My Own Review
Previously on Go!Princess Precure:
Punk-inspired Dysdark Close managed to tear the Precure team apart: Minami and Kirara absent due to their duties, Kanata shattering Haruka's dreams, and Towa remaining alone as the sole hope of both worlds... All hope but one spark was lost and the stage was set for a massive Dysdark invasion... How would it all end?

Also, Haruka bought Kanata a little present, a violin-shaped brooch she keeps in a sachet (Don't forget it, for it will play a literally Key role in today's episode!)
The coda of this two-parter literally holds the Key to the future of Earth and the Hope Kingdom...
At blood-red twilight, in the luthier workshop, Towa asks Kanata why he said those harsh words that led to the shattering of Haruka's dreams and her psyche.
TOWA (worried): Why did you say... why did you do such things?
KANATA (depressed): Because... I couldn't stand it anymore... seeing Haruka in so much pain. I just can't understand. Are dreams really worth protecting that much?
Towa is shocked. Could her brother but regain his memories and his old dream... But how will this miracle be possible?
KURORO (worried): So Prince Kanata cannot return to his old self?
MME. SHAMOUR (serious): Dreams are the very spirit of the people of the Hope Kingdom. Without dreams... things will get tough.
The next day, the absent Cures return to Noble Academy, unaware of all the things that have changed for the worse in their absence.
KIRARA (cheerfully): Haruharu! We're back! I got on the same bus as Minamini...
However, Haruharu passes by apathetic, with a fixed expression and eyes hidden in her hair.
KIRARA (surprised): Huh? Haruharu?
MINAMI (worried, stepping towards Haruka): Haruka? (She is stopped by Yui's hand upon her shoulder.) Yui?
YUI (concerned): Not right now.
MINAMI (shocked): What happened exactly?
That evening, with the whole team reunited, loose ends are tied up and the debacle of last episode is revealed to those who were absent.
KIRARA (irate, slamming her fist on the table): How could that guy be Close!?
AROMA (depressed): That was his plan all along; to separate all of you and make Haruka fall into despair on her own.
PUFF (worried): But... Prince Kanata actually said those things...
YUI (realistic, yet also in low spirits): He lost his memories, so it can't be helped.
MINAMI (serious): No matter the reason, it's our fault that we left Haruka on her own.
They finally acknowledge that no one and everyone is guilty. And that now it's their duty to pick up the pieces, the shards of the tragedy they have unleashed.
On a deserted hill slope, a dejected Haruharu is brooding and sulking, crouching in a fetal position, clutching her present for Kanata, yet she has her head buried in her hands.
HARUKA (broken voice, head buried in her hands): Kanata... I can't... become a princess?
*Flashback: Kanata unwittingly crushing Haruka's feelings*
*KANATA (desperate): Don't become a princess anymore!!*
*End of flashback*
HARUKA (broken voice, head buried in her hands): Why does it hurt so much? Why!?
Behind her, vines of despair thrive and raise their dark tendrils to the sky.
CLOSE (smugly): That's right. No matter where you go, your dreams will pursue you endlessly.
Let's face the facts: Haruka has become a prisoner of despair.
Stop watches despair vines grow on a public square.
CLOSE: With all the despair we have collected... along with Cure Flora's despair...
Freeze watches despair vines grow in a clearing in the woods.
CLOSE:...the seeds of despair sown in this world are thriving at a blistering pace.
Within her tendril fortress, the dark lady coldly congratulates her vassal.
DYSPEAR (coldly): You have really thought things through, Close. The greater the dream, the greater the despair. (Noblewoman's evil laugh)
A Prison of Despair has indeed formed around Haruka. And Close's glowing red eyes glare with impending doom.
CLOSE (ominous): Well then, let us begin.
Outside the woodland workshop of Mr. Nishikido, his royal ward is sweeping autumn leaves away. Suddenly, a thought of the Haruka he left as an empty shell surfaces to his mind.
Suddenly, despair vines shoot up, cracking and lashing like whips, all around Kanata.
KANATA (startled, shocked): Wh-What's going on!?
The vines in Yumegahama Park crash the pavement as they shoot up, causing the locals to scream in shock and in dread.
Then, suddenly, Despair Prisons fall down from the sky, entrapping the surprised townsfolk.
