jueves, 17 de octubre de 2024

Un amor imposible

 "Cuenta la leyenda que, en tiempos lejanos, cuando el sol era de cera y la luna, de cristal dos jóvenes enamorados habitaban dos reinos enemistados generaciones atrás. Sus deshonestos padres no aprobaban que sus hijos se amasen. 

Habían compartido juegos de niños y, ahora que sus cuerpos florecían, habían quedado relegados en sus castillos bajo llave sin poder verse. Tan solo una bella gata blanca como la nieve usurpaba los dos reinos burlando la vigilancia. 

Cierto día, la dulce Carina, tuvo una idea: escribió sobre el lomo de la gata blanca un mensaje de amor para el joven Amadeus; quien respondió rápidamente trazando con bella caligrafía sobre la misma gata, otro mensaje. Poco a poco acumuló tantas líneas de tinta en su cuerpo que se convirtió en una imponente gata negra cargada de mensajes de amor y de paz. 

El día que su vientre se hinchó sin remedio, dio a luz a seis preciosos gatitos negros como la noche. Seis cachorros fruto del amor, de la paz y del valor. 

Desafortunadamente, alguien se encargó de que esta historia no saliese a la luz y, como consecuencia, hoy los gatos negros no gozan de la fama que les merece. El ser humano se encarga en ocasiones de embrutecer los más tiernos recuerdos de la naturaleza. Pero debes saber que todo gato negro lleva inscrita en su piel una antigua leyenda cargada de tinta y de esperanza. Mensajeros de lo imposible."

miércoles, 9 de octubre de 2024

Swedish, Spanish, time perception

 Swedish and Spanish

A study claimed that language can influence how one estimates time. The study considered three groups: those who spoke only Swedish, those who spoke only Spanish and bilingual speakers who spoke both of those languages. Swedish speakers describe time using distance terms like "long" or "short" while Spanish speakers do it using quantity related terms like "much" or "little". The researchers asked the participants to estimate how much time had passed while watching a line growing across a screen, or a container being filled, or both. The researchers stated that "When reproducing duration, Swedish speakers were misled by stimulus length, and Spanish speakers were misled by stimulus size/quantity." When the bilinguals were prompted with the word duración (the Spanish word for duration) they based their time estimates of how full the containers were, ignoring the growing lines. When prompted with the word tid (the Swedish word for duration), they estimated the time elapsed solely by the distance the lines had traveled

lunes, 7 de octubre de 2024


 Aquarela, Toquinho VS Acuarela, Seguridad Social

Aquarela, Toquinho

Numa folha qualquer
Eu desenho um Sol amarelo
E, com cinco ou seis retas
É fácil fazer um castelo

Corro o lápis em torno da mão
E me dou uma luva
E, se faço chover, com dois riscos
Tenho um guarda-chuva

Se um pinguinho de tinta
Cai num pedacinho azul do papel
Num instante, imagino
Uma linda gaivota a voar no céu

Vai voando, contornando
A imensa curva norte-sul
Vou com ela viajando
Havaí, Pequim ou Istambul

Pinto um barco à vela
Branco navegando
É tanto céu e mar
Num beijo azul

Entre as nuvens vem surgindo
Um lindo avião rosa e grená
Tudo em volta colorindo
Com suas luzes a piscar

Basta imaginar, e ele está partindo
Sereno e lindo
E, se a gente quiser
Ele vai pousar

Numa folha qualquer
Eu desenho um navio de partida
Com alguns bons amigos
Bebendo, de bem com a vida

De uma América a outra
Eu consigo passar num segundo
Giro um simples compasso
E, num círculo, eu faço o mundo

Um menino caminha
E caminhando chega no muro
E ali logo em frente
A esperar pela gente, o futuro está

E o futuro é uma astronave
Que tentamos pilotar
Não tem tempo, nem piedade
Nem tem hora de chegar

Sem pedir licença
Muda nossa vida
E depois, convida
A rir ou chorar

Nessa estrada, não nos cabe
Conhecer ou ver o que virá
O fim dela, ninguém sabe
Bem ao certo onde vai dar

Vamos todos
Numa linda passarela
De uma aquarela que, um dia, enfim

Numa folha qualquer
Eu desenho um Sol amarelo (que descolorirá)
E, com cinco ou seis retas
É fácil fazer um castelo (que descolorirá)

Giro um simples compasso
E, num círculo, eu faço o mundo (que descolorirá)

Acuarela, Seguridad Social 

En los mapas del cielo
El Sol siempre es amarillo
Y la lluvia y las nubes
No pueden velar tanto brillo

Ni los árboles nunca
Podrán ocultar el camino
De su luz hacia el bosque profundo
De nuestro destino

Esa hierba tan verde
Se ve como un manto lejano
Que no puede escapar
Que se puede alcanzar con solo volar

Siete mares he surcado
Siete mares color azul
Yo soy nave, voy navegando
Y mi vela eres tú

Bajo el agua
Veo peces de colores
Van donde quieren
No los mandas tú

Por el cielo va cruzando
Por el cielo color azul
Un avión que vuela alto
Diez mil metros de altitud

Desde tierra lo saludan con la mano
Se va alejando
No sé dónde va
No sé dónde va

Sobre un tramo de vía
Cruzando un paisaje de ensueño
En un tren que me lleva de nuevo
A ser muy pequeño

De una América a otra
Tan solo es cuestión de un segundo
Basta con desearlo
Y podrás recorrer todo el mundo

Un muchacho que trepa
Que trepa a lo alto de un muro
Si se siente seguro
Verá su futuro con claridad

Y el futuro es una nave
Que por el tiempo volará
A Saturno, después de Marte
Nadie sabe dónde llegará

Si le ves venir, si te trae amores
No te los roben sin apurar
Aprovecha los mejores
Que después no volverán

La esperanza jamás se pierde
Los malos tiempos pasarán
Piensa que el futuro es una acuarela
Y tu vida un lienzo que colorear (que colorear)

En los mapas del cielo
El Sol siempre es amarillo
Tú lo pintarás
Y la lluvia y las nubes
No pueden velar tanto brillo
Tú lo pintarás
Basta con desearlo y podrás
Recorrer todo el mundo
Tú lo pintarás
Tú lo lograrás


 «Trenzaré mi tristeza»

Decía mi abuela que cuando una mujer se sintiera triste lo mejor que podía hacer era trenzarse el cabello, de esta manera el dolor quedaría atrapado entre los cabellos y no podría llegar hasta el resto del cuerpo; había que tener cuidado de que la tristeza no se metiera en los ojos pues los haría llover, tampoco era bueno dejarla entrar en nuestros labios pues los obligaría a decir cosas que no eran ciertas. Que no se meta entre tus manos- me decía- porque puedes tostar de más el café o dejar cruda la masa. Y es que a la tristeza le gusta el sabor amargo. 

Cuando te sientas triste, niña, trénzate el cabello; atrapa el dolor en la madeja y déjalo escapar cuando el viento del norte pegue con fuerza.

Nuestro cabello es una red capaz de atraparlo todo, es fuerte como las raíces del ahuehuete y suave como la espuma del atole. Que no te agarre desprevenida la melancolía mi niña, aun si tienes el corazón roto o los huesos fríos por alguna ausencia. No la dejes meterse en ti con tu cabello suelto, porque fluirá en cascada por los canales que la luna ha trazado entre tu cuerpo. 

Trenza tu tristeza, decía, siempre trenza tu tristeza.

Y mañana que despiertes con el canto del gorrión, la encontrarás pálida y desvanecida entre el telar de tu cabello.

miércoles, 2 de octubre de 2024

TSQ-IV: Sonia Leong, Telling Tales (Sweatdrop Studios)

 Found in the manga anthology Telling Tales, by Sweatdrop Studios.

The author, Sonia Leong, has also done a Japanese Romeo and Juliet for Manga Shakespeare (westernized Montagues and traditionally Japanese Capulets).
This version's Princess is the usual Brainy Brunette with pince-nez glasses, Smart People Wear Glasses (reminiscent of Miss Clara's Damoiselle, here), inspired by Sonia Leong herself.

Miss Clara's illustration of the damsel (la Damoiselle) in Marie Diaz's retelling.
The author made her a daughter of the landed gentry because she dislikes the baroque / rococo style.
She appears poised and mature, learned on account of the books, globe, and pince-nez spectacles,
and dark-haired to appear mature as well. A truly beautiful figurine in an equally beautiful diorama.

The Prince is equally good-looking, with bobbed (cut to the jawline) dirty blond hair.
When the characters and subplot are introduced in narration, this is told in silhouettes, à la Utena.
The mention in the Seventh Story that they are going through foreign lands on honeymoon is suppressed.


Our princess is uncommonly clever. She has been looking for a man who could stand up to her intellect.
Many men flocked to the palace, but when they stood before her, all words flew out of their heads.
One day, a young man with neither horse nor carriage strode into the throne room. 
His eyes sparkled ..., and his hair was long and handsome, but his clothes were poor.
He spoke well, not wishing to court the princess, but to exchange wisdom.
This she liked, and she liked him.
GERDA: Please take me there!
HUGIN: I know of a secret passage. You can sneak in at night.

lorem ipsum

PRINCESS: Hmm, what's going on?

ROBBERS: What have we here?
ROBBERS: How plump and tender she looks!
TUULIKKI: NO! She shall play...
TUULIKKI: ...with ME!
TUULIKKI: I'll ride in the carriage.

TUULIKKI: ...with ME!
TUULIKKI: I'll ride in the carriage.
TUULIKKI: They shan't kill you unless I get angry with you.
TUULIKKI: I think you must be a princess.
GERDA: No, I'm not...
TUULIKKI: Even if I get angry with you, they shan't kill you.
TUULIKKI: I will do it myself.


 In my OCs story of the Pokémon universe, Henry Kidd Jr. had another partner in Team Rocket before Sundance Tawhare. Her name was Wilma "Billie" Hammer and she was from Motostoke... her parents were groupies for Amöongüss Cült, so she grew up with Keith Storm, the lead singer, his Obstagoon, and the rest of the metal band  as honourary uncles. Billie was an Eight in the Enneagram, a green-haired (with magenta highlights) girl and a no-nonsense person. She and Kidd caught on like a house on fire, and Kidd, though he prefers classical music to metal, always got free VIP passes to Amöongüss Cült concerts. Billie had a pet Nickit called Nick and she usually wore a pentacle around her neck. For a while it seemed even that Billie and Kidd were about to become fiancés, even though they got one another cross now and again. Moreover, Billie often talked about defecting and following her own heart...

However, Billie got inside a burning warehouse on the outskirts of her hometown of Motostoke to save some Pokémon from the fire and perished due to the third-degree burns on her skin. Kidd was devastated. Nick died a few weeks later, starving himself on his owner's grave, and Amöongüss Cült went on a two-year hiatus mourning the girl who often danced on their stage. For the four years that ensued, Kidd went solo even though Team Rocket policy mandates that every agent have a partner. Then, one afternoon in downtown Wyndon, he came across a certain dark-skinned red-headed six-foot-tall Crown Tundran girl in search of opportunity... Kidd had the sense to talk to Sundance about Billie when they both defected from Team Rocket, and now, even though the two of them are only friends, the knowledge of the trauma makes both of them admire such a shero.