- Spinner of Stories
- Master of Colours
- Dreamer of Travels
- Rebel on Fire
Based upon the well-known juvenile novels and the derivative anime, this Hogwarts AU features four POV characters, each of them more delved upon in the titular story.
Four Hogwarts students for four years. Four elements, four temperaments, four seasons, four stories that entwine and reach a common conclusion...
The Cast and something about the Plot:
Emily Starr:
A clever and learned girl of few words, well-known for her violet eyes and her imagination.
Orphaned at an early age and raised by two wealthy aunts of hers.
She writes about anything, from short stories to play scripts.
The reserved and girlier female of the quartet.
She has got a carrier owl, a dignified female Great Gray called Twilight.
She has founded the Literary Club.
Edward "Teddy" Kent
A sweet and sensitive, soft-spoken young artist. The only son of the possessive Vice-Headmistress, who is always trying to live his life (which makes him yearn for independence).
Emily's intellectual equal and crush (the feelings are mutual).
He has got a poisonous red-eyed tree frog called Frida (who later dies).
The sensitive and nice male of the quartet.
He illustrates Emi's stories.
Ilse Burnley
A headstrong and impulsive tomboy with a rebel streak. Blond and honey-eyed.
She doesn't hesitate to confront bullies.
And she may even appear blunt when she's being straightforward.
Her parents are supposedly divorced, and she has always lived with her father, a gay physiotherapist. (She'll later on learn that her mother actually drowned in a pond)
She is so self-confident and so loud that she always gets into scrapes, but this has also made her a great actress and public speaker.
She and Perry get to star in the plays Emily writes.
The tomboyish and outspoken female of the quartet.
Has got no pet (for a few chapters, she hatches a dragon egg and names the ensuing pet Kindle, but has got to let go of him after he can fly).
Percival "Perry" Miller
A sanguine and headstrong lovable rogue with a heart of gold, Perry is to Ilse as Teddy is to Emily.
A cockney and an orphan, he may seem vulgar and have got no creative talents,
but he makes up for this lack by being street-smart, a good quidditch player, and surprisingly skilled when it comes to public relations. He can sell anything.
In fact, he's such a good hustler and trickster that the other three call him "Fouché".
He has got a stray tabby, Gavroche, as unruly as his owner in spite of castration.
The roguish and "bad" male of the quartet.
He and Ilse get to star in the plays Emily writes.
The Bullies:
These four female Slytherin students pick on the weaklings, and they have declared war on Ilse for spoiling their pastime...
Their leader, Rhoda (the auburn one with the blue ribbon) is Ilse's sworn enemy...
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