Shut, an eyewitness of the invasion, wonders if Close has really made it through.
SHUT: Close, are these seeds the despair you have collected?
Then, suddenly, a host of cyclopean desporgs awaken, each and every one of them opening his single crimson eye...
DESPORGS: Desporg... desporg... desporg...
In the meantime, the non-crushed Cures plus Yui decide to look for Haruka.
Cue the pet-servants informing them of the fall of Yumegahama.
TOWA (shocked) That's... a Forest of Despair?! Why!?
MINAMI (determined): Let's go.
KIRARA (worried): And Haruharu?
MINAMI (determined): We can't have her fighting now.
And thus, the whole team agrees to transform at once.
Precure Princess Engage!
Three transformed Cures storm forth at lightning speed.
And they land on the pavement of a quaint street covered in despair thorns.
In the meantime, Kanata is being chased by a desporg along the same street, running for his life.
KANATA: (panting for breath).
The transformed Cures land right before him.
CURE SCARLET: Big Brother!
KANATA (relieved): Everyone!
CURE TWINKLE: How did things become like this?
Suddenly, the twindividuals appear out of the blue, perfectly synchronized as usual.
STOP: Stop...
FREEZE: Freeze...
STOP & FREEZE (unison): ...your dream!
And they're leading the whole host of desporg mooks.
CURE SCARLET (commanding): Big Brother, please fall back.
KANATA (at first surprised, then "Roger!"): All right. (He retreats.)
In the meantime, across the strait, the sound of explosions rouses Haruka from her pouting and brooding.
There appears to be a great battle downtown...
HARUKA (apathetic): What is this? (Determined, sauntering towards the bridge.) I must get going.
Looking all around, Haruka sees people trapped in despair cages and desporgs perched on quaint rooftops. And a transformed Kirara duking it out on top of a dome...
CURE TWINKLE: Precure Meteor Humming! (Shooting stars rain from the sky on the desporgs, who dissolve into brightly-coloured light.)
Encouraged by her friends' determination, Haruka attempts to perform Princess Engage.
But, no matter how hard she tries, her perfume bottle does not fill with liquid.
HARUKA (twisting the Key around, growing from puzzled to desperate): Huh? Huh? Huh!? Why? Why can't I transform!? For which reason!? I can't transform... Why!? What's going on!?
*Flashback: Kanata unwittingly crushing Haruka's feelings*
*KANATA (desperate): Don't become a princess anymore!!*
*End of flashback*
HARUKA (tears in her eyes): It's because I cannot become a princess... (Sobbing, shedding tears.) I... I can't become a princess anymore!? No way!
The transformed Precures, in the meantime, are giving it all on the frontline.
Yet, the more desporgs they defeat, the more desporgs Stop and Freeze summon. It's an endless task. Just like defeating the Hydra of Lerna.
STOP & FREEZE (unison): There's still more.
CURE MERMAID (determined): There's no end to them.
CURE SCARLET: (panting for breath)
CLOSE (standing right behind them): Seems like you all just don't know when to give up.
CURE MERMAID, CURE TWINKLE, CURE SCARLET (turning around, startled): Gasp!
KANATA (surprised): That fellow...?
CLOSE (sarcastic): Cure Flora's despair is the greatest nutrient of them all. The Forests of Despair will soon devour this whole world.
KANATA (in a cold sweat, shocked): Cure Flora...? Haruka...? Despair...?
Cure Twinkle throws a shuriken Humming at Close, but his shield deflects it.
CURE TWINKLE (irate): How dare you use all of our dreams like that!?
CLOSE (coldly): Dreams will keep on pursuing you. You all left her... (Irate, stressing every word) ...ON HER OWN!! TO HER FATE!! (He fires a volley of little despair shots, that pin all three Cures to the ground)
KANATA (rushing forth, worried): Everyone!
As he examines his sister's wounds, Kanata is noticed by Close, who adresses him thus:
CLOSE (ironic): Hm? You're the one from yesterday...
CLOSE (ironic): I don't know who you are, but I need to thank you. The one who gave Cure Flora the finishing blow... was you.
KANATA (shocked, in a cold sweat): Gasp!
CLOSE (still grinning): You let her fall into despair.
