martes, 11 de febrero de 2020


Healin' Good Pretty Cure - Episode 2

The second episode of Healin’ Good ♡ bucks tradition somewhat. The second Cure to join the team will have to wait until next time; for the moment, Rabirin discovers that Nodoka might not be as qualified (at least in muggle form) as she hoped for the role of a PreCure.

 The three enemy cadres generals, left to right: Shindoine (baroness), Guaiwaru (brute), & Daruizen (bishie)

So far we know that there is a Pathogerm Kingdom, a royal monarchy whose reigning king is disembodied since he fought a precursor Cure...

...and that they recently invaded the Healing Garden, ruled by spaniel queen Teatime (Discworld pronunciation), and are currently bent on Earth conquest, for the same reason:

...pathogermoforming it all to serve as their habitat, in order to claim more Lebensraum for their kin. Even at the cost of poisoning every other living species, oh the irony. Definitely this motivation, given also that their own kingdom is a wasteland, sounds better than that of the Knotraider cadres of last season, right?

Well, given that the 'raiders were Japanese magical creatures (orochi, oni, kappa, tengu, cyclops, neko) or rather the ones who inspired tales thereof - is there any theme name? The jikochuus or selfcenters of Dokidoki, who share the pathogerms' demonic design, were archfiends representing the deadly sins...
So here are the etymologies, gleaned from their respective wiki pages:
  • Guaiwaru (brute): health+bad; Bad-Health, Poor-Health
  • Shindoine (baroness): tiredness or weariness+the French female name suffix; Tiredine, Wearyine
  • Daruizen (bishie/ikemen): Sluggish, Languid, Sickly
Fitting names for pathogerms, since all three describe malaise (and are also less on the nose than KAPPArd, TENjou, Ayewan being a homophone of EYE-ONE, BakeNYAN, and GaruOGRE), right?

In this episode, Nodoka starts her first day at a new school, and it quickly becomes apparent to Rabbirin that her partner possesses very little athletic ability. This lead to Rabbirin reconsidering her chosen partner. The feeling doesn’t spring from a negative place, though.

Healing Room Bag, ie portable TARDIS. There are three of them, one for each healing animal as their personal home.

Usually, most seasons or continuities would properly introduce the second member of the team in the second episode. That is not the case here, however. This episode is all Nodoka’s and Rabbirin’s, and actually, that works very well for it.

Rabbirin, Penguitan, and Nyatoran accompany Nodoka to school - her satchel is, according to Mr. and Mrs. Hanadera, unusually heavy (understand their health concerns)

Meow! Effusive loud talker Hinata's kitty smile hints at her animal companion.

And so does the fact that class ace Chiyu looks as formal as a penguin.

Sword or racket?

Nodoka’s class happens to have a couple of familiar faces in it – Chiyu and Hinata, and they seem pretty happy to see her. A few sports clubs (tennis, track & field, kendo) are also pretty eager to scout the new girl. Watching Nodoka try out the various clubs has Rabbirin realise something, though.

Chiyu is the athletic type

I’m just going to go ahead and say that Nodoka has a thing for Chiyu, as she seems to be enthralled when watching her clear the high jump. Of course, it could be because Nodoka hasn’t had the opportunity to do much sport before, but all her attention is directed towards Chiyu.
Nodoka’s attempts at doing anything sporty do not go well…

 Rabbirin is not best pleased with Nodoka’s performance

Here’s where the main point of this episode comes into play. Nodoka’s poor performances really get to Rabbirin, especially after seeing Cure Grace in battle. The bunny is angry, but there’s a particular reason for that. That will come to light in due course.


Chiyu knows that Nodoka hasn’t done much sport before

Yet more interactions between Nodoka and Chiyu in this episode. Things are looking pretty favourable for the pair at the moment, at least if you’re viewing them through yuri/shipping goggles.

Rabbirin actually cares a great deal about Nodoka

Generally, when PrettyCure does an episode where characters threaten to go their separate ways, it is due to an argument. In this case, however, Rabbirin is actually worried that being a PreCure is too dangerous for Nodoka. The bunny simply doesn’t want Nodoka endangering herself.

This tree looks so fricking alive... I must do something about that!

When the time for the monster of the week arrives (Daruizen infects the largest tree in the schoolyard with a pathogerm bug), Nodoka and Rabbirin are apart, so no transformation. This episode also clarifies that Nodoka can only transform with Rabbirin; her effort to do so with Nyatoran bares no results.

Nodoka is determined to face the pathogerm no matter what

This episode does give us a rare instance of one of its characters challenging a monster of the week without transforming. I’ll give Nodoka an A+ for effort, and that’s about it.

Bunny Shield

In the end, though, Nodoka and Rabbirin are able to smooth things over between themselves. That means Nodoka transforms into Cure Grace, and the usual PrettyCure procedure follows.

What the...?

This episode ends with Chiyu spotting Nodoka, and the healing animals. No prizes for guessing what will happen in the next episode.

It is a little unusual for PreCure series not to introduce a new team member in its second episode, but I don’t particularly mind. Maybe I’m biased because of Aoi Yuuki, but Nodoka has been a pretty strong pink lead Cure, and allowing her two episodes to shine is perfectly fine by me.
I’ve also got to show some respect to Rabbirin, too. These healing animal mascots seem pretty good so far.
I’m feeling pretty positive about Healin’ Good ♡ so far. Let’s hope that the next members to join our PreCure group have equally strong introductory episodes.

