domingo, 16 de abril de 2023

TV Tropes on Salmacis and Hermaphroditus

 TV Tropes page on The Metamorphoses, pages on Hermaphroditus and Salmacis

Main Page

Bishōnen: Half the male cast really, the most well known being: Narcissus, Hermaphroditus, Hyacinth, Ganymede and Adonis, ...

Nightmare Fuel / The Metamorphoses

  • Ovid's take on Hermaphroditus' origins—originally, Hermaphroditus was a young boy, born to Hermes and Aphrodite (hence his name), but one day, a nymph fell in uncontrollable lust with him. Hermaphroditus wanted nothing to do with her, but she refused to take no for an answer. Eventually, she called out for the gods to let them be together forever. What did the gods do? Well, they decided to answer the merging them together into a single entity. So now, poor Hermaphroditus is forced to share a body with his attempted rapist...forever. Did we mention Hermaphroditus was underage when this was happening?

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