In retaliation, Cure Scarlet fires her most powerful flame at Close. His fireproof shield deflects the attack.
But it cannot deflect the scarlet princess's tirade...
Kanata listens attentively to what his sister says: words full of fire that may sear Close to the bone.
CURE SCARLET (irate): Shut your mouth!!
KANATA (gasping in awe): Towa... What happened to Haruka?
No one utters even a single word in response.
And Kanata, equally silent, is left to face the facts.
KANATA (shocked): No... way...
CLOSE (coldly): She has plunged deep into despair. She cannot become a Precure or a princess anymore.
CURE TWINKLE (waltzing into the air, with a kick): Shut up!
CURE MERMAID (waltzing into the air, with a kick): Shut up!
Both Cures are about to perform a pincer attack that they haven't even planned, instinctively
However, before they can strike, Close suddenly grabs each Precure by an ankle...
CLOSE (sarcastic, in falsetto): She's probably bawling her eyes out somewhere! (He throws Cure Mermaid and Cure Twinkle off the ledge to the ground.)
CURE SCARLET (shocked): Cure Mermaid! Cure Twinkle!
And Kanata stands there motionless, shuddering, shivering and shaking.
KANATA (in the same state of shock): I... (Sobbing and remembering all the good moments he has had with Haruka after he reunited with the Cures, then how he left her a dull-eyed empty shell)
KANATA (sobbing, desperate): I did something that cannot be undone...
Then, steeling himself, he storms away from the frontline, much to his sister's surprise.
CURE SCARLET (concerned): Big Brother!
And off Kanata runs in pursuit of his love, ready to make amends even if it's too late.
KANATA: Haruka!
However, desporgs led by the twindividuals lay ahead on his path...
STOP: Where are you going?
FREEZE: You are not getting away.
A little ice and a little fire from the Cures, and they retreat, allowing a determined Kanata to run through the cleared gauntlet of desporgs in pursuit of his dear Haruharu.
CURE SCARLET (commanding): Please go! Hurry!
KANATA: (nods to take the order, then storms off once more)
In the meantime, a weary Haruka is reeling across the park when she stumbles on a despair vine that grows directly before her feet.
Shocked, she falls to the ground and drops her pink four-petal flower hairpin.
The hairpin falls out of Haruka's reach.
And thus, her now Empty Eyes are full of tears.
HARUKA (desperate, sobbing, with a heroic BSoD): Why... did all this... happen?
Shutting her waery, teary, empty eyes, she falls deeply unconscious...
...and her whole world turns pitch black with despair.
In her dark and dire inner world, Haruka sees herself as the child she once was.
CHILD HARUKA (sobbing): I can... I can become one! I can become a princess!
CHILD KANATA (cheerfully): You can!
ADULT KANATA (sternly): You cannot.
HARUKA (teary-eyed): Why cannot I become a princess anymore! I just can't?
Suddenly, Haruka sees herself as a little girl holding her Princess of Flowers storybook.
HARUKA (confused): Huh? Why did I ever want to become a princess?
Once more, she drifts into unconsciousness and sees her own past storming by before her weary eyes.
CHILD HARUKA (determined): I want to become a princess.
Haruka's parents, Ibuki (dad) and Moe (mum) Haruno as young people appear before her, and she realizes she's having a pensieve flashback to her childhood.
30-ISH MOE (surprised): A princess?
CHILD HARUKA (a little worried, reaching out her storybook): Princess of... Flowers.
MOE (surprised): Oh? Why?
HARUKA (smiling): Because she's so sparkly and so cute!
A child Kanata then appears, reaching out the first Key to child Haruka in the meadow.
CHILD KANATA (kindly, giving the Key): Then, I'll give you this.
CHILD HARUKA (wondering as she takes the Key): What is this?
CHILD KANATA (reassuring): This is a charm that will protect your dreams.
Child Haruka is soon once more at home, looking at her Key and believing in its lucky-charm power.
30-ISH IBUKI (ironic): A princess, huh? That's another weird dream.
30-ISH MOE (cheerful, petting her daughter): Isn't that fine? As long as Haruka grows up nice and healthy. No matter what her dreams are.
It is revealed that Moe has made another DIY pin for her little daughter, just like mum's own but with a pink four-petal flower instead of a white one.
