viernes, 31 de enero de 2025


 Every birthday is a day to celebrate.

Today on the 31st of January 2025 I have turned 33, the age when Jesus Christ was crucified. I am a mature adult, but still fond of fairytales, anime and the like. My life so far, with its ups and downs, has been a great life, though there are things I wish to that I could never have.

I have received congratulations from friends and family, lots of lovely presents, and a delicious tiramisu cake. It has been my best birthday in my life so far.

We cannot see the future, no matter if we read our tarot cards, but only confront it with lots of optimism, as I do. I hope 2025 will be a good year with lots of lovely experiences.

Let's have a great year and enjoy whatever fate brings!

domingo, 26 de enero de 2025




Gentle eyes that see so much,
paws that have the quiet touch.
Purrs to signal "all is well"
and show more love
than words can tell.
Graceful movements
touched with pride,
a calming presence
by our side.
A friendship that
takes time to grow.
Small wonder why
we love them so.

Meow <3

sábado, 25 de enero de 2025


 Today is the birthday of Scottish poet Robert Burns, who famously wrote the Address to a Haggis. Therefore, haggis is traditionally served and carved ritually this evening for supper in the UK. However, not everyone understands the Burns poem that the carver recites with gusto during the ritual.

Here is the poem with a free commentary.


Fair fa’ your honest, sonsie face,
Great Chieftain o’ the Puddin-race!
Aboon them a’ ye tak your place,
Painch, tripe, or thairm:
Weel are ye wordy of a grace
As lang ‘s my arm.

May good fortune attend your honest jolly face,
O King of Puddings.

You are superior to 
Tripe and all other offal.

You are also worthy of a paean of praise
Even longer than a Presbyterian sermon.

The groaning trencher there ye fill,
Your hurdies like a distant hill,
Your pin wad help to mend a mill
In time o’ need,
While thro’ your pores the dews distil
Like amber bead.

A large haggis, steaming on a plate and with its juices exuding from its pores,

Is a truly magnificent sight.

Furthermore, in an emergency,

Parts of the haggis packaging can be used for rudimentary DIY repairs.

His knife see Rustic-labour dight,
An’ cut ye up wi’ ready slight,
Trenching your gushing entrails bright,
Like onie ditch;
And then, O what a glorious sight,
Warm-reekin, rich!

Taking a clean sharp knife,

The farm labourer cuts the haggis open with a skilful stroke,

Revealing a most appetizing sight.

Then, horn for horn, they stretch an’ strive:
Deil tak the hindmost, on they drive,
Till a’ their weel-swall’d kytes belyve
Are bent like drums;
Then auld Guidman, maist like to rive,
Bethankit hums.

Scots, when eating haggis,

Do not stand on ceremony.


When all stomachs are filled,

Satisfied rumblings are heard.

Is there that owre his French ragout,
Or olio that wad staw a sow,
Or fricassee wad mak her spew
Wi’ perfect sconner,
Looks down wi’ sneering, scornfu’ view
On sic a dinner?

This verse is severely critical of continental cuisine.

In the interest of continuing harmonious relationships within the EEC, 

no attempt will be made to be more explicit.

Poor devil! see him owre his trash,
As feckless as a wither’d rash,
His spindle shank a guid whip-lash,
His nieve a nit;
Thro’ bluidy flood or field to dash,
O how unfit!

The poet asserts that such foreign fare will never lead to full physical development.

In particular, he implies that non-haggis eating nations
have a negligible chance of achieving the Grand Slam

And even the Triple Crown may elude them.

But mark the Rustic, haggis-fed,
The trembling earth resounds his tread,
Clap in his walie nieve a blade,
He’ll make it whissle;
An’ legs, an’ arms, an’ heads will sned,
Like taps o’ thrissle.

On the other hand, a haggis fed farmer

Is a force not to be argued with.

On a Saturday night,

He and his flickknife will make mincemeat of any opposition.

Ye Pow’rs wha mak mankind your care,
And dish them out their bill o’ fare,
Auld Scotland wants nae skinking ware
That jaups in luggies;
But, if ye wish her gratefu’ prayer,
Gie her a Haggis!

Messrs Sainsbury, Tesco et alia should note

That effeminate foreign delicacies will not sell well in Scotland.

