


lunes, 27 de octubre de 2014


If you are, you breathe. 

If you breathe, you talk.

If you talk, you ask. 

If you ask, you think.

If you think, you search. 

If you search, you experience.

If you experience, you learn. 

If you learn, you grow. 

If you grow, you wish. 

If you wish, you find. 

And if you find, you doubt. 

If you doubt, you question. 

If you question, you understand. 

And if you understand, you know. 

If you know, you want to know more. 

If you want to know more... then, you are alive.

jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014



Inspired by the Peter Gabriel song "Games Without Frontiers"...

 ... here comes an alternate reality where Westeros hosts Hunger Games.

Each region is represented by two young people, one of either gender. The Games are held in and around a deserted outpost in the Dornish Marches.
To add more fuel to the fire, there is a fungus similar to the slithersucker and cordyceps, but that possesses human hosts (by swallowing the fungus or breathing in its spores), controlling the host from within and driving said host insane, in order to reproduce. It's also something like the Pokémon Zygarde. Mercy killing or not will thus be a question asked by the cast of this alternate reality, when their friends and strangers alike fall victim to this strange curse...

Only one will live... or not?

May the Gods be in your favour!


Ramsay Bolton
Sansa Stark (volunteered for younger sister Arya)//
Arya Stark (volunteered for older sister Sansa in the Remake)

Edmure Tully
Roslin Frey

Harrold Hardyng (volunteered for liege lord Robert "Robin" Arryn)
Mya Stone

Theon Greyjoy
Asha/Yara Greyjoy

Joffrey Baratheon-Lannister
Myrcella Baratheon-Lannister

Renly Baratheon
Brienne of Tarth

Loras Tyrell
Margaery Tyrell

Quentyn Martell
Tyene Sand

Jon Snow 

Jojen Reed
Meera Reed

Edric Storm
Shireen Baratheon

Jaime Lannister (commanding officer)
Oberyn Martell (in the Remake)
other warriors (still unknown)

miércoles, 22 de octubre de 2014



Der Mann verschwindet daraufhin an einen weit entfernten, magischen Ort, wo er eine andere Frau (typischerweise die Tochter einer bösen Fee) heiraten soll. Die Schöne ist bereit, bis ans Ende der Welt zu gehen, um ihren Liebsten zu finden und zu erlösen, wobei ihr Zauberkräfte zuwachsen. Mit kostbaren Gegenständen erkauft sie sich drei Nächte bei ihrem Mann. Die neue Braut versucht, den Mann durch einen Schlaftrunk unempfindlich zu machen, doch in der letzten Nacht kann die rechtmäßige Frau ihn erreichen und erlösen.

Der Gatte entschwindet, und die Heldin zieht (in Eisenschuhen) aus, ihn zu suchen. 
Sie erhält Hilfe und Zaubergaben, z.B. Kästchen oder Nussschale, von klugen alten Frauen, von verschiedenen Winden oder Sternen (Sonne, Mond) - "den drei wegweisenden Instanzen" - und kommt über oder durch den Glasberg endlich zum fernen Ort, wo sich ihr Gatte aufhält. 
Dieser hat jedoch eine andere (dämonische) Braut.
 Die Heldin bietet der zweiten Frau ihren Dienst an und erkauft mit ihren kostbaren Gaben (goldenes Spinngerät, silbernes, goldenes, sternenbestücktes Kleid etc.), die aus dem Kästchen bzw. der Nuss wunderbar hervorkommen und die sich ihre neidische Herrin, als sie die Dinge entdeckt, in ihrem Besitz wünscht, drei Nächte im Schlafzimmer des Mannes. Dieser hat jedoch von der dämonischen Braut einen Schlaftrunk erhalten, so dass er die Erinnerungsversuche der ersten Frau nicht wahrnimmt. 
Erst als er in der dritten Nacht den Trunk verschüttet, bleibt er wach und hört die Geschichte seiner früheren Braut. Darauf folgt das Schlüsselgleichnis oder eine magische Flucht vom Zauberort der zweiten Frau.

