My Own Review

This episode begins with a plane in a cloudless day sky, seen from the hole in a doughnut.
A doughnut whose next step happens to be under the woolen jumper worn by Kirara Amanogawa.
KIRARA (elated): At last... at last... I get to eat it! The latest Marble Doughnut!
HARUKA: You've been rather busy, right?
KIRARA (nodding): Yup.
KIRARA (putting the doughnut to her lips): All right...
But, right when she is going to tuck into it...
PONYTAILED FANGIRL (nervous): Um... are you Kirara Amanogawa?
BOTH FANGIRLS (feverish with elation): SQUEEE!!!
Seems that her doughnut will have to wait...
PONYTAILED FANGIRL: Please... can we get your autograph?
KIRARA (at first reluctant, seeing how much she needed that rest): Eh... Ehm... (Laying her doughnut on the table, smiling) Sure!
FANGIRLS (excited to death once more): SQUEEEE!!!
Thus, both girls get their idol's autograph in Latin letters. With a star over the I, of course!
That kind of letters, such a large initial... that is the writing of a person throbbing with self-confidence.
And, right when she's about to hand her signature over...
She notices that her number of fans has grown as she signed.
KIRARA (startled): Eeeeh!!??
The very least thing she expected.
Seems like she'll spend her spare time beleaguered by a queue of worshippers of all ages and both genders.
KIRARA (handing out an autograph): Here.
FANGIRL (offscreen, elated): Thank you very much indeed!!
MINAMI: You are surely popular.
PONYTAILED FANGIRL (still feverish, reaching out her hand for Kirara to shake it): Um... Please keep on giving it all (ganbatte)!
KIRARA (shaking hands with the fangirl): I will!
KIRARA (sincerely, to the ponytailed fangirl): Thank you.
KIRARA (sighing, sinking down on her seat exhausted): Sigh! I'm all burned out...
TOWA (in admiration): Everyone loves you so much...
KIRARA (lets out a modest chortle in response)
Love her modesty. The fact that success hasn't gone to her head.
Suddenly, a knock on the door is heard, and IN STORMS KYOUKO, KIRARA'S HAMMY MANAGER!!
KYOUKO (elated): KIRARA!
KIRARA (wondering, surprised): Manager?
KYOUKO (elated, passionate): It's finally been decided!
KIRARA (wondering): What has been decided?
KYOUKO (passionate, "milking the giant cow"): The Japan Collection! You'll be one of the main models!
KIRARA (wondering): The Japan Collection? Me there...? (Standing up, then passionately and stunned with surprise): Is it true!?
KYOUKO (nodding): Yes. You did it, Kirara.
The young superstar's violet eyes sparkle with elation. Her friends are surprised, but Towa is curious.
TOWA (curious, wondering): The Japan Collection? What is that?
YUI (happy for Kirara): Only selected top models get to walk on that runway!
HARUKA (elated, passionate): It's a fashion show of international, global renown!!
MINAMI (to Kirara): And you were chosen, a middle-school student at 15... That is truly amazing.
TOWA (excited as well): Oh my! That is wonderful!
KYOUKO: This year, the foremost runway in the US will host the show. If you stand out, that would be your very first ticked to worldwide fame.
Kirara, eager to be known beyond her island nation, knows that this is serious business and a golden ticket to new horizons.
KIRARA (steeling herself): To worldwide fame... (Determined, to herself): Finally, it's here... my dream... My great chance to step out into the world!
Her violet eyes are full of the fire of self-confidence and self-reliance.
Meanwhile in the Hope Kingdom, Prince Kanata comes across a turreted and tower-full castle standing on top of a steep and high mesa, reminiscent of the Eyrie, but all of it covered in Dysdark kudzu. Remember that so far one only outpost of the Kingdom is free from vines?
KANATA (surprised): That is...
...the Eyrie? No. Wrong guess. This is not Westeros.
KANATA (surprised): ...the Castle of Stars?
The star-shaped rose window on the façade is shining brightly with a rainbow-coloured light.
KANATA: That light...
KANATA: Just like the Castle of Flames, perhaps this one is awakening, too?
Kanata is right. These castles may be outposts of the Kingdom, and thus, liberated before proceeding to the great prize that will be storming the Dysdark fortress. And the light in those rose windows means that the castles are awakening and closer to liberation.