Haggis, however, will certainly be snapped up well before its sell-by date.

domingo, 19 de enero de 2025


 There were shelves upon shelves of the most succulent-looking sweets imaginable. Creamy chunks of nougat, shimmering pink squares of coconut ice, fat, honey-colored toffees; hundreds of different kinds of chocolate in neat rows; there was a large barrel of Every Flavour Beans, and another of Fizzing Whizbees, the levitating sherbet balls that Ron had mentioned; along yet another wall were “Special Effects” sweets: Drooble’s Best Blowing Gum (which filled a room with bluebell-colored bubbles that refused to pop for days), the strange, splintery Toothflossing Stringmints, tiny black Pepper Imps (“Breathe fire for your friends!”), Ice Mice (“Hear your teeth chatter and squeak!”), peppermint creams shaped like toads (“Hop realistically in the stomach!”), fragile sugar-spun quills, and exploding bonbons.




librocubicularist: a person who reads in bed (like yours truly).

January Poem

 January Poem

The days are short,

the Sun a spark

hung thin between

the dark and dark.

Fat snowy footsteps 

track the floor,

and parkas pile up

near the door.

The river is 

a frozen place

held still beneath

the trees' black lace

The sky is low.

The wind is gray.

The radiator

purrs all day.


Plus, an extra poem!

Freedom Poem

A decade ago, my mum found this anonymous poem on a handwritten scrap of paper in the street and was so smitten with it that she decided to share it with her only daughter. Needless to say I still keep it in one of my scrapbooks... and that I decided that sooner or later I would share it with my whole readership, right?

Freedom is a white snowflake
made of pure feelings of crystal.
The truthful song of a great god,
the love of a mother, the eyes of her child.
Freedom is a far palace
growing --- up in the sky:
a little - a very little angel -

a great big light in the stars.

jueves, 16 de enero de 2025



Mine eyes have seen the orgy of the launching of the Sword;

He is searching out the hoardings where the stranger's wealth is stored;
He hath loosed his fateful lightnings, and with woe and death has scored;
His lust is marching on.

Glory, Glory, Hallelujah!
Glory, Glory, Hallelujah!
Glory, Glory, Hallelujah!
His lust is marching on.

I have seen him in the watch-fires of a hundred circling camps;
They have builded him an altar in the Eastern dews and damps;
I have read his doomful mission by the dim and flaring lamps—
His night is marching on.

Glory, Glory, Hallelujah!
Glory, Glory, Hallelujah!
Glory, Glory, Hallelujah!
His night is marching on.

I have read his bandit gospel writ in burnished rows of steel:
"As ye deal with my pretensions, so with you my wrath shall deal;
Let the faithless son of Freedom crush the patriot with his heel;
Lo, Greed is marching on!"

Glory, Glory, Hallelujah!
Glory, Glory, Hallelujah!
Glory, Glory, Hallelujah!
Lo, Greed is marching on.

We have legalized the strumpet and are guarding her retreat;
Greed is seeking out commercial souls before his judgement seat;
O, be swift, ye clods, to answer him! be jubilant my feet!
Our god is marching on!

Glory, Glory, Hallelujah!
Glory, Glory, Hallelujah!
Glory, Glory, Hallelujah!
Our god is marching on.

In a sordid slime harmonious Greed was born in yonder ditch,
With a longing in his bosom—and for others' goods an itch.
As Christ died to make men holy, let men die to make us rich—
Our god is marching on.

Glory, Glory, Hallelujah!
Glory, Glory, Hallelujah!
Glory, Glory, Hallelujah!
Our god is marching on.


Karl XII hade hundratusen man,
Karl XII hade hundratusen man,
Karl XII hade hundratusen man,
när han vandrade vägen fram på makadam!

Tjugo kronor kostar supen,
Tjugo kronor kostar supen,
Tjugo kronor kostar supen,
på Halta Lottas krog i Göteborg!


Jaume I tenia cent soldats,

Jaume I tenia cent soldats,

Jaume I tenia cent soldats,
tots marxant al mateix pas!

Allioli, allioli, xup,
allioli, allioli, xup,
allioli, allioli, xup,
allioli i Chupa Chups!



Para mamá (Elena Bufi Laviste)

en su cumpleaños. Espero que te guste.


Siempre al despertarme,

justo antes de maquillarme,

te rezo una pequeña oración...

Y, mientras me peine,

pensando en qué voy a ponerme,

rezo una pequeña oración...


Por siempre, por siempre,

estás en mi corazón

y yo te quiero,

por siempre, por siempre,

no nos separarán

¡oh, cuánto te quiero!

Unidas, unidas,

sin ti muy ineficaz

me siento,

se me rompería el corazón...


Al TRAM voy con prisa,

pensando en tu sonrisa...

te rezo una pequeña oración...

y en la oficina,

y al tomar café en la esquina,

te rezo una pequeña oración...


