Rhino: Let it begin! LET IT BEGIN!
an easily-excitable hamster named Rhino,
- Acrofatic: Not as much outside of his ball, but Rhino can run long and fast (which is
Truth in Television), and is strong enough to use it drag a ladder along the ground.
- Actor/Role Confusion: Rhino is just as oblivious.
- All Just a Dream: The "Super Rhino" short, which is only available on the DVD. Rhino did the same thing earlier in the movie, saying how he dreams of doing something really awesome.
- Animal Talk: Shown several times with Rhino's angry rantings being heard as cute squeaks by humans.
- Ascended Fanboy: Rhino — and his voice actor, too, interestingly enough.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Rhino is shown singing along with the background music. Justified, because the music that's playing is the "stealth theme" from the infiltration segment of the Show Within a Show; Rhino is singing the music from the TV show he'd been watching.
- Carnivore Confusion: Subverted, since Rhino was a domesticated pet
- Chekhov's Skill: Observing Rhino use an air vent to magnify his voice
- Cheerful Child: Rhino.
- Cloud Cuckoolander: Rhino qualifies.
- The Cuckoolander Was Right: Despite being detached from reality, Rhino's knowledge of typical plot elements makes him unknowingly wise at several critical moments, enough to provide a couple of inspirational Rousing Speeches.
- Deathbringer the Adorable: Rhino the hamster.
- Die for Our Ship: A hilarious in-universe Lampshade Hanging occurs when Rhino first meets Mittens and assumes she helped kidnap Penny.
- Evil Laugh: Rhino chew the scenery a bit when he gets out of his glass ball.
- Genre Savvy: Rhino is so Genre Savvy that there are at least two points where the entire plot would have ground to a halt had he not known exactly what was "supposed" to happen next. And he was right.
- Heroic B.S.O.D.: It only takes a quick pep talk from Rhino to snap out of it, though.
- Hypocritical Humor: Rhino also believed that powers were real, despite it not being realistic (in-universe anyway), then at the end of the movie when he watches a new episode that incorporated aliens into the storyline, Rhino turns off the TV in disgust while commenting on the idea "being totally unrealistic".
- Jumped at the Call: Lampshaded
by Rhino.
Rhino: Ring, ring! Who is it? Destiny? I've been expecting your call. - Jumped the Shark: The Show Within a Show after Penny quit.Dr. Calico: Aliens!
[cut to Rhino sitting on a couch]
Rhino: That is totally unrealistic. - Keet: Rhino.
- Large Ham: Rhino qualifies.
- Leaning on the Fourth Wall: Rhino is shown singing along with the background music. Justified, because the music that's playing is the "stealth theme" from the infiltration segment of the Show Within a Show; Rhino is singing the music from the TV show he'd been watching.
- Load-Bearing Hero: During the climax of the film, Rhino uses his own hamster ball to prop open the collapsing entry into a burning studio. Hilariously, he poses as if holding up the debris with his own two paws despite the fact that they're not even touching the inside of his ball (though it does crack under the pressure). Thankfully, he is got safely out of the ball before it shatters from the weight.Rhino: It is a good day to die...
- Mean Character, Nice Actor: Arguably, the villains of the Show Within a Show. Towards the end of the film, Rhino spots one of Dr. Calico's underlings and charges toward him to attack. The actor merely picks up Rhino's ball and proceeds to gush about how adorable he is, oblivious to Rhino's attempts to fight him.
- Neck Snap: Discussed. This is not within his physiological capacities, but when a dozing guard presents an obstacle, Rhino says in dead earnest:Rhino: Right. I'll snap his neck.
- Puppy-Dog Eyes: Rhino also does these at a few points, though out of his personal excitement rather than for any practical purpose.
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: Rhino, especially when he does
Puppy-Dog Eyes.
- Ruined Forever: In-Universe. Rhino's critique on how the show, now without its leading characters in them, is relying on aliens to increase the ratings and how unrealistic it is.
- Shout-Out: Super Rhino (a short on the DVD) has Rhino doing a Hannah Montana concert; let's not forget who voices Penny.
- The Power of Friendship: Especially in Rhino's speech in Las Vegas.
- They Changed It, Now It Sucks: In-Universe, After the leading actors leave the show, they are replaced by different actors and the new Big Bads are now aliens. Rhino is not happy with the changes.
- True Companions: Rhino even points this out during his speech before he goes after in the last stretch to Hollywood.
- Underside Ride: It is reprised a twice in the film, and later Rhino catches a ride under the stretcher that's taking Penny to the hospital.
Voiced by: Mark Walton
- Ascended Fanboy: As a fan of the TV show, he's very excited about getting to join on an adventure.
- Badass Adorable: For a hamster, and deluded crazy one at that, he's pretty badass.
- Bubble Boy: Some gags reminiscent of this trope, although he can leave his ball when necessary.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Thinks the TV show is real despite the fact that no-one is tricking him into thinking that and he actually watches it on TV. He refers to the TV as the "magic box".
- Death Bringer The Adorable: Who names a hamster 'Rhino'? ...up until this movie came out, anyway?
- Genre Savvy: Coexisting with Wrong Genre Savvy: that is, his dramatic instincts are correct for the Show Within a Show, incorrect for the 'real' world of Penny,
- but correct again for a character in an 'Incredible Journey'-type movie made by Disney.
- Keet: Enthusiastic and excited.
- Large Ham: Pretty well sums him up.
- No Indoor Voice: Yells whenever excited. And he's nearly always excited.
- Power of Friendship: He completely believes in this trope.
- Ridiculously Cute Critter: A cute hamster.
- Rousing Speech: For someone living in a delusional fantasy, he's quite good at these. He delivers very hammish speeches that somehow manage to be really good advice despite the fact that his reasoning behind what he says is completely Wrong Genre Savvy.
- Talking Animal: A talking hamster. However, he can't talk to humans.
Character information
He has all but memorized every episode of the TV show.
Before receiving the Call: One of the RVs at the RV rest stop is owned by a little old lady who has a bunch of pet hamsters. Most of them are in cages, but one of them is out in an exercise ball, leaning on the remote and flipping through the channels on the TV.
Rhino's loud, lively and funny character made him an immediate favorite amongst certain movie-goers, but the character was met by mostly negative reviews from critics, often being described as a shallow, simplistic character that does little but steal attention from the more important characters.
Despite this, Disney had started an extensive advertising program using Rhino as their break-out character. The hamster was given a lot of focus in commercials, his own short-film was animated for the Blu-ray release and the studio even agreed to do some "fake", live interviews with a cut-in CGI animation of Rhino. These clips were spread on the internet prior to the DVD and Blu-ray release.
- Rhino is the only character in the film that never realized that superpowers aren't real, with others seemingly seeing it unnecessary to tell the truth. However, in the ending, he watches the second season of the TV show and deems it "unrealistic," implying that he learned of the truth after being adopted by Penny.
- Rhino's lively, energetic character.
- Rhino was listed #40 in Empire Magazine's The 50 Best Animated Movie Characters.
- Rhino's voice actor Mark Walton was originally a placeholder voice, but the producers loved Walton's take on the character so much that he became the official voice.
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