martes, 21 de octubre de 2014


In the nineteenth century, Joseph Jacobs published "The Master-Maid", a Celtic "three nights tale" he deemed the prototypical one:

Meanwhile Edgar and the Master-Maid had ridden on fast and furious till they came near where the palace of the King, Edgar's father, could be seen in the far distance. And Edgar said:
"Let me go on first and tell my father and
 mother all that you have done for me, and they will welcome you as their daughter."
The Master-Maid shook her head sadly and said:
"Do as you will, but beware lest any one kiss you before you see me again."
"I want no kisses from any one but you," said Prince Edgar, and leaving her in a hut by the roadside he went on to greet the King and Queen.
When he got to the palace gate everybody was astonished to see him, because they had presumed he was long since dead. And when they took him to the Queen, his mother, she rushed to him and kissed him before he could say nay.
No sooner had his mother kissed him than all memory of the Master-Maid disappeared from his mind.
Soon afterwards the King and the Queen arranged for the marriage of Prince Edgar with a great Princess from a neighbouring country. And she was brought home with great pomp and ceremony to the King's palace. And one day after her marriage, when she was out, she passed by the hut in which the Master-Maid was dwelling.
Now the Master-Maid had put on that day a beautiful dress of rich silk, and when the Prince's wife saw it she went to the Master-Maid and said:
"I should like that dress. Will you not sell it to me?"
"Yes," said the Master-Maid, "but at a price you are not likely to give."
"What do you want for it?" said the Princess.
"I want to spend one night in the room of your bridegroom, Prince Edgar."
At first the Princess would not think of such a thing; but after thinking the matter over she thought of a plan, and said:
"Well, you shall have your wish," and took away with her the silken dress.
But at night, when the Master-Maid came to the palace and claimed her promise, the Princess put a sleep-giving drug in Edgar's cup.
When the Master-Maid came into Edgar's room she bent over his bed and cried:
"I cleaned the byre for thee,I swung the axe for thee,And now thou'lt not speak to me."
But still Edgar slept on, and in the morning the Master-Maid had to leave without speaking to him.
Next day, when the Princess went out to see what the Master-Maid had been doing, she found her dressed in a rich silver dress, and said to her:
"Will you sell that dress to me?"
And the Master-Maid said, "Yes, at a price."
Then the Princess said, "What price?"
"One night in Edgar's room," replied the Master-Maid.
The Princess knew what had happened the night before, so she agreed to let the Master-Maid pass still another night with her bridegroom. But all happened as before; and when the Master-Maid came into the room she bent over Edgar, lying upon the bed, and called out:
"I gave my bones for thee,I shared the apples for thee,And yet thou'lt not speak to me";
and had to leave him as before, without his waking up.
But this time Prince Edgar had heard something of what she said in his sleep. And when he woke up he asked his chamberlain what had happened during the night. And he told the Prince that for two nights running a maiden had been in his room and sung to him, but he had not answered.
Next day the Princess sought out the Master-Maid as before. And this time she was dressed in a dress of shining gold; and for that the Princess agreed to let her spend one more night in the Prince's room.
But this time the Prince, guessing what had happened, threw away the wine-cup, in which the Princess had placed the sleeping draught, and lay
 awake on his bed when the Master-Maid came in. She bent over him and cried:
"I grew the forest for thee,I made the glass mount for thee,For thee a stream flowed from my magic flask,And yet thou'lt not wake and speak to me."
But this time Prince Edgar rose up in bed and recognized the Master-Maid, and called in his father and his mother and told them all that had happened, which had now come back to him.
So the Princess was sent back to her home, and Edgar married the Master-Maid and lived happy ever afterwards.
Later on, Jacobs comments on the story:
This is one of the oldest and widest spread tales of the world, and the resultant formula was, therefore, more than usually difficult to reconstruct. The essence of the tale consists in False Bride—Sale of Bed—Happy Marriage.
In his article on "Beauty and Beast" type tales:
 These folktales, in almost every case, had a series of adventures not found there, including the incidents, False Bride, and Sale of Bed. Now these incidents really belong to another formula, that of the Master-Maid, in which the heroine loses her beloved through an Oblivion Kiss and has to win him again from his False Bride by purchasing the right of spending three nights with him. These incidents come in logically in the Master-Maid formula but are dragged in without real relevance into Cupid and Psyche; yet they occur as early as Basile where there is a dim reminiscence of the Oblivion Kiss. In reconstructing the formula I have therefore omitted these incidents, reserving them for their proper place (see Master-Maid).
The Aarne-Thompson motif corresponding to this story type is D1978.4.

2 comentarios:

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