Wir finden in einigen sowohl die drei gekauften Nächte als auch die vergessene Braut. Dabei findet man mitunter, dass die Heldin gezwungen wird, die Brautfackel für ihre Rivalin zu halten, bis sie niedergebrannt ist und ihre Hände versengt. Dieses Motiv ist auf eine uralte Hochzeitssitte zurückzuführen, auf die bereits Plautus in seinem Schauspiel Casina (1,8) anzuspielen scheint. Noch lebt in der Bretagne ein Volksbrauch, nach dem die Brautführer das Bett des Brautpaares nicht eher verlassen, als die von ihnen gehaltenen Kerzen ihre Finger verbrennen. Ein ähnlicher Brauch ist u.a. durch bulgarische Volkslieder vom südöstlichen Europa belegt. 

Die dritte Gruppe fügt weitere Prüfungen und Leiden des Mädchens hinzu: der Tierbräutigam verschwindet, als sie neugierig ihn nachts bei Licht betrachtet, voreilig seine Tierhaut verbrennt oder sonst wider sein Gebot handelt, und sie muss ihn aufsuchen und oft einer zweiten Braut abringen. - 
Holsteinisch: "König Medowulf"; sie beleuchtet den schlafenden Wolfprinzen, sucht ihn bei der Wind-, Mond- und Sonnenmutter und erkauft von seiner Gattin drei Nächte; Frage vom alten Schlüssel. 
Aus Pommern: "Der weisse Wolf"; verlässt die Braut, die zur Sonnenmutter wandert, eine Brücke aus Hühnerknöchlein baut und von der Gattin des Wolfes drei Nächte erkauft. - Dänisch: "Den lille hvide Hund"; die Frau muss ihre drei Kinder verlassen, schwarze Wolle weiss und Talgflecken aus den Hemden waschen. 
"Slangen"; der Schlangenjüngling erfüllt des Königs Aufgaben, wird durch den Kuss der Prinzessin entzaubert, fliegt aber, als die Schlangenhaut verbrannt wird, als Taube durchs Glasfenster; seine Frau sucht den Verwundeten auf und bringt ihm das vom Fuchs mitgeteilte Heilmittel. 
Schwedisch: "Kung Vollermansson"; die dritte Tochter begehrt drei singende Blätter, muss den Hund heiraten, verliert ihre drei Kinder und schneidet den Gatten in den rechten Fuss. - Norwegisch: "Östlich von der Sonne und westlich vom Mond"; Bärmensch nachts beleuchtet, Talgflecken aus dem Hemd gewaschen. 
"Kong Hvidevallbjörn"; Bär nachts beleuchtet; seine Schwestern schenken drei Kleider; Glasberg, Aufgaben der Hexe, Kerze halten. 
- Färöisch: "Vetil kongasonur"; der Wolf trägt die drei Kinder fort, nachts beleuchtet; sie erklimmt den Glasberg mit eisernen Schuhen. - 
In Schottland: "The black bull of Norroway"; hier trägt der Stier die Heldin zu seinen Brüdern, die ihr einen Apfel, eine Birne und eine Pflaume schenken; während er mit dem Teufel kämpft, übertritt sie sein Gebot still zu sitzen und verliert ihn; mit Eisenschuhen, die ihr der Schmied für siebenjährigen Magddienst geschmiedet, erklimmt sie den Glasberg und erkauft dort als Wäscherin für ihre kostbaren Früchte drei Nächte in des Ritters Schlafgemach; hier singt sie:
Seven lang years I served for thee,
The glassy hill I clamb for thee,
The bluidy shirt I wrang for thee;
And wilt thou no wauken and turn to me?

