viernes, 2 de abril de 2021


Did you really think that I was going to purchase a catamaran with my limited means??? And furthermore baptise her in Moët et Chandon??? Oh really really??? Dead Sirius Black???

Well, in that case you are:


The April Fool, who appears in many of these engravings, serves as chief jester and master of ceremonies for the feast. He seats the distant solstices together at the table:

The twenty-first day of June, I remember,
He sat next the twenty-first day of December;
The former the latter contemptuously eyed,
Like a maypole and marrowbone placed side by side.

Anyway, I'm laughing merrily at all of you, dear readers of all stages and every gender, who fell for the trick yesterday...

This is me making puzzles today - Good Friday, which means all shops closed and a stay-at-home day!

The chap in jester's guise in the middle is not me buying a catamaran, right?

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