That night, at the Noble Academy female dormitory, Ryouko, who stays over, has an important acquaintance to introduce.
RYOUKO: Kirara, let me introduce you to someone.
A bashful girl with bobbed violet hair, wearing a pink kitten skirt and younger than the Cures, struts into the room, like a soldier following an officer's command, as Ryouko announces that she is going to introduce Kirara and us to a new character.
RYOUKO: She's a novice model who has just joined our company.
KARIN (shyly): Hello... I... I am... Karin... Akeboshi.
KARIN (bowing before Kirara, nervous): Pleased to meet you! Let's give it all (ganbarimasu) together!!
RYOUKO: She will be your assistant during this time, until the Japan Collection.
KIRARA (confidently reaching out her hand for her aide to shake it): Nice to meet you!
KARIN (shocked, taking her hand away from Kirara's as if it were red hot, so nervous is she): Y-yes!! Thank you very much indeed!!
During a photoshoot, as she poses sexily as usual, Kirara's colleagues and staff praise her for being about to rise beyond nation level fame, into the highest tier of stardom, practically into Olympus.
KIRARA (with a savvy smile on her face): Thank you very much indeed.
Backstage, her Girl Friday efficiently pours Kirara a cup of warm green tea (without putting any drugs into it). At least we have seen her as cupbearer, but she will also act as Kirara's waitress, masseuse, and anything else a Girl Friday has to do.
KARIN (giving Kirara her drink): Good job! Here you are!
KIRARA (pleased): Ah... Merci. (Looking into her little yellow notebook): So we are choosing clothes next along with one more shoot...
As Kirara is skimming through her notebook, a fidgeting Karin walks until she's behind Kirara, then lays her hands on the top model's shoulders.
KIRARA (startled wild): Waaaaaaah!!! (turns around, to see Karin standing behind her).
KARIN (shyly): I just wanted to massage your shoulders...
Nice way to start, eh, Girl Friday?
KIRARA (smiling once more): I'm fine, don't worry. Anyway, Rinrin...
KARIN (surprised): Gasp! "Rinrin"?
KIRARA (savvy once more): If you're aiming to become a top model, you need to focus and learn about what happens in the moment. (Karin gasps.) You don't need to worry too much about taking care of me. Got it?
KARIN (shyly): Yes. (Looking down in shame.) I'm so sorry, Kirara.
KIRARA (smiling, savvy, sincere): Don't worry about it! (She winks an eye at Karin.)
We then see Cure Twinkle doing her signature Humming...
...then doing her Gokigenyó moment...
...detransforming back into a muggle...
...and dashing away full speed, leaving her friends bewildered.
KIRARA (dashing off down the street): Sorry! Got work to do!
AROMA: That was fast indeed.
CURE SCARLET (worried): You should rest for a while...
KIRARA (still storming off): I'm all right, I'm all right! Take care of the rest for me!
(So am I assuming that Minami and Towa, the two academic members of this team, do Kirara's homework for her when she's too busy?)
PUFF: Kirara looks busy indeed.
KIRARA (from an advert banner screen on the studio door): Make your skin sparkle!
HARUKA, MINAMI, TOWA (astonished): Gasp!
And there's Kirara, indeed. Advertising beauty products on TV and screen banners.
KIRARA (in the cosmetics advert): Kirara's strongest recommendation!
Yet, suddenly, Minami's attention is drawn to another advert, for something ocean-related, which opens with the squeals of a bottlenose dolphin.
MINAMI (surprised): Eh?
Watching the advert, she remembers Asuka and the dream, contrasting with that of entrepreneurship, that she had before.
MINAMI (standing in awe before the banner): So Kirara is climbing straight upstairs towards her dream...
While her giggling friends leave Minami behind...
In the studio, Kirara tells Rinrin about her mum and her dreams to further Stella's legacy:
KIRARA: The reason I want to become a top model? Because of my mother. (*Flashback to Kirara's childhood begins*) I still remember when I watched Stella walk down the runway for the very first time. Her moment on stage changed the athmosphere completely.
KIRARA (excited): My heart was beating so fast! (*End of flashback*) Ever since then, I have always wanted to become a top model.
KARIN: So Stella is your role model, right?