In einer Variante "The red bull of Norroway"; wird der Stier zum Menschen, als die Prinzessin eine Nadel aus seiner Haut zieht; sie erhält drei Nüsse.
In einer unvollständigen Aufzeichnung "The glass mountain" erzählt die Frau des Stiers "Bull of Orange" gegen sein Gebot der Mutter und den Schwestern von seiner nächtlichen Menschengestalt. 
Bei "The daughter of the skies" trägt der Hundmann die Kinder fort; die Heldin bekommt von drei Schwestern eine wunderbare Schere, Nadel und Faden und erkauft von der Wolkenprinzessin drei Nächte. 
"The tale of the hoodie"; bringt der Krähenmann die Kinder fort, und die Frau ersteigt auf selbstgeschmiedeten Hufeisen den Gifthügel.
 Bei "The knight of the Glens and Bens and Passes" erhält der weisse, rotohrige Hund, der alles Wild zusammengebracht hat, die jüngste Tochter und schärft ihr ein, niemandem seinen Namen Summer-under-dew zu verraten; als sie es auf einem Besuch bei ihren Schwestern tut, findet sie heimkehrend das Schloss leer, wandert dem Gatten nach und erkauft drei Nächte. 
- Irisch: "The three daughters of king O'Hara"; Hundsfell von der Mutter verbrannt; die Pflegerinnen der drei geraubten Kinder schenken Schere, Kamm und Pfeife; Leben der Zauberin im Ei. 
- Französisch: "Le roi des corbeaux"; sie beleuchtet ihn und bricht später mit einem Wunderkraut seine Fesseln. 
"Le loup blanc"; die dritte Tochter, die nach dem singenden Blatt verlangt, verliert den Wolfmann, weil sie von der Hochzeit der Schwester zu spät heimkehrt; drei Nüsse. 
"Le beau laurier chantant"; die Mutter des Löwen nimmt ihm das Gedächtnis für seine Frau, gewährt aber der Hühnermagd für ihre Seidenkleider drei Nächte neben ihm.

Grosse Mannigfaltigkeit zeigen die italienischen Fassungen. 
Als Schwein tritt der verzauberte Prinz im toskanischen Märchen "Il re porco" auf; er tötet zwei Bräute und verlässt die dritte, als sie seiner Mutter das Geheimnis verrät; nun muss die Frau sieben Flaschen mit Tränen füllen und auf der Wanderung sieben Paar eiserne Schuhe, einen eisernen Stab und Hut zerreissen; für eine kostbare Haselnuss, Mandel und Walnuss, die drei Winde ihr geschenkt, erkauft sie von der Königin drei Nächte bei ihrem Gatten. 
"Der Prinz mit der Schweinshaut"; die Mutter verbrennt die Haut; Abendstern, Sonne und Wind schenken drei Nüsse. 
"Vom Re Porco"; vier Einsiedler schenken Haselnuss, Kastanie, Walnuss und Zaubergerte. 

Zur vierten Gruppe rechnen wir die Märchen, in denen von den feindseligen Schwestern (der Mutter) der Geliebten durch Messer, Dornen oder Glassplitter schwer verwundet wird; das Mädchen zieht dem Entflohenen nach und erfährt unterwegs aus einem belauschten Gespräch von Tieren oder Hexen, wie seine Wunden geheilt werden können. 

Sonne, Mond, Wind; drei Nächte erkauft. 
Russisch: Finisno-jasno-sokol, von dem sich die jüngste Tochter eine Feder gewünscht hat, verwundet sich an den Messern, welche die Schwestern ans Fenster gesteckt; sie zieht mit den eisernen Stiefeln, eisernen Stöcken und eisernen Prosphoren (Hostien) aus durch dreissig Länder und erlangt für Kleinode Zutritt zu seinem Schlafgemach.
Einaug, Zweiaug, Dreiaug: die Frau erkauft mit den Gaben von Mond, Sonne und Wind drei Nächte und heilt den Gatten mit der von den Tauben angegebenen Arznei.


Dann kommen sie in die Welt der Menschen. Dort vergisst der Junge seine Braut, weil er entgegen dem Verbot seine Angehörigen küsst oder mit ihnen isst. Als er sich aber mit einem anderen Mädchen verheiraten will oder als die aufdringlichen Hofleute sich einfinden, um dem zauberkundigen Mädchen ihre Aufwartung zu machen, weiss sie sich einen Rat und versteht es, sowohl Wagen als auch Menschen durch Zauber festzuhalten, und es gelingt ihr zuletzt mit Hilfe ihrer Tiere, die Erinnerung des Liebsten zu wecken.

E. Die Jungfrau erkauft durch drei kostbare Kleider aus den von der Mutter mitgegebenen Nüssen von der zweiten Braut drei Nächte an seiner Seite, vermag ihn aber erst in der dritten aufzuwecken. 