30-ISH MOE: I'm done. (Tucking the pin into her child's auburn hair.) Here you go.
CHILD HARUKA (elated): Thanks, mum!! (She embraces her mother)
The pensieve flashback skips several years. Haruka is now a pre-teen hell bent on choosing her middle school, no matter how expensive or exclusive for the heir to a small-town sweetshop.
40-ISH IBUKI (startled): No-Noble Academy!?
PRE-TEEN HARUKA (determined): Please!! If I go here, I can become fabulous as an adult! Just like a princess!
Indeed, Haruka Haruno is hell-bent that there is more than her provincial life helping her parents in the family business.
40-ISH IBUKI (worried): But such a famous boarding school...
40-ISH MOE (worried as well): The entrance exam will be super tough.
PRE-TEEN HARUKA (determined): I will do my best! (Ganbaru!)
40-ISH MOE (encouraging her daughter, calmly): Go for it.
40-ISH IBUKI (at first reluctant, then determined, à la Brian Blessed): Okay!! Go for it, Haruka!! (Ganbare, Haruka!!)
PRE-TEEN HARUKA (elated): Okay!
Then, all the memories of Haruka and friends at Noble Academy and on the battlefields flash before her eyes.
Yuki, Ranko, Seira and Ayaka, Madame Shamour...
Mrs. Shirogane, Shun and Naoto, Towa, Asuka...
Wataru, Kimimaro, Towa, the headmistress, the three cheerleaders, co-starring with Kenta as Romeo and Juliet...
HARUKA (in awe): Oh yes... My... dream... is...
CHILD HARUKA: Did you remember?
HARUKA (shocked, reaching out towards her child self): Yes... From the very... the very beginning... No matter when... (Regains consciousness)
As she tries as hard as she can to reach for the hairpin, Kanata arrives, panting for breath, right before her. And he picks up the hairpin from the ground, still breathing heavily.
KANATA (bending the knee): I'm sorry.
HARUKA (surprised): Eh?
KANATA (reaching out the hairpin to Haruka): I wanted to help you all along, because you were suffering.
KANATA (the hairpin clutched in his hands, regretful): That's all I wanted to do. (Sobbing.) But now I have hurt you the most.
"I have hurt you the most." Finally, Kanata dares to tell Haruka the truth and hope for reconciliation.
KANATA (on his knees, sobbing, shedding tears): I'm truly sorry.
HARUKA (calmly, sincerely): Kanata... You know, I came here because I have a dream. I also met everyone. To give up after losing my dream... isn't something I can do. Even if you tell me to give up, I will still aim to become a princess.
Kanata, in response, raises his head and looks at her in the eyes.
KANATA (gasps at first, then sincerely): I finally understand. Your dream is everything to you. (Giving Haruka her hairpin.) If that's the case, then I wish for you to always be smiling. I...
Don't forget the hairpin! For, like Chekhov once said, a loaded gun on stage is meant to be fired during the play!
Suddenly, the reconciliation is interrupted by three transformed Precures crashing down on the ground behind our lovey-doveys.
CURE MERMAID, CURE TWINKLE, AND CURE SCARLET (falling to the ground): Aaaah!!!
Kanata and Haruka turn around to behold Close hovering before them, leading an army of desporg mooks.
CLOSE (ironic): That's enough, right? You fools...
Yet these fools are hell bent on their duty and they have finally reunited.
HARUKA (getting out, taking her present sachet out of her pocket, cheerfully): Kanata. This... I wanted to give you this after we met.
KANATA (looking at the present): Eh?
HARUKA (cheerfully): It's thanks for before.
Kanata takes the present in his hand, sure that it's a token of reconciliation.
CLOSE (to Kanata): Why are you here? What can you do now?
HARUKA (determined): I will protect everyone's dreams, including mine!
The other Cures, Kanata, Yui, the pet-servants: they're all aghast.
Then, Haruka closes her eyes and comes face to face with her past self once more.
HARUKA (to her child self): Thank you... You helped me find my dream again.
HARUKA (warmly): I am very fortunate right now.
CHILD HARUKA (giggles behind her teenage self)
HARUKA (inserting her Key into her Perfume): Allons-y, princesses.