KIRARA: I don't want to admit it, but it may be true.
INTERVIEWER: What is your next goal?
KIRARA: I want to be known internationally! I've had that dream ever since I was a li'l kid!
Karin brings Kirara a king-sized doughnut she has made herself. And Kirara is surprised. Indeed.
Having a Girl Friday would be something great, wouldn't it?
KIRARA (surprised): What's this!?
KARIN (shyly): I tried making a doughnut myself. I think I went a bit overboard...
KIRARA (surprised): Handmade by you? Wow!! (Savvy.) But it's a tad oversized... Okay! Let's split it, fifty fifty!
KARIN (surprised, then elated): Of course!
Soon, Kirara is tucking into her half of the doughnut.
KIRARA (with her mouth full): Mmmm! Delicious! (Karin brings her a cuppa tea to wash it down.) Thanks.
KARIN (shyly): Uh... you wanted to become a top model after watching Stella, right?
KARIN: Your mum is a supermodel... I can't really imagine what she's like.
KIRARA (with her mouth full): And you, Rinrin?
KARIN: Gasp!
KIRARA (savvy): Why did you enter the fashion biz?
KARIN (shyly): Why I...? (Shyly, looking down at her half doughnut): Because I... At first, I didn't have a dream.
KIRARA (surprised): Uh?
KARIN (shyly): I wasn't that good at school or at sports, or the arts. Nothing at all went well if I tried.
In the bleak November, we see the old loser Rinrin with her shoulder-length hair and long skirt, and strangely pale face. She looks even more awkward and reserved than the present-day Rinrin.
KARIN: I was worried about what I should do. And, while I was feeling down, I saw the cover of a magazine.
KARIN: And I was awestruck! That model's figure was sparkling!
KARIN: As I kept on looking at the cover, for one reason or another, my mood improved.
Obviously, Rinrin had seen Kirara on the latest issue of Young Teen. And from on then, she has a guiding star to follow.
KARIN: I decided to start dressing myself up. I read teen magazines and looked up on cute (kawaii) attire, hairstyles, and poses. And, along the way, I began to think about taking up modelling.
KIRARA: Then, your dream's already come true!
KARIN (surprised, shyly): No, no, no. I've got still a looong way to go! And my dream is not just becoming any top model...
KIRARA (surprised): Not just any...? Do you mean, a model who sings and dances on the runway? Or (winking and doing the gun gesture with the "barrel" pointed at Rinrin) a super top model like me?
KARIN (shaking her head): No!! Uh...
I admire the fact that Rinrin has not become a Kirara carbon copy, but rather follows her own style and taste. While Kirara's look/image is sexy, Rinrin's is kawaii, more fitting her physique, personality, and the things she likes.
KIRARA (surprised): Not just any...? Do you mean, a model who sings and dances on the runway? Or (winking and doing the gun gesture with the "barrel" pointed at Rinrin) a super top model like me?
KARIN (shaking her head): No!! Uh... My dream is a...
KARIN (shyly): ...a secret.
KIRARA (savvy): What secret? After telling me this much... (Nagging.) C'mon, tell me!
KARIN (stubborn): Never ever ever!
KIRARA (coaxing, ironic): Jeez, you're making me even more curious!
Karin replies not with words, but with a bashful smile and twinkles in her eyes, which are a cooler shade of violet than Kirara's.
Turn the pages
And there's the queen
In every other
Has the picture...
And there's the queen
In every other
Has the picture...
And she's looking like a winner
And she doesn't give a damn
And her eyes are periwinkle
And her face is white as snow
And she doesn't see the camera
But everybody know...
And she doesn't give a damn
And her eyes are periwinkle
And her face is white as snow
And she doesn't see the camera
But everybody know...
Meanwhile in the occupied Hope Kingdom...
CLOSE (grumpy): It's so annoying, that rainbow... The power of the Precures... (Commanding.) Stop!
STOP (appearing to the right of Close): Here.
CLOSE: Freeze!
FREEZE (appearing to the left of Close): Here.
CLOSE (stern): Get rid of the Precures. Ensure this annoying rainbow disappears. Forever and ever!
SHUT (chuckles): I'm sure that mission is way too difficult for those two. (Dramatic.) Let me, Lord Shut, take care of this affair!!
