domingo, 12 de abril de 2015


The plot of this ASoIaF AU was taken from Salgari's novel Capitan Tempesta, which lends itself exceedingly well to Brienne of Tarth (tagging Jaime, Renly, Loras, Cersei, Pod, and some character arc foreigners along).
Though there was also something between heist plot and commedia dell'arte in the middle, the whole "freeing Renly scheme", before things get serious. The heist plot in itself (assembling the team, et cetera) with a bit of commedia within, or rather, a core of commedia (the posing as others). Particularly egregious is Brienne's persona, Etienne Goodwin of Pennytree, which draws from Captain Matamoros himself.
The whole plot is perfect for risqué scenarios à la Félicien Rops, but only during the heist plot, the rest of the story is pure action with more emotional than erotic turmoil...

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