Suddenly, Haruka begins to irradiate pink light and get wrapped in petals... to rapidly transform into Cure Flora.
Her hairpin, upon donning it, becomes the tiara on her golden hair.
Close is shocked by the unexpected transformation...
In the darkest hour, the midst of the storm of despair,
that moment when everything is absorbed and not there,
We will start anew from scratch and get back up again...
Yui and the retainers cannot believe their eyes...
Kanata is shocked by the transformation and the desporg-curbstomping Lis Tourbillon.
Our hearts may be broken, may be shattered indeed,
and we may become unable to do anything,
STOP & FREEZE (unison, trapping Cure Flora with despair vines): Got her!
...but we will stand firm and we'll believe!
Down come Cure Mermaid and Cure Twinkle, breaking their trapped friend's kudzu snares.
CURE TWINKLE: Are you all right?
Bring together the courage and passion to never give up...
CURE TWINKLE (feeling guilty): I'm sorry.
CURE MERMAID (serious): We left you on your own. I'm sorry.
Towards hope (to the light), release it all for our future.
CURE FLORA (cheerfully): But that means both Minami and Kirara believed in me.
What's needed to become a princess is a sparkling spirit, sparkling soul...
CURE MERMAID (sincerely): Haruka...
CURE TWINKLE (sincerely): Haruharu...
A host of desporgs is looming straight behind Kanata, Yui, and the pet-servants.
Open the door of dreams with passion and with honesty, too!
I met you, and now I can protect everyone from harm...
With my powers, I'm
stronger, more beautiful, and kinder than before...
Cure Flora skids through a gauntlet of desporgs, leaving a trail of petals as she crushes the enemy.
Kanata, Yui, and the retainers stand in awe.
My passion is the key that opens the way to tomorrow...
Then, suddenly... *A WILD SHUT APPEARS!*
SHUT (lunging at the Cures, furious) Don't forget... about me!!!
However, his clutches are stopped by Cure Scarlet's violin bow.
CURE SCARLET (ironic): Jeez, (Mo,) you're quite a handful!
With a flick of the wrist, she sends Shut away, yet he lands on his feet like a cat.
CURE SCARLET (running towards Shut, tears of joy in her eyes): I thought you would be down in the dumps, but you stood back up, all by yourself!
Cure Scarlet strikes Shut in the shoulder with her bow, then kicks him in the solar plexus, sending the poor Dysdark off to the sky...
(Talk about Shut up!) Stop and Freeze rush down like missiles.
Deep within the heart of every mortal maiden,
this may be not be that surprising to anyone,
they all aim to become the most amazing heroine!
Cure Flora soon curbstomps Stop and Freeze with Rose Tourbillon.
CURE FLORA (sincerely): I wasn't all alone, Towa. You all were with me! Everyone was with me! That's why I was able to get back up again!
Putting up a brave face is not enough, no,
they all look deep into themselves, like a mirror.
Flowers blossom when they can stand up and face themselves...
Close is obviously not amused.
CLOSE (furious, lunging at the Cures): CURE FLORAAAA!!! You recovered your dreams!?
They realize what their flaws and what their weaknesses are...
CLOSE (irate, fending off Cure Flora): But those dreams will once more chase after you!!
They recognize (and they can change), and then they overcome!
CURE FLORA (kicking Close into the sky: That is fine!!
To mature is the telltale sign of the princess hidden within you...
Then, the other Cures proceed to take on Close one by one: Cure Scarlet...
Leave the marks of your dreams with passion and with honesty, too!
...followed by Cure Mermaid...
followed by Cure Twinkle, who holds up Close with Full Moon Humming for Cure Mermaid to shoot an ice ray at him. Close becomes encased in a block of ice.
Anyone up for Close on the rocks?
Dry them up, brush those tears aside, link together our ties as friends...
Yet Stop and Freeze pop up as reinforcements, firng laser beams from their visors...
And Close, burning with anger, will not let a pseudo-Elsa's crust of hard H2O restrain him. So he shatters his icy cocoon...
Think, we are never alone...
Even if we are wounded, we'll spread our wings...
These feelings are the keys to tomorrow... the keys to tomorrow...
Cure Flora has managed to obtain two rods at once, and inserts the Rose and Lis keys into them.