CLOSE (coldly): I don't need you!
SHUT (breaks into tears and is shocked): O-o-okay...
FREEZE (raising her right hand): Let's get rid of the Precures.
STOP (raising her left hand): Yes, let's go.
As they give one another a high five, the keyhole portal to Earth appears and they disappear into it.
SHUT: Grr! (Angry grunt.)
CLOSE: Hm! (Ironic grunt.)
That night, in the NA dorms, Towa awakes in bed to find Kirara still awake at her desk.
TOWA (coming near Kirara, concerned): Are you nervous?
KIRARA (looking down): It's a celebrated international show. I cannot afford to fail.
TOWA (concerned): Kirara...
KIRARA (in a sunny mood): But I'm so hyped to get on that runway right now... I can't sit still!
TOWA (surprised): Gasp! (Chuckles.) Kirara, you're quite powerful. (Gently brushing Kirara's hair.) Modelling and being a Precure... You give it all at everything you do.
KIRARA: It's from modelling and being a Precure that I get my power. That's how I can keep on running.
Try not to get worried
Try not to turn on to problems that upset you
Oh, don't you know everything's alright?
Yes, everything's fine
And we want you to sleep well tonight
Let the world turn without you tonight
If we try, we'll get by
So forget all about us tonight
Everything's all right, yes
Everything's all right, yes
Sleep and I shall soothe you
Calm you and anoint you
Oh, then you'll feel everything's all right, yes, everything's fine
And it's cool and the ointment's sweet
For the fire in your head and feet
Close your eyes, close your eyes and relax
Think of nothing tonight
Everything's all right, yes
Everything's all right, yes
When Towa is finished with brushing Kirara's dark hair, both friends look at one another and into the mirror contentedly. And the night has come to an end, as the light of the dawn gets in through the windowpanes.
KIRARA (determined): Today I will shine even brighter than ever before! The whole world and my dreams of stardom are waiting for me!!
The next day, the whole team plus Rinrin (after all, a Girl Friday has to take leave of her employer) heads for Yumegahama Airport to take the plane across the pond. They are surprised by the sheer size of the jumbo jets like the one Kirara will fly in.
Take a jumbo, cross the water... (I think Kirara has the song on her mind!)
MINAMI: At last the time has come, Kirara.
KIRARA: nods with a smile.
TOWA (a tad ironic): Then, we should get your autographs while we still have the chance.
MINAMI (chuckles): Indeed.
KIRARA (modestly): Hey.
KARIN (impatient): Hey, I want your autograph first!!
KIRARA (startled, turns around to see Rinrin): Jeez, gimme a break...
Suddenly, Stop and Freeze teleport from behind a column of the airport gazebo.
FREEZE: Found the Precures.
STOP (looking through her visor at Rinrin, who brings up the rear of the line): I see a strong dream.
FREEZE: Perfect.
STOP: Perfect indeed.
The young novice model hears strange female voices behind her.
STOP: Stop.
FREEZE: Freeze.
KARIN (turning around and looking up): Gasp!
There are two faceless girls dressed as the March Hare and the Dormouse hovering above her in midair, in a strange 69 position!
STOP: Show us...
FREEZE: ...your dreams.
A keyhole opens into a shocked Rinrin's heart.
Kirara turns around to see, in shock, her Girl Friday as the Dysdarks' latest prey.
KARIN'S DREAM: To become a model that can make the dreams of those who see me come true!
As the twindividuals probe this dream, they see Karin's ambition and career unfurl...
KARIN'S DREAM: To become a model that can make the dreams of those who see me come true! I want to become like Kirara!!
As her dream is probed, Rinrin even screams in agony and has an angstier tone than any of the previous victims, reinforcing how much she worships her role model.
KIRARA (shocked, gasping): Rinrin!! (She realizes that she herself was, is, and will be Rinrin's guiding star)
STOP: Stop...
FREEZE: Freeze...
STOP & FREEZE (at unison, throwing the padlock at Rinrin): ...your dream!!
And thus, Rinrin becomes the desporg summon and victim of the week.
KIRARA (seeing her captive and unconscious assistant with a dream Stopped and Frozen): Rinrin!!
For a moment, Kirara pulls out her Perfume in anger...
...yet the others stop her and tell her to continue, not to miss her flight.