Ah, Nodoka's athletic incompetence is addressed AND JUSTIFIED by a bedridden childhood! Just hope we got a bed-schooled, second book-smart pink Cure in a row and fourth across continuities (fingers crossed till the knuckles on the index snap)!

OH MY HEART! I didn’t think we were going to hit by the feels so soon! Definitely the first Precure had me crying in just the second episode! Yes that’s right, I cried.
This week, we were given a bit more details about the plot! Our cute little trainees and their princess are known as Healing Animals, who see to all of Earth’s treatment, residing a secret place known as the Healing Gardens. Their enemy is the Pathogerm Kingdom, led by their shadowy disembodied King and his three generals Daruizen, Guaiwaru and Shindoine, who wants to make the whole Earth sick and turn it into a place where Pathogerms will be the only ones who can survive that world.
But what I found to be the quite interesting was how the King doesn’t really care about the Precures at the moment. Until they actually become a real nuisance to his recovery process, it seems King Pathogerm is fine with just ignoring them. He would much rather his generals focus on their task of spoiling the the Earth since that’s the only way to restore his body. Talk about having his priorities straight.
We were also introduced to the two girls we met last week: Our energetic girl Hinata, and Chiyu, who is part of the track and field team. Ironically, both of these characters seem to be quite fit. Since Nodoka was trying out a bunch of clubs today, we got to see her and Chiyu interact for some time. She is also set to be the next one to join the team since she spotted Nodoka speaking to what looks to her talking to flying stuffed animals! So much for keeping a secret huh haha! On the side note, I have to say though, I am so glad that it appears Chiyu is not involved in the student council. Actually it would be great if nobody is this time. The whole student council role has been used so many times, it’s redundant at this point, especially since 99% it’s always either the blue or purple characters, geez!
Nodoka was able to bring home Princess Latte and get permission to keep her under the condition they search for her original owners (HA HA, JOKE’S ON YOU— until she has to go back home, that is when it will get sad, gosh dang it). Although Nodoka had thought of introducing the other three as pets too, the trainees were sensible enough to know they wouldn’t be able to pass off as such, and would much rather lay low. Yet curiosity got the better of them, and everyone tagged along with her to school. Everything was going fine until Nodoka started trying out a bunch of sports clubs, highlighting her lack of athleticism. Rabbirin, who had initially thought she was gonna kill it because of how splendidly she performed as a precure, immediately became distressed and declared they can no longer be partners.
Now, sometimes these kinds of arguments between the girls and their partners can be really petty, but not this time. The reason Rabbirin lashed out was a valid one, especially since it isn’t until later she learns about Nodoka’s past, so this isn’t about seeing someone who is too sick to fight. Instead, having witnessed so many of her fellow comrades fall, she already understands how risks and dangerous it is to fight against the Megapathogerm. Rabbirin knows she isn’t strong enough on her own to protect Nodaka, that’s why she doesn’t want to bring her into harms way. I cannot stress how refreshing it is to see the Precure’s partner have such concerns. It adds a lot of realism to the situation at hand.
It is also fair to say, as of right now, it is hard to gauge whether or the powers that comes with becoming a precure will completely cover Nodoka’s potential vulnerabilities in regards to her health. Right now the fights are fairly short, so we don’t know whether or not there’s an overall time limit, or limited stamina so to speak. It would certainly be an interesting twist that would force her to make some creative and unconventional strategies when it comes to the fights that will inevitably get dragged out sooner or later. But as much as I would like to see it (not that I would be disappointed if they don’t go that way), I am not holding my breath for it.
Nevertheless the most important thing we can take away from this episode, is that we should not be treating Nodoka like a fragile character who will break at the slightest impact. In the matter of fact, both last week’s and this week’s episode has shown us that the present Nodoka is much stronger and healthier than she used to be! She is not to be mistaken for the same young girl who was bedridden in a hospital. She is clearly healthy enough to at least have the opportunity to try out all these different sports, run a decent amount without running out of breath. She is athletically clumsy because she doesn’t have any experience with sports. So just as Chiyu suggested, a good place to start is focus on improving her overall fitness and then on what she wants to do most. Then little by little, she will (hopefully) be able to do more.
And can we just appreciate Nodoka. I have only known her for two episodes, but I already love her so much. I admired her character, I am so proud of her courage and creativity to face the Megapathogerm without her powers! My eyes were all watery and I was shouting, “YOU GO GIRL!”. She threw on the kendo gear, grabbed a racket and together with Nyatoran attempted to trap it with the sports net of the tennis court.This is what makes Nodoka such a profound Precure. Becoming a precure is more than just fending off an enemy to save the world! She understands what it like to be sick and in pain, so she wants to be able to pay forward the kindness and support she has receive in a significant way. I straight up started crying when she explained all that to Rabbirin– gosh dang it, I knew it would only be a matter of time before I was going to be swept up by the sea of emotions, but I didn’t expect it to happen so soon!
Another really interesting tidbit we learned was the new conditions for the transformation. Without their respective partners, they can’t transform. So if their buddy is elsewhere, good luck! You will need to improvise! This further highlights the importance of everyone needing to be stick close to their partners. I am curious to see how they will go about their living arrangements, since the trainees room in that adorable Healing Room Bag of theirs.
Overall, this was a really solid episode, and not to mention, GORGEOUS! Can we just appreciate the cherry blossoms? Ahhh they were so pretty! This is definitely the first Precure had me crying in just the second episode! I am so excited for the next one, it’s finally time for Cure Fontaine’s debut!
PS: LATTE IS SO FREAKING CUTEEEEEEEE and I can’t stop watching the OP & ED, I’m hooked the the songs!

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