CURE FLORA (determined): It's my own dream, after all!! If it hurts me or makes me sad, then I accept it all! I will become a princess!!
And she sends off Close into the stratosphere by using a combined Rose+Lis Tourbillon.
Yet it ain't over till the punk Dysdark sings!
CLOSE (falling to the ground, ironic): You really think...
In midair, he spreads his dark purple wings to remain hovering.
The Dysdark uses his wings as a spiral of dark energy to obliterate Cure Flora.
The Dysdark uses his wings as a spiral of dark energy to obliterate Cure Flora.
Yet Kanata steps in, in true Taking-the-Bullet style, to protect the princess of flowers. His sceptre forms out of light in his right hand, and he casts an iridescent force field to shield all of Team Precure. It succeeds, reflecting off the dark energy from Close's wings.
KANATA (determined): She can! (To Cure Flora.) I'm sure you can... become a princess.
As he says these earnest words, Kanata's clothes and hair glow with golden light.
And, when the light fades away, he stands there in his royal raiment, with his usual hair colour, a lighter shade of lilac.
His will to protect the Precures has given Kanata back his powers and identity.
Everyone is astonished.
CURE SCARLET (astonished, gasping): Big Brother!
CURE MERMAID: Did you get your memories back?
KANATA (nodding): Yes. I remember everything. I'm sure it's because I have a new dream now.
CURE TWINKLE: A new dream?
KANATA (sincerely, with his hand on his heart): Haruka, I want you to keep on smiling. I want to protect your dreams.
This new declaration of feelings, Kanata getting a new dream, is a turning point. Aside from the fact that he has regained all of his memories and powers.
CLOSE (wondering): What now? Suddenly, the power of dreams is overwhelming.
Then, he recognizes Kanata once the latter has transformed.
CLOSE (still curmudgeonly): I see. He's the Prince of the Hope Kingdom.
Then, suddenly, Close is aghast at what he beholds next...
Kanata himself is surprised by his little present sachet beginning to glow with rainbow light...
...then beginning to soar.
The ribbon unties and the brooch within is revealed to have become a Dress-Up Key of white crystal, decked with the theme colours of the Precures and blazing with rainbow light.
HARUKA (surprised): A Dress-Up Key?
KANATA (surprised, reaching out for the Key to land in his left hand): My present from Haruka!
AROMA: I'm sure it's the Key born from your dreams, Prince Kanata!
KANATA (amazed, holding the Key): A Key of my own?
Then, suddenly, he becomes determined and goes: "By the Power of Greyskull!"
KANATA (commanding, fiery, determined): Everyone!
As the Key irradiates rainbow light, they summon the Princess Palace.
ALL FOUR CURES (passing the Key from one to another in introduction order, while it glows in their respective theme colours, at unison): Mode Elegant Royal!
Now all they have to do is insert the Royal Key into the central slot.
ALL FOUR CURES (at unison): Dress-Up Royal!
Their new look is characterized by these huge lace ribbons, that look like wings, at the back. Otherwise it's just the Premium mode with lace ribbon wings.
Kanata, Yui, and the retainers stand in awe.
And Shut... well, he can't believe his eyes.
SHUT (completely flabberghasted): T-too beautiful!! (U-utsukushii!!)
Close and the twindividuals are soon trapped in rainbow light.
A crown appears in a fluffy cloud day sky and out storm the Precures through the heart-shaped hole in the middle.
ALL FOUR PRECURES (unison): Precure Grand Printemps!!!
Then, plunging down, after passing through four lace mandalas in their theme colours, the Cures lunge at Close, Stop, and Freeze... The collision gets lost in a spherical storm of petals, as the palace appears in the middle of a landscape all covered in colourful flowers.
It's the Hope Kingdom right before its fall.
STOP & FREEZE (unison): Dreaming...
Close opens a keyhole portal and all three retreat at the eleventh hour.
Though the enemy has retreated, there is a lot to celebrate. The thorns are all disappearing and the muggles are all freed.
After the battle, as they rest, it's time to tie up loose ends. Kanata gives the reason for his amnesia.
After the battle, as they rest, it's time to tie up loose ends. Kanata gives the reason for his amnesia.
KANATA: I had used up all of my powers then. I lost my dream and my memories. But...