MINAMI (determined): We'll protect her dreams!
TOWA (determined, encouraging): You cannot let this chance to stand on the world stage slip away!
CURES MINUS TOWA: Precure... Princess Engage!
All three find it pretty tough to face off Desporg!Rinrin. Perhaps because she happens to be Kirara-based.
While Yui and the pets egg her on to head for the terminal,
Kirara wonders whether to fight or not to miss the flight.
The stakes are high: Karin is the victim, after all.
YUI (worried): Kirara! Straight into the terminal!
The transformed Precures egg her on as well.
CURE MERMAID: What on Earth are you doing!?
CURE SCARLET: Hurry!! Or else, your dream will slip away!!
Her friends are getting in harm's way... should she catch that plane or not?
Her manager is waiting impatiently at check-in. What should Kirara do?
KIRARA: This is a very important starting point... It's the springboard to my childhood dream.
KIRARA (running full speed): My dream is to become an internationally celebrated super top model. That is my dream... my dream...
KARIN (shyly):'s ...uh... a secret!
A memory of Rinrin, shyly telling Kirara about her dream, flashes across Kirara's mind.
KIRARA (guilt-ridden, stopping in her tracks): I'm sorry, Rinrin. I knew it all along. It was watching me that inspired your dreams, right?
Dropping her orange handbag decorated with shooting stars, she turns around and dashes towards the battleground.
The Precures are surprised: Kirara is back!!?? Why!?
KIRARA (determined): I have to do this. Rinrin's dream... I have to protect it with my own two hands!! Protecting dreams is the duty of a Princess Precure. And I am a Princess Precure myself!
And thus, she transforms into Cure Twinkle.
In battle, the ever so badass Cure Twinkle tries to subdue her Girl Friday turned evil with lots of stamina and kicking reason to the curb. Her acrobatics and volleys of stardust are a must-watch.
Stop and Freeze suddenly start firing lasers from their visors à la Cyclops or Gazerbeam, while sounding like the Roadrunner, to try to stop and freeze the twinkling juggernaut.
STOP & FREEZE (unison, firing lasers from their visors à la Cyclops or Gazerbeam, sounding like the Roadrunner): Beepbeeeep!
Somehow, these beams send Cure Twinkle up in midair, and her companions replace her at attacking the desporg.
CURE TWINKLE (determined, in spite of the pain and the weariness): I can't afford to lose!
Looking at the captive Rinrin gives our warrior the strength and the resolve she needs.
CURE TWINKLE: Rinrin... Rinrin's dream... GIVE IT BAAAACK!!!!
And thus, she pulls forth the Galaxy Key and inserts it into the Palace.
Twirling her index finger in the air, she summons a whole galaxy...
...then fires Galaxy Chorus straight at the enemy.
Desporg!Karin is thus stunned enough to give in to Grand Printemps.
And here is Cure Twinkle Premium.
As you can see, Yui's prize-winning picture is inspired by Grand Printemps.
Desporg!Karin is soon purified...
FREEZE: So this is it?
STOP: This is it.
Both of them teleport back to the HK at unison.
CURE TWINKLE: Open, door to dreams!
Before de-transforming, she holds her unconscious assistant's form, cradling Rinrin in what appears to be an embrace. This is a really emotive moment with both of them...
KARIN (unconscious, in Cure Twinkle's arms): Kirara... Do your best.
KIRARA (emotively): Thank you, Rinrin.
And the plane takes off and flies right over their heads.
KYOUKO (at her laptop): I am really sorry. We'll get in touch later.
KIRARA: Manager...
KYOUKO: I'm sure there must have been a reason for this. But the damage this time is major. Forget about going abroad. Your offers in this country will decrease as well.
Her mood, feeling so down, cannot be more obvious.
Kirara Amanogawa... you have crossed your Rubicon.
Now it's time to harvest the fruit of your sacrifice.
KYOUKO (sighs): Hope it's only temporarily...
(Phone rings, Kyouko picks it up.)
KIRARA (dejected): Pardon me.
KYOUKO (on the phone): Allo allo? Oh, I'm extremely sorry.
At the Noble Academy dorms, the Precures watch the live event in which Kirara should have appeared.
Suddenly, they hear a familiar ironic voice...
