domingo, 1 de noviembre de 2020


 So I had a number of filks about Gustavus Adolphus and the 30YW and I thought, why not make this countdown of 2020 an opera/musical with brand new opera?

The songs will be:

2nd of Nov) The War Still Goes On-Show Must Go On -- Dark tradition... to conform is law; the Inquisition... wounds they inflict still raw... On and on, does anybody want to take it anymore? Catholicism is mandatory now; forced conformism... who'll tell our story now? On and on, does anybody want to take it anymore? The war still goes on... Our homes and minds are breaking, the world we know still quaking from the war... that goes on...

3rd) KODOU-KIZUNA 30YW When darkness and violence threaten the land, there is whispered a foretelling, that someone will come forth from the snows of the North to free all the oppressed // From the streets of Leipzig to the Northern Sea, this autumn of 31 is for revelry! Hear the drinking song they sing, come and dance with us in ring, raise a tankard to Sweden and the Hero King //

4th) The Strings of Power (also from the upcoming Lannister musical)-Die Fäden in der Hand Who holds power every hour in hands thoughtful and discrete can pull anybody's strings just as they please, control complete...

5th) Without You-Ohne dich Oh, I'm so sore... and no songbird sings evermore...

6th IN MEMORIAM) Shiseru Eiyuutachi no Tatakai (Dermark, on this blog)+Hero King-Mithrandir Through kingdoms of starlight and realms of the sun...

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