MME. SHAMOUR (cheerfully): You found a new dream and recovered your memories! And received a new Key too!
Towa can't believe her eyes, now full of restrained tears.
TOWA (in tears of joy, sobbing, rushing to Kanata, drying up her tears on his chest): Big Brother!
KANATA (stroking Towa's red hair): This is all thanks to all of you.
KANATA (courteously). And, whether we should buy a present... (Shaking his head.) That's fine, it's all right. It's because Haruka finally smiled.
Haruharu is at first startled, taking this as more than a compliment, yet soon she changes into her usual friendly smile.
And thus, this episode's ending card shows the Royal Key.
The battle has been won once more, but the war still rages on...

On the return of the prodigal Cures, and their performance in battle: The prodigal nakama have returned from their absence due to force majeure, to find their life as freedom fighters has taken a turn for the worse. At first they're puzzled by Haruka's sudden coldness and apathy, but soon they make up for the absence of her... Minami and Towa sharing the role of de facto leader now.
The team did need reinforcements. Three whole Cures make up for a shattered one. Up until Kanata's revival, they were giving it all in Close quarters combat, even though they knew they had the short end of the stick.

On Kanata regaining his memories: The image above is one that I've wanted to see ever since the Hope/Akagi siblings were parted. Now Kanata is cured of his exhaustion-induced amnesia and has regained his powers. All's well that ends well... or not? Who knows what the future may have in store, in the decisive next episode, in which they will attempt to free the HK and their trapped parents...

On Kanata receiving the power-up Grand Printemps: The one guy has to be more than a love interest and morale booster, and this episode's reconciliation and taking-the-bullet stance made him get powers no one knew he had!

On Grand Printemps: Another finishing move with a French name, this time an ensemble one performed by all the Cures (Yeah!) For in French it sounds more elegant than Great/Grand Springtime, doesn't it? During this attack, we get to see the Hope Kingdom pre-invasion.
On the end of the episode: I had expected Stop and Freeze to be offed, but guess they aren't arc villains, and we'll stick with them until the bitter end of the Dysdark Empire...
This is yet another arc finale, dear reader. The battle is won, the war still goes on. A new arc is coming this winter, and it's the series finale. In which we will get Dysdark backstory and agenda, aside from what will happen to the Dysdarks after their defeat... (Hope Shut gets Towa!)

On Shut throughout this episode: Well, one saw Shut fighting Scarlet (to the tune of this awesome battle song whose lyrics I have scattered throughout this episode), establishing them obviously as evil counterparts to one another. Yet the fire Cure was in tears of joy, and the mad hatter stood in awe at the beauty and grandeur of Grand Printemps. Is this even more foreshadowing?
Conjectures about the future of Shut (coat turn?): Thus, I stick like before to my theory of Shut to perform a heel-face turn in the series finale. He does lack Close's and Lock's ruthlessness, being the white sheep of the Dysdark bunch (well, the platinum sheep), and he is also more sensible and sensitive. The true telltale signs of a defector from decadence, a new Luther or Count Dooku, in the making. Maybe discovering the skeletons in the Dysdark agenda's closet and/or realizing he loved Towa all along even after she changed from Twilight to Scarlet will be the catalyst/s of said coat turn.
To wrap it all up: This is yet another arc finale, dear reader. The battle is won, the war still goes on. A new arc is coming this winter, and it's the series finale. I had expected Stop and Freeze to be offed, but guess they aren't arc villains, and we'll stick with them until the bitter end of the Dysdark Empire...
Towa's determination!! Bright rainbow of Hope in the sky!
At long last, Kanata has regained his memories...!
It is Towa who is most moved, now that she can finally talk to the Kanata she knows and loves.
It is Towa who is most moved, now that she can finally talk to the Kanata she knows and loves.
The brother-sister duo get along very well.
It's been a long time since they could talk this freely♪
Seeing things as they are, the others become happy as well.
It's been a long time since they could talk this freely♪
Seeing things as they are, the others become happy as well.
It is then when the Royal Key suddenly starts to shine red.
And thus everyone is engulfed in the light...
And thus everyone is engulfed in the light...
When they came to, they're in the Hope Kingdom...!?
The Forest of Despair has overtaken even more of the Hope Kingdom...
