viernes, 20 de octubre de 2023

Department of Redundancy Department

 The La Brea Tar Pits, the The Tar Tar Pits.

The Alcántara Bridge, the The Bridge Bridge.

The Guadalquivir and Mississippi Rivers, the Great River Rivers.

The Sahara Desert, the Desert Desert.

The Mojo Dojo Casa House: the Mojo House House House.


The pike fish: Esox lucius (Esox being the Greek name for the pike fish and lucius being its Latin name).

The blue tit songbird: Cyanistes caeruleus (cyan and cerulean both being shades of sky blue, the colour of its plumage)

And so on. Tautonyms.

The The Bridge Bridge in Toledo, Castile.

A tar bubble in the The Tar Tar Pits in California.

Tuareg in the Desert Desert.

The Great River River coursing through Seville, Andalusia.

A steamboat on the other Great River River in the Southern US.

A pike pike fish in a German lake.

A cyan cerulean songbird in Lancashire, UK.

Mojo House House House signs.

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