KIRARA (ironic): What a first-rate show! It's so fancy...!
KIRARA (smiling): You don't have to worry about me.
KIRARA (more serious): I really wanted to protect Rinrin's dream. I don't regret it at all. If the same happens once more, I will save her then as well. Hundreds, even thousands of times. I'll do the same thing over and over again.
KIRARA (winking an eye): So it's fine.
In spite of her savvy smile, she is actually bleeding deep inside. Her irony has become more subtle than ever before, fooling the Cures and even me at the first impression.
KIRARA (nonchalantly): So, I'm going back to my room. Don't worry about it!
In the Hope Kingdom, the rose window of the Palace of Stars does not shine anymore.
And, in her room, Kirara Amanogawa sits on the windowsill, looking into the night sky, brooding, as a sigh steals through her parted lips and condenses as a cloud in the autumn air.
She has made a significant decision, which will be seen at the end of next episode...
And this is the ending card, the Star Key rendered useless...
On Karin "Rinrin" Akeboshi: Adorably bashful. Kirara completely needs such a Girl Friday. And making her an introvert, as foil to the one she idealizes and working for whom is her dream come true, is great because, like Kirara's friendship with Towa, it brings out the best in both of them (To add more contrast, Rinrin and Towa are lefties to Kirara's rightie!). Furthermore, Rinrin (adorable nickname bestowed by the series's Official Nickname Bestower!) can gain more self-confidence and Kirara can learn more patience. These two have great chemistry, like a savvy cool older sister and a cute shy little sister who looks up to her. Kirara (and Rinrin as well?) being an only child, and both of them being foils to one another, this chance at bettering their social skills and putting them to the test cannot be more enticing. I admire the fact that Rinrin has not become a Kirara carbon copy, but rather follows her own style and taste. While Kirara's look/image is sexy, Rinrin's is kawaii, more fitting her physique, personality, and the things she likes.
On Kirara's dilemma (and her final regrets): Since we humans are endowed with free will, some of our choices have gone down on history. When the Senate, led by Julius Caesar's enemy Pompey, approved of a law that forbade generals to cross the Rubicon with their armies, Caesar, who knew his enemies were planning to have him face them on his own if he chose to abide by the law... decided to break it. He crossed the Rubicon at the head of his army, and, once he was on the other bank, he said "Alea iacta est", "the dice are cast", i.e. there's no turning back. When, against the orders of the Governor of Cuba, Hernán Cortés set sail for Yucatán, he burned his whole fleet as soon as the last member of his crew had landed. Like these legendary commanders, sometimes we have no other choice but to disobey. Especially when it comes to choosing the lesser of two evils. Like Kirara Amanogawa has done as well.
On Towa's nighttime fluff with Kirara: Awww... Under so much pressure, our starlet surely needed some serious TLC (Tender Loving Care) and a little sismance to relax. Definitely, the fluff in between these two roomies is always heartwarming. Starlet and Scarlet, the greatest sismance (aside from mine own with Ana Garcés) in my lifetime... Their interactions tête-à-tête are sweeter than hot chocolate with cream.
On Shut during this episode: Poor Shut always left aside and stabbed in the back, yet always a survivor. A flamboyant and dashing Dysdark counterpart to Tyrion Lannister, I should say.
To wrap it all up...: "Take a jumbo, cross the water, and have breakfast in... Oh no! The twindividuals just took my Girl Friday away! Career or duty as a shero? The latter is far more important! Alea iacta est! No matter if I lose that flight! At last... Rinrin is saved, but that plane has flown without me... Er... I think I should give up modelling altogether to concentrate on my duties as Cure Twinkle and as NA student. Guess multi-tasking is not for me." This short monologue pretty much sums up the whole episode. Kirara choosing the lesser of two evils and ready to hoist the white flag when it comes to stardom.
However, next episode is surely all about her comeback.
To her best friend Towa's surprise, Kirara has given up on her dream of stardom.
No matter how much Karin encourages her, Kirara is adamant.
A regretful Kirara drowns her sorrows in cholesterol...
The pet-servants are ready to help, just like Cinderella's...
And a plane lands inYumegahama...
...with a Kaiser on board.
Will Kirara ever regain her usual mood and no longer be savvy as a mere façade?
(*GoT theme tune)
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