The Hope Kingdom castle Towa and Kanata used to live in has changed into something completely unrecognizable...
Towa is greatly shocked by it all...
However, therein lies Dyspear's avatar...!
Once there, it is Towa and Kanata who Dyspear wishes to bury in the darkness of despair, bringing forth a flaming monster to go after them.
Their homeland has become even more devastated than before, paining Towa and Kanata.
Dyspear, having sensing the arrival of the two, sends a monster out to assassinate them.
Dyspear, having sensing the arrival of the two, sends a monster out to assassinate them.
Towa showing how she has developed from doing her best in Noble Academy and how they inserted the Royal Key into a Perfume.
At last, Towa and Kanata can finally embrace one another!
Her brother has become the one he once was...
...once more a virtuoso, for example... What could go wrong?
The Hope siblings and their friends soon head back to their kingdom, and we have a flashback/imagine spot of Kanata's and Towa's estranged parents...
Here they are, dressed in seventeenth-century inspired Hope Kingdom court dress and with hairstyles in between the seventeenth century and Westeros.
Notice their hair and skin colour, and elf ears: and look at their children in the pictures above: this is genetics in the pure style of Game of Thrones (all Lannisters are golden-haired and green-eyed, all Baratheons are raven-haired and blue-eyed, all Tullys are redhaired or auburn and blue-eyed, all Targaryens are platinum blond and violet-eyed, all Tyrells are either dirty blond or nutbrown... the list of phenotypes in Westeros goes on), but mixing traits from both parents in the children (in Westeros, we have Tyene Sand, Reachish-looking but elusive daughter of Oberyn and a Reach septa; Tyrion "Lannister", platinum blond with dark streaks and odd-eyed, hinting at his true parentage...).
The Queen is coughing violently, as if she had consumption (TB), her more sensible husband soothing her... What can it mean? Are the royals still alive, or not? Is this a memory of their children's? Did the dying Queen become a vessel for Dyspear, or did her husband try to resurrect her, only to have her possessed by Dyspear? (The latter conjecture reminds me both of the Selfcenters in Dokidoki! and of Orfeo in the Waterfire Saga, so I've got a little theory I support that that is the case).
The blue fire cat sent to assassinate the royal siblings...
And, of course, an epic shot of the heroes before the fortress, ready to take it by storm.
Previews of upcoming episodes: a Yui-centric oneshot and a two-parter in which Kirara, trapped in a moral dilemma, will find herself torn between her dream of international stardom and her duty as a warrior of hope...
Yui, who is aiming to become a storybook author/illustrator, enters an art competition upon Minami's suggestion.
She ponders on what to draw for the theme of "Everyone's Smiles", but the more she thinks about it, the more she doesn't know what to draw, finally giving up on submitting in the end.
Yui Nanase, whose dream is to become a storybook author and illustrator, decides to submit her artwork to an art competition organized by the Yumegahama Art Gallery upon her friends' encouragement.
The competition's theme is "Everyone's Smiles".
However, when it comes to, Yui is quite indecisive on what she should draw and doesn't know what to do.
At Minami's suggestion, Yui decides to display her artwork at an art competition currently being held.
Seeing the others get closer to their respective dreams, Yui feels restless that she needs to do her best too.
Kirara will be appearing on a stage only top models have walked on in an international fashion show.
A new model from the same agency named Karin Saida stays close to Kirara as her assistant until the show.
Popular model Kirara Amanogawa is chosen as the sole main model of "Japan Collection" for a stage only the most popular supermodels can stand on.
If she performs in this show, she also gets her chance to be known internationally, so Kirara is fired up since she's aiming for overseas activities as a top model.
Though she is managing both her work and Precure activities with her all...
Kirara received an offer to appear as the sole main model of Japan Collection.
Fired up that she is able to walk on a stage Only The Chosen models are allowed on, Kirara once again fixates on her own dream.
To protect Karin, who has been attacked by Dysdarks, Kirara sacrifices a big job.
She has concluded that it's impossible for her to completely coexist as both a model and a Precure, and gives up on her dream of being a model.
Kirara has decided to give up on her dream and instead go forward on the path of a Precure.
However, thinking that she shouldn't sacrifice her dream, the other girls plan a certain event just for Kirara.
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