Por siempre, por siempre,

estás en mi corazón

y yo te quiero,

por siempre, por siempre,

no nos separarán

¡oh, cuánto te quiero!

Unidas, unidas,

sin ti muy ineficaz

me siento,

se me rompería el corazón...


Por siempre, por siempre,

estás en mi corazón

y yo te quiero,

por siempre, por siempre,

no nos separarán

¡oh, cuánto te quiero!

Unidas, unidas,

sin ti muy ineficaz

me siento,

se me rompería el corazón...


Créeme, cariño,

que no hay nadie como tú...

Es mi oración, baby

es mi oración,

di que me querrás,

es mi oración, baby

es mi oración


Por siempre, por siempre,

estás en mi corazón

y yo te quiero,

por siempre, por siempre,

no nos separarán

¡oh, cuánto te quiero!

Unidas, unidas,

sin ti muy ineficaz

me siento,

se me rompería el corazón...


Créeme, cariño,

que no hay nadie como tú...

Es mi oración, baby

es mi oración,

di que me querrás,

es mi oración, baby

es mi oración

Siempre te querré <3

viernes, 10 de enero de 2025



En el fondo de un viejo estanque vivía un grupo de larvas que no comprendían por qué cuando alguna de ellas ascendía por los largos tallos de lirio hasta la superficie del agua, nunca más volvía a descender donde ellas estaban.
Se prometieron una a otra que la próxima de ellas que subiera hasta la superficie, volvería para decirles a las demás lo que le había ocurrido.
Poco después, una de dichas larvas sintió un deseo irresistible de ascender hasta la superficie.
Comenzó a caminar hacia arriba por uno de los finos tallos verticales y cuando finalmente estuvo fuera se puso a descansar sobre una hoja de lirio. Entonces experimentó una transformación magnifica que la convirtió en una hermosa libélula con unas alas bellísimas.
Trató de cumplir su promesa, pero fue en vano.
Volando de un extremo al otro de la charca podía ver a sus amigas sobre el fondo.
Entonces comprendió que incluso si ellas a su vez hubieran podido verla, nunca habrían reconocido en esta criatura radiante a una de sus compañeras.
El hecho de que después de esa transformación que llamamos muerte, no podamos ver a nuestros amigos o familiares, ni comunicarnos con ellos, no significa que hayan dejado de existir …
No están aquí, se fueron a otro lugar para cuidarnos desde allí con una vista diferente.
«La muerte no es más que un cambio de misión.»

jueves, 9 de enero de 2025



I deem myself unworthy, Don Luis,
to reproduce in Shakespeare's mother tongue
these rhymes it'd be a challenge to reprise,
long ago by a cultured Thalia sung,
dictated to you; not i'th' rosy morn,
yet in pitch-black winter night, that adorn
a crescent moon, Alioth, and Cassiopeia,
beyond the walls of fair Valencia here.
Yet may the cithar succeed to the horn,
and may everyone listen without scorn
to what I merely boldly paraphrase:
Don Luis and Yours Truly share the praise.
May this be respite from our everyday
and its ennui; pay to this tale attention,
as you pass time and your worries away
with Polyphemus' fierce song, full of tension.
With the Muses may taste once more thus reign:
if yours, Don Luis, can offer so much praise,
I am but second to your turn of phrase.

Where foamy waves within the southron seas
the Lily Cape's feet shoe with silver foam,
where either lame Hephaestus has his forge,
or Bastilled Titans 'neath the cliffside groan,
there is a beach of pale volcanic ash,
proof of the vanquished the Cronids did dash,
or of the smiths' hard labour. Here's a cave,
with a rock door, eroded by the wave.
This barren holdfast's paltry garrison
consists of robust pine-trunks, whose thick crowns,
that look like bedheads, owe less light and air
to the profound cavern than to the downs;
this caliginous bedstead is revealed
to be the sooty bosom of dark midnight
by infamous flocks of avians nocturnal,
in solemn flight and with loud squawks infernal:
cormorants, boobies, and shearwaters grey,
who "agua, agua", through the evening bray,
like a thirsted-to-death child castaway.
This formidable yawning chasm here,
this melancholy void, houses the one
who through the cliffs and mountain-range spreads fear:
'tis his barbarian, twilit holdfast and
the pen where he keeps cooped up, for the night,
as many ewes as harsh cliff-pastures feed
within that region; fair, abundant flock,
summoned by whistles, sealed up with a rock.
An eminent mount made mainly of limbs' meat
this bastard of Poseidon's, bold and fierce,
was; scowling from his one forbidding eye,
with a glare that like summer sun did pierce;
his cane the sturdiest centennial pine,
which would to his commands obey, incline,
yet 'twas so slender to his heavy weight
that its top crooked grew due to that freight.
His raven head-hair of dark Lethe's flow
gives a perfect wavy and dark impression,
ruffled by seaside breeze or piercing gale,
it flutters, of unkempt chaos expression;
whiskers, beard, and moustache are surging streams
of rapids, that his sunburned chest do flood
(as on a warrior's breastplate his shed blood),
even though callused fingers, without grace,
in vain, too late, have combed that head and face.
There ne'er was on this isle a fearsome beast,
armed with cruelty, red in claw and tooth,
that the speed 'twas shod with redeemed the least
to save its colourful fur coat, in sooth.
Now knapsack to him is the smilodon
that, with catlike tread, in pinewoods anon
treading the twilight, tracked the horned cattle,
that retreated instead of giving battle.
This knapsack's full to brim, and nigh aborting,
with fruits that Autumn 'trusted to the sward:
apples, wrinkled by time's fingers' consorting,
and pears, gilt into thirst-quenching reward;
the blond, pale grass was cradle to such pears,
performing governesses' dry affairs,
keeping them safe, as 't ripens and prepares.
Add chestnuts, in their burrs mailed, to the list,
sweet dates, and quinces still but slightly green,
and acorns from the honoured oak (ne'er missed),
that as pavillion on those hills was seen...
acorns; of pure first act on this world's stage
the paltry, best food of the Golden Age.
Uniting with bees' wax and hempen rope
one hundred canes into a massive organ,
he made more echoes than you'll ever hope
to hear resound: for, just like J.P. Morgan
or other such Victorian trillionaire,
he had no day job and spare time to spare.
Thus his little harmonica he's made,
confounding woods and tides; merman and -maid
shatter their conch-shell horns, and every oar
or sail on boat hastens off from that shore;
for he was rough and tone-deaf, so infamous
were the ungainly tunes of Polyphemus!

The fairest child that Doris ever had,
the loveliest one born in realms of brine,
sweet Galatea, Three Graces in one,
as refreshing as good mistela wine;
two luminous stars, to the left and right,
shone in the bright eyes of her marble face,
if not of rock crystal, modest yet mighty:
swan to Hera, white peacock to Aphrodite.
The Dawning, Eos, sheds crimson rose-petals
upon lilywhite Galatea's skin:
e'en Cupid doubts if she's a frosted poppy
or snow with arterial blood seeped within.
E'en Izu pearls are to her brow not second,
to that fair forehead: Cupid, so it's reckoned,
gets cross and, damning them, for his good cheer,
gives one, mounted in coral, to her ear.
Envied by nymphs and blue-skinned, though not stupid,
by all merfolk adored, as I can tell,
pompous green-haired friend to the sailor Cupid
who, underage, drives his chariot sea-shell
pulled by six dolphins; scaleless-chested Glaucus
is heard, with spent voice, try to weave a spell
to make the beautiful indiferent, for sure,
come aboard his carriage, skirt th' silver shore.
Cerulean brows with tender coral white
has crowned the young mer-stripling Palemon;
heir to a fortune 'neath refracted light
from that hated lighthouse to Castellón.
Though homely, he was not spurned to infamous
such a degree as our old Polyphemus,
from the one who ne'er heard him, scorned his power,
and, as he coursed the foam, trod on each flower.
Flees the fair nymph, and every merman groom
would like to beat her in a swimming race;
no serpent's venom gives her defeat's gloom,
no golden apple weighs down her hasty pace.
Yet... is there venom, tooth, gold ore, or light
that could freeze for an instant that sweet flight
wrought by disdain? Oh, what mistake and woe;
those dolphins follow, skirting shore, a doe!

This island, in what it shows and conceals,
is nectar-cellar and orchard of Eden,
crowned with so many grapes and citrus fruits
as northerners have never seen in Sweden.
And in the August sun dazzles the carriage
of threshed grain across the golden tides
of wheat-fields, ever fertile, ne'er forgiven,
to everyone in southern Europe given.
Its snow-white peaks owe as much as the fields,
and the fields as much as the lowland lea,
for all the golden grains the harvest yields,
and thousand flakes of wool and ice there be.
Reapers, threshers, ice-men (there's no escape),
shepherds, and those who press and keg the grape,
be it religion, love, or toasts for wine,
hold Galatea a goddess without shrine.
No altars raised, for that spot on the beach
where by the foaming surf trod her swift feet
is where the herdsfolk leave for her to reach
their surplus wool, and harvesters their wheat.
Fruit-growers generously pour out each
of their whole cornucopia, many a treat;
wicker and willow, with citrus fruits laden,
woven without artifice by honest maiden.
At night, men, maids, and watchdogs fall asleep,
so does the day, reclining in the shade;
and, to the paltry bleating of the sheep,
nocturnal wolf-pack's of the darkness made.
They wet their muzzles fierce, and fleece don't keep
from staining, as wolves feed, their ransom paid;
Please whistle, God of Love, or soon the master
will follow for dessert in this disaster!
The fugitive nymph, where a laurel's crown
holds to the searing rays a parasol,
reclines her snow-white limbs in its shade down,
near a murmuring fountain spring. Thus all
sweet she complains about her loveliness,
sweetly a pair of finches coo above,
and she's lulled by this harmony of love;
her eyelids shut, wakefulness drifts away,
the shade forbids that three suns scorch the day.

Clad in bright stars, the Sun in Thermidor
was throbbing, blazing, when, dust in his hair,
dust in his throat, perspiring liquid sparks
--or burning droplets--, a young lad came there,
and beholding both lovely lights put out,
in tranquil sleep, he did not lay about,
but gave lips and throat to the crystal stream,
and eyes to crystal sleeper in her dream.
Young Acis was a Cupid's javelin,
born to fair nymph Symaethis, sire unknown;
to the sea honour, glory to the shore,
he looked like made for a crown and a throne.
He worships the fair sleeper, kept in sight,
just like cold steel is drawn to magnetite;
lord of a patch of greens, bereft of money,
yet wealthy in his bee-combs' wax and honey.

Adders would rather lurk among tall grass
than in French garden lawns, perfectly trim;
and Acis has such boyish messy hair
just like a grassland, to compensate in him
for th'peach-fuzz on his face: these rebel locks
distill the sweetest venom of young love;
Gala sips this enchanted draught thereof,
and then once more, to quaff the chalice dry.
Acis, less drowsy than his paramour,
through the gun-barrels of his half-shut eyes,
be the nymph altered, flustered, shocked, or tense,
keeps ever-watchful eyes on her visage,
trying to pierce whate'er her thought and sense...
Raise diamond walls around that lily head,
already girt with bronzelike ginger curls;
undermining this keep and ward, Desire,
without a breach of cannon, lights a fire.

Breathing hot fire, frothing at the mouth,
like the sun-car's downsetting attelage
in westward shores, the lovesick Uranid
(thus fiercer jealous men burn there, down south),
oppressed and crushed, while choking back his rage,
a black granitic pillar, which him hid,
which, rising o'er that shallow-laden coast,
we might as well call dark lighthouse the most...
or was it an empty pirate watchtower
Polyphemus broke in that evening hour?
The corrupt judges of both coast and range,
prodigious furnace-bellows in his chest,
breathed out into the thousand waxed, tied canes,
upon the by him crowned granite rock's crest;
the nymph this overheard; she'd rather be
a paltry, short-lived, but free-growing flower
than lustful ivy clinging to his tower.
For, if she were one, she'd with love be dead,
or, otherwise said, not alive with dread.
Though, both her arms as tendrils crystalline,
her love implores him, tied into a knot
of fear, that cannon-fires of jealousy
will shatter the young keep, sparing it not.
The caverns and shoreline, in the meantime,
that just had quivered to the rough pipe-organ,
were struck down by a thunder-like bass voice.
I'll sing the Cyclop's song, I have no choice:
"Oh lovely Galatea, softer and fairer,
than e'er carnation drenched in dawning dew;
than snow-white plumage of swans in the Mälar,
azure peacocks in pomp second to you,
as many stars in sapphire evening sky
there are as flecks of light in each your eye...
Oh, these two orbs hold the two brightest stars!
Daughter of Tethys, leave that fair-haired chorus,
settle on terra firma, far from kin;
let the tides see the sun's dusk-gold thesaurus
is reinstated in your hair, eyes, and skin!
Tread on this ash-sand, where they may adore us
as I adore each step of your white feet
upon each iridescent oyster shell,
on which your lovely contact, I can tell,
makes them pearl-pregnant without the least grain
of ash or sand that within them has lain.
Deaf oceanid, whose ears to my pleas
are as deaf as these rocks are to the gale,

His dreadful voice, though not his inward pain,