miércoles, 18 de octubre de 2023


 #thaasophobia #torturablanca

In China and Iran and Venezuela (and in the olden times in East Germany) there is something called White Torture. The victim, wearing a white pyjamas, is left in a soundproof cell without any windows but with a white ceiling, white floor, four white walls, and a white futon with white bedclothes and a white chamber pot as the only furniture. They are fed thrice a day water in a white mug and white rice in a white bowl with a white spoon. There is nothing to do: no work, no crafts, no distractions. The victim is left alone, on their own; the guards enter in silence and wearing padded shoes as part of the uniform thrice a day to feed the victim. In the end they go crazy within a seven-day week. Most inmates draw or write on the walls in their own blood and faeces to stave boredom away!

Someone who is a Seven on the #Enneagram #enneatype7 #enneatypeseven and hyperactive like me would draw (with) blood on the fourth day already and would draw Freddie Mercury in drag vacuuming and singing "I Want to Break Free!"

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