martes, 24 de octubre de 2017


Horseshoe Spread
24th of October, MMXVII
On the Eve of:
Rentrée - Master's Degree in Creative Translation - University of Valencia

1) Forces In Favour: XIII Transfiguration (Death). Change, of the life-changing kind. Metamorphosis: Coming of age, passage from Castellón to Valencia and from Bachelor's to Master's Degree.
2) Forces Against: King of Swords. Authority on the Intellectual Plane. The UV establishment? Surely. A centuries-old, renowned, illustrious institution with whose establishment my stubborn self may clash.
3) Resources to Encourage Forces in Favour: Six of Swords. The passage of the Styx (Charon, Urshanabi) - transition. Murky waters astern, but calm waters ahead. Keep looking forwards, instead of over your shoulder. It will be all right on the other shore.
4) Resources to Overcome Forces Against: XVI The Tower. Revolution. Downfall that brings about something good, overturning the old order. Razing the established structures. The fall of the Bastille... Right, this is the big leagues, so the rules of young adulthood of the past lustrum are becoming obsolete. Time to storm the inner Bastille and get serious.
5) Turning Point: Eight of Cups. Turning one's back to the old and setting off on a quest for the new, for what is missing. Into the great unknown where there are dragons and where angels fear to tread.

Great changes straight ahead. Keep moving forwards and never look back as you tread this new uncharted region. You're not in Castellón anymore...

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