Angiolina: Natalia Tena.
The Mediterranean and lively Tena, AKA Osha or Tonks, has got the power, the zest, and the tomboyishness I would seek in the humble-born heroine of this tale. Even if she becomes emotionally cold due to heart replaced with ball of algae syndrome, she will still remain as badass as always. In my story, she would have a more active role than the damselling she is subject to in Feliu i Codina's tale.
Virginia: Lily James.
The part of Virginia could also fit Alicia Vikander.
Viscount Achile: Richard Madden.
AKA Prince Charming. Actually, a bit of Robb Stark and a bit of Kit Charmont would be worked into the portrait of a seductive and epicurean, dashing heartbreaker who has finally met his Waterloo. A suave lordling as foil to Genaro, this part would be ideal for Madden to display a wistful streak of suavity and panache fused with the serious streak of Robb and Kit's "fairy tale prince" romantic streak, all together.
Genaro: Matthew David Lewis.
Pudgy, awkward Neville has unfolded into a stalwart and well-shaped badass, ideal for playing the more masculine and rougher commoner foil and frenemy of the Viscount, and childhood friend/lover of Angiolina. I would also love to see Matty saved by Lily from drowning and develop feelings for the defrosted ice queen, and I would love seeing them together as lovers, as he realizes whom he truly loves.
The part of Genaro could also fit Eddie Redmayne (thinking mostly of his role as Marius).
Joseph: Charles Dance.
Tulkinghorn, he truly fits into the role of lawful evil schemer. I thought of a rather Tywinesque performance, in interaction with his ward/bride and servants... id est, until, as a result of a plan gone ironically wrong, he is reborn as a septuagenarian child. Letting down his hair completely, being more than slightly eccentric, he would surprise the audience in a most unexpected way...
Marcellina: Helena Bonham-Carter.
Charles Dance with Bonham-Carter for a henchwoman/assistant? They would be great as foils to one another! In fact, the failed courtship and the heart transplantation were the first scenes I thought of... Straitlaced Dance and wistful Bonham-Carter (themselves as Tywin/Tulkinghorn and Mrs. Lovett/Mme. Thénardier)... until his literal change of heart, after which they would unexpectedly switch roles...
Suzanna: Emma Thompson.
For a nanny confidante like Juliet Capulet's has to be best friend material and mentor at the same time. Emma, known as Beatrice, Miss Trelawney, and most importantly NANNY MC PHEE, and also as MRS. POTTS, with that British eccentric streak, would be ideal and get along excellently with Lily as her young ward and best friend at once.
PS. She'll also make an excellent Mrs. Potts in this Christmas remake of Beauty and the Beast!
Paolo: Sacha Baron Cohen.
Casting Angiolina's nearly always cheerful single dad was the hardest nut to crack until I remembered Monsieur Thénardier and Adolfo Pirelli. "Aha!", I thought. Such a character used for comic relief and as foil to the cold usurper Joseph could only be played by a quirky and lively, full of joie de vivre and panache Baron Cohen, as opposed to a stern and calculating Charles Dance. And Tena as his daughter on screen would be über-credible.
Lorenzo: Peter Dinklage.
Virginia's misshapen (and friendzoned) mirror-maker suitor could only be played by none other than Tyrion Lannister, also a physically challenged yet clever outsider yearning for love and recognition.
Fairy of Algae/Fairy of the Lagoon/Sybil of the Cavern: Cate Blanchett.

Gentle as Galadriel, strong as Elizabeth, scheming as Lady Tremaine, sinister as Hela: all the faces of Cate would gladly be reflected in all three members of the fair folk who appear in this tale, making her display more than one facet in her triple role. Strong!Cate would be her portrayal as the languid and Ophelia-like, yet surprisingly serious Fairy of Algae. The widowed Lady Tremaine who schemes towards power, with some hint of this winter's Hela, would be the Fairy of the Lagoon, and the oracular, wise Galadriel would be reborn as the Sybil of the Cavern.
Puse que me gusta el reparto pero mi favorita y mas linda es Lilly James
ResponderEliminarPuse que me gusta el reparto pero mi favorita y mas linda es Lilly James