Eine andere Art von Zwangsschlaf findet ihren Ausdruck regelmäßig durch einen Schlaftrunk, der verabreicht wird, und zwar in dem Motivzusammenhang der vergessenen Ehefrau des Typs 425 A. Dort hat die junge Frau ein Verbot übertreten, infolgedessen wird der Mann ihr entrückt, und er hat sie vergessen. Am Ende sucht sie sich dem Schlafenden wieder ins Gedächtnis zu rufen durch die nächtliche Schilderung ihrer Suchwanderung oder durch die Anrufung des gemeinsam Erlebten. In den ersten beiden Nächten vernimmt der Mann nichts; denn seine jetzige Braut reicht ihm, nachdem sie der ersten Frau gegen eine Kostbarkeit die Nacht verkauft hat, abends einen Schlaftrunk. Nur die Diener tragen ihm am Morgen eine verworrene Kunde zu von der nächtlich klagenden Frau. Am dritten Abend meidet er den Trunk, vernimmt selbst die Klage, die Erinnerung kehrt ihm zurück, und das Paar hat sich damit wiedergefunden.

Schläferische Taubheit, vernehmendes Wachsein gegenüber den Erinnerungsworten sind in dieser Weise ganz sachlich verknüpft - der Sinn dieses Ablaufs aber scheint doch verborgener zu sein. Mit unwiederbringlichen Kostbarkeiten erkauft sich das junge Weib die Nächte von der zweiten Braut - statt auf eine praktische Weise entweder selbst dem Manne aufzulauern oder ihm in Gestalt von Worten oder Zeichen Kunde von sich zu übermitteln, ein Dienst, den sie ja ebenfalls leicht hätte erkaufen können. Auch sollen es ohnehin die Diener gewesen sein, die ihm den Hinweis auf die Klagende gegeben haben. lhre absonderliche, dem Anscheine nach umständliche oder unzweckmäßige Verfahrensweise muß auch einen sachlichen Grund haben, und der liegt eben darin, daß der Appell an den gemeinen Tagesverstand des Mannes sein Ziel nicht erreichen würde, was in der oben Seite zitierten irischen Fassung auch klar zu Tage liegt. Die Frau muß versuchen, durch die Nacht den Zugang zu seinem auf jeden Fall, ob mit oder ohne Trunk, schlummernden Gedächtnis zu finden, muß suchen, die in umnachtete Tiefe abgesunkene Gemeinsamkeit der Erinnerung wieder ins Tagesbewußtsein zu heben. Indem die zweite Braut, die dämonische Gefährtin in der Entrückung, den Mann absichtlich in Tiefschlaf versenkt, verhilft sie sogar dazu, den sinnvollen Vorsatz der ersten Frau zu verwirklichen. Auch die horchenden Diener könnte man als eine Teilkraft im Helden selbst auffassen, als ein Bild für sein Ahnungsvermögen, insofern sie dem im Tiefschlaf scheinbar gehörlos Versunkenen eine erste ferne Witterung vermitteln von dem, was in ihm aufdämmern will. - In dieser Szenerie wäre daher der durch den Trunk hervorgerufene Zwangsschlaf alles andere als ein Verschluß für das Miterleben, sondern vielmehr ein Zauberschlaf, der gerade zum Aufschließen der verkapselten Erinnerung verhilft.

Sehen wir uns veranlaßt zu behaupten, daß die Suchwanderin notwendigerweise die Verbindung zum Nachtbewußtsein ihres Mannes herzustellen sucht, dann erinnern wir uns daran, daß die Nacht für das Märchengeschehen uberhaupt eine bedeutsame Rolle spielt. Gewiß geht in den Märchen vieles auch unterm Tageshimmel vor, und wir haben schon gesehen, daß dies nicht etwa bedeutet, es verliefe das Geschehen in leibhaft-nüchterner, alltäglicher Weise. Auch im Sonnenschein, gerade auch am hohen Mittag vermag das Geschehen unter den Spiegel des Bewußtseins hinabzutauchen. Aber symbolisch für diese Nachtseite der Natur ist eben auch die Erdennacht, in die das märchenhafte Erzählen manches höchst Wichtige hineinlegt.




martes, 21 de octubre de 2014


In the nineteenth century, Joseph Jacobs published "The Master-Maid", a Celtic "three nights tale" he deemed the prototypical one:

Meanwhile Edgar and the Master-Maid had ridden on fast and furious till they came near where the palace of the King, Edgar's father, could be seen in the far distance. And Edgar said:
"Let me go on first and tell my father and
 mother all that you have done for me, and they will welcome you as their daughter."
The Master-Maid shook her head sadly and said:
"Do as you will, but beware lest any one kiss you before you see me again."
"I want no kisses from any one but you," said Prince Edgar, and leaving her in a hut by the roadside he went on to greet the King and Queen.
When he got to the palace gate everybody was astonished to see him, because they had presumed he was long since dead. And when they took him to the Queen, his mother, she rushed to him and kissed him before he could say nay.
No sooner had his mother kissed him than all memory of the Master-Maid disappeared from his mind.
Soon afterwards the King and the Queen arranged for the marriage of Prince Edgar with a great Princess from a neighbouring country. And she was brought home with great pomp and ceremony to the King's palace. And one day after her marriage, when she was out, she passed by the hut in which the Master-Maid was dwelling.
Now the Master-Maid had put on that day a beautiful dress of rich silk, and when the Prince's wife saw it she went to the Master-Maid and said:
"I should like that dress. Will you not sell it to me?"
"Yes," said the Master-Maid, "but at a price you are not likely to give."
"What do you want for it?" said the Princess.
"I want to spend one night in the room of your bridegroom, Prince Edgar."
At first the Princess would not think of such a thing; but after thinking the matter over she thought of a plan, and said:
"Well, you shall have your wish," and took away with her the silken dress.
But at night, when the Master-Maid came to the palace and claimed her promise, the Princess put a sleep-giving drug in Edgar's cup.
When the Master-Maid came into Edgar's room she bent over his bed and cried:
"I cleaned the byre for thee,I swung the axe for thee,And now thou'lt not speak to me."
But still Edgar slept on, and in the morning the Master-Maid had to leave without speaking to him.
Next day, when the Princess went out to see what the Master-Maid had been doing, she found her dressed in a rich silver dress, and said to her:
"Will you sell that dress to me?"
And the Master-Maid said, "Yes, at a price."
Then the Princess said, "What price?"
"One night in Edgar's room," replied the Master-Maid.
The Princess knew what had happened the night before, so she agreed to let the Master-Maid pass still another night with her bridegroom. But all happened as before; and when the Master-Maid came into the room she bent over Edgar, lying upon the bed, and called out:
"I gave my bones for thee,I shared the apples for thee,And yet thou'lt not speak to me";
and had to leave him as before, without his waking up.
But this time Prince Edgar had heard something of what she said in his sleep. And when he woke up he asked his chamberlain what had happened during the night. And he told the Prince that for two nights running a maiden had been in his room and sung to him, but he had not answered.
Next day the Princess sought out the Master-Maid as before. And this time she was dressed in a dress of shining gold; and for that the Princess agreed to let her spend one more night in the Prince's room.
But this time the Prince, guessing what had happened, threw away the wine-cup, in which the Princess had placed the sleeping draught, and lay
 awake on his bed when the Master-Maid came in. She bent over him and cried:
"I grew the forest for thee,I made the glass mount for thee,For thee a stream flowed from my magic flask,And yet thou'lt not wake and speak to me."
But this time Prince Edgar rose up in bed and recognized the Master-Maid, and called in his father and his mother and told them all that had happened, which had now come back to him.
So the Princess was sent back to her home, and Edgar married the Master-Maid and lived happy ever afterwards.
Later on, Jacobs comments on the story:
This is one of the oldest and widest spread tales of the world, and the resultant formula was, therefore, more than usually difficult to reconstruct. The essence of the tale consists in False Bride—Sale of Bed—Happy Marriage.
In his article on "Beauty and Beast" type tales:
 These folktales, in almost every case, had a series of adventures not found there, including the incidents, False Bride, and Sale of Bed. Now these incidents really belong to another formula, that of the Master-Maid, in which the heroine loses her beloved through an Oblivion Kiss and has to win him again from his False Bride by purchasing the right of spending three nights with him. These incidents come in logically in the Master-Maid formula but are dragged in without real relevance into Cupid and Psyche; yet they occur as early as Basile where there is a dim reminiscence of the Oblivion Kiss. In reconstructing the formula I have therefore omitted these incidents, reserving them for their proper place (see Master-Maid).
The Aarne-Thompson motif corresponding to this story type is D1978.4.