domingo, 4 de enero de 2015


Macrocephaly (from the Greek word for "large-headedness") is, in the military, when an army has got many more officers than privates.
This condition affected, for instance, the Spanish Army of the Belle Époque (turn of the 19th-20th century).

The following excerpt from the chivalric romance Generides does not only describe the conditions which precede military macrocephaly, but also an event not strangely similar to the Red Wedding in Westeros (which takes cues from the Black Dinner, the Toledo Night, the Massacre of Stockholm, and the fate of the last Romanovs among other historical events):

The soldiers had been 
won by promises to be made all officers and to 
have their pay doubled ; and the nobles had all 
been secured, for they had been locked up in a 
castle, and Ameloc had cut off the heads of such 
as would not take the oath of allegiance to 

To be made all officers? Does this Ameloc guy know which consequences this might have on a real-life army?

The nobles locked up in a castle? And the ones who would not pledge allegiance to the usurper had their heads cut off? This just screams of RED WEDDING.

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