miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2015


... that Gaston, the huntsman who stalked Belle, shot Bambi's mother dead? (At least, her head hangs on his trophy wall)?
...that Jaime Lannister is the birth father of Joffrey and his younger siblings?
...that (speaking of Lannisters) Tyrion, the Imp, may be a bastard of Aerys II Targaryen?
...that Joffrey, and Jack Gleeson, physically resemble Caligula?
...that the quack of a duck does not echo, for some unknown reason?
...that there is another badass general I have learned to know, and it's Frenchman at the service of Austria Count de Rabutin?
...that real-life Vikings had NO horns on their helmets, and rather instead used cow horns as drinking cups?
...that Pluto is now officially a DWARF planet?
...how to change the time when the season changes? Spring forwards, fall backwards!
...that a vomitorium was actually the door to an amphitheatre?
...that frogs sometimes mate in threesomes (two males to a female)?
...that (speaking of frogs), you can't slowly boil a frog to death if it hasn't been lobotomized in advance?
...that there once was a female Pope, by the name of Joan, in the Middle Ages?
...that (speaking of Popes), five or ten Popes have abdicated before Benedict XVI?

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