viernes, 29 de noviembre de 2013


This afternoon, I will host a tea party for four at my mother's place!
Remember those Susaeta Concha Matamoros books (about chickadees, telling the time...)?
I found them at my mother's place, in my childhood bedroom, in the bookcase I once used as a child!
 So I hadn't thrown them away!
The only one I miss is the one with the kitten, of which I only have a scrap I use as a bookmark and the French cover as a digital image...
I just put the books away in my childhood home, where my insecure teenage self thought they fit in best... but soon they'll be in my current bookcase, where Othello and Alice Liddell have tea with the Clever Princess and her consort (from the Fourth Story of "The Snow Queen"), Wallenstein, the young lieutenant from the Spanish story "The Cowardly Horse" by Felipe Benítez Reyes, the twelve Dancing Princesses, and Kanga, among many others.
Tere and Carlos with all their chickadees, Bambi and Thumper, and a couple of rambunctious puppies will soon be invited to such cozy and lovely celebrations!

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