lunes, 6 de mayo de 2019


Star*Twinkle Pretty Cure
Episode 14 - My Own Review

The fourteenth episode of Star ☆ Twinkle quite simply focuses on Elena’s family. However, one of her younger siblings doesn’t seem to be too fond of them.

Elena’s family
Izda-dcha: Takuto, Kaede (mamá), Ana, Carlos (papá), Ikuto, Reina. (Ausentes: Elena y Tomás)

This episode pretty much starts with Hikaru, Lala, and Madoka meeting Elena’s family. This episode confirms that Elena’s dad Carlos is Hispanic Mexican (ESPAÑOL NO -- FACEPALM!!), and her mum Kaede is an interpreter. The two met whilst she was in Mexico, and they went on to have quite a large family (seven!).

Tomás doesn’t join in with his family’s dancing
Whilst most of the family are happy to dance around, one of them is not. That is Tomás, the first of Elena’s younger siblings. He doesn’t think his family is normal, and that isn’t helped by classmates calling his parents weird when they were dancing and holding hands (Not only because of the dark-skin and interracial elements: Hispanic outspokenness, loudness, and emphasis on physical contact clash A LOT with Japanese culture -- reminding me of equal personal trauma in my first and only time in the UK so far!).

At one point Tomás gets angry enough to run away. Lala ends up finding him, and it isn’t long before trouble finds them both in the form of Tenjou – with a new Princess Star Colour Pen.
Tenjou turns Tomás into the monster of the week
Tomás is made into a KNottrigger, and Tenjou does a ‘Make my monster grow!’ bit. The other girls arrive, and it is time for PreCures to do their usual thing.

Cure Soleil admits she thought her family was odd when she was younger
During the battle, Cure Soleil is able to get through to Tomás. With a little help from Cure Star, she is able to get the Scorpio Princess Star Colour Pen from Tenjou. PreCures defeat the 'trigger, returning Tomás to normal.
Scorpio Fuwa
Tenjou retreats after losing the Princess Star Colour Pen. With the Scorpio Princess Star Colour Pen now in their possession, one more Star Princess is awakened.
Scorpio Princess

After the whole princess awakening process, PreCures return to Earth. Tomás wakes and apologises for his actions earlier, and seems to be more accepting of his family now. All’s well that ends well.
Well, this was certainly an episode of Star ☆ Twinkle. I don’t particularly have all that much to say about it; it done its job. We got to learn a bit more about Elena’s family, and er… well, that was pretty much it.
Not a bad episode, but there have been others that treated the issues of racism and culture shock in a more ham-fisted way. So it could have been worse...
Next episode certainly looks like it has potential, though.
Tomás is very lucky to have loving parents. He should see how Emiru's family behaved despite their status. Her parents are living in their own world even to the end of the series and her grandfather is still as stubborn as ever. Only Masato and Emi herself, the youngest generation, are the Aisakis who have changed the most for the best, even coming out as part of their coming of age. Tomás should count himself lucky since his parents expressed their love very openly like a lot of western families do and shouldn't be down by peer pressure or racist remarks. 

This week we turn to Elena’s interracial family, where we see one of her brothers struggling with how a friend of his told him his parents are crazy for holding hands and dancing everywhere, and being so loud. The innocently racist comment hurt him, and he became self conscious of what people thought of them ever since.
It didn’t take me long to realize the direction the episode was going, but I am quite happy to this series diving into the subject of addressing the struggles of kids born from mixed families with different cultural backgrounds. I thought it was handled well by utilizing Lala’s character as a foreigner who hails from another planet. Lala was able to talk to Tom about her dialect, and shared bits about her culture, such as instead of holding hands they touch their feelers and dance with them. She goes a step further by sharing how every culture has their own thing, but none of them were weird, nor does it make them any less normal than anyone else.
I really enjoyed the episode. It’s good to see them using Elena’s character and her family background to expand onto these subjects. Elena’s parents are especially endearing, and I love how affectionate they are. It’s also worth noting we are actually seeing how different each of the girls’ family dynamics are, which gives us a great insight to their character. Elena’s is radiant to say the least, making it a stark contrast to Madoka’s solemn household, I would say Hikaru’s family is definitely in the middle. Now it makes me curious about what Lala’s family dynamic is like, so I wonder if we will ever get the chance to see it!
But goodness, did anyone else get mildly freaked out with the way they transformed Touma into an enemy? They litterally made him into one of their own, and turned him giant! And then they made his chupa-chups into a weapon! To that I was like, “Well shit, I wouldn’t want to be hit by THAT!” He seriously gave the girls a run for their money this week, also in part of the Scorpio Pen, which Tenjou had found while she was roaming around worlds, actually doing her job.
Next week, the girls are off to another planet! Looks like it’s going to be a tricky one with the pen being at an auction house! Let’s see how the girls will tackle this one!

¡No eran españoles al fin y al cabo! - Lo cual conlleva que la única Cure española en cánon está inspirada en un deporte de sangre (facepalm!) - necesito un carajillo para aceptar la realidad.
Carlos y Kaede la traductora-intérprete: de hecho que los padres de Elena y sus hermanitos resuenan mucho con mi propia historia, a pesar de que los míos se desenamoraron antes de poder tener más descendencia, dejándome hija única.
Racismo en este ánime: pobre Tomasito para sufrir el acoso en clase por tener la tez más oscura y un talante más latino. Y que se convirtiera en la víctima de turno... eso era de esperar.

En el frente de los Pens: ¡¡ESCORPIO!! - Cinco pens, y quedan siete. También tenemos el primer pen de un signo de agua, lo cual significa que todos los elementos ya están representados. Pero queda la cualidad mutable.
Fuwa (Stingwa):


¡Qué trenza, qué corbatín, qué hombros desnudos... una princesa sexy para el signo más sexy del zodiaco occidental!

Why don't we